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"It's fine." Trinity smiled forcefully and shook her injured leg. "It will heal on it's own. I'll be fine." she nodded at Cole and looked at the dragon. "Wow. We are going to be fighting that?" she looked at the diagram it held. "That looks...terrifying." Trinity wasn't really that scared yet, but it gave her the idea that Dos had a challenge ahead of them. "Are you ready to go into battle and kill these things?" she asked. "I mean, they are God's creatures after all and we are being sent to kill them."

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Cole looked at the diagram, and got his first real look. "That.. thing is not a creature.. Let alone one of God's. That thing attacked God's people, his love, and his home, and for that will receive proper divine retribution." Cole looked at Trinity. "I am more worried about you and Solas. Y'all are both injured, and I can't carry both of you. How would we fight?"

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Trinity chuckled. "For Solas, sheer will power alone, I believe. For me... The need for blood at the moment. Did I mention I am a vampire?" she grinned. "However, I still believe in God so it's okay. I think..." she smiled and looked over at Solas again. "He is probably getting bored or ready to fight." Trinity smiled. "He is amazing in battle. He killed someone who attacked me in seconds. He can handle himself. I think it would only hurt him more if you carried him anyway. I would probably end up carrying him." she chuckled and imagined herself with Solas slung over her back. "It would look quite comical, don't you think?"

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Solas sighed. He did not want to be sitting her by himself, and being the person he was, he could stand more burns before they started. He rose to his feet, then walked slowly over to where Trinity and the Angel were. As he walked, it was obvious to see that burns were starting to appear all over his dark grey skin, even on his face. "Hey..guys." Solas said, smiling faintly, then winced.

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Cole grinned. "Yes it would, But my point is I can't touch him, and if he is in as much pain as it may look he will need to be carried. Same for your wound. Should we just wait? No you did not tel me you where a vampire, but I deduced something along those lines." He did not answer what she said about her still believing in God, because at that moment, his mind was lost while thinking about the upcoming battles and so forth. Cole heard an other voice, and was surprised by what he saw. "Uh, Solas, what are, I mean.. your burns.. Is because of me.." Cole watched sadly, as more wounds opened on Solas and he wasn't able to do anything.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Solas winced again, as this time his old burn wounds opened up again, leaking blood. "Nay, Angel. It is not your fault that this happens to me. It is not just you though that is causing me pain. Your sword seems to be blessed, and is almost as holy as a Reaper's sword. It has an aura of it's own, and right now, I am within that aura. And so, I am burned. I can withstand the pain though for now. From the looks of that creature we saw, there is going to be a whole lot of pain in the future." Solas managed a weak smile, but there was pain reflected in his eyes. It hurt to be burned.

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The dragon anthro's brow furrowed in concern. "Solas, please refrain from harming yourself," he almost ordered. He gestured to the chair the fallen angel had recently vacated. Then he held up the illustration. "This is a Crawler. This is what you will all be facing," the dragon told them. "They are five feet long, from their muzzle to the tips of their tail. They are only about three feet high, at the most. They have an extremely toxic bite, so don't let them too close." Fraener paused, glancing around to see if they understood. "They move forward very quickly, but can't turn at a high speed. It has a sort of... tunnel vision, so it can only see well in front of it." His mouth curved into a small smile. "Step lightly, it has amazing hearing. The best thing to do is jump on it's back, as it's spine can be broken easily." He glanced at them all again, eyes warming. "Any questions?"

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Solas sighed and backed away from Trinity and the Angel, sitting back in the chair he had just vacated. The dragon anthro was right. He couldn't risk hurting the team by hurting himself, not at this crucial time. As the dragon explained what the Crawlers were, Solas shuddered. That sounded disgusting. When the dragon asked for questions, Solas did have one "What kind of toxins are in the Crawler's bite, and is there an antidote for it?"

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His brown eyes landed on the fallen angel, who, thankfully, had sat down a safe distance from the angel. "Kind of toxins?" He repeated, mostly to himself. "Well, we've studied one of them rather extensively and we've assumed they get it from eating dead and rotting things. A matter of bacteria and other sciencey things." He dismissed it with a wave of his hand and smiled at Solas. "Does that help?"

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"Yes, it does. " said Solas, taking a notebook and pencil out of his robes and starting to sketch the creature and take notes. Who knows, they might be useful in the future while battling the creature. "Is there an antidote to the poison though?" he inquired, curious. Toxins that were made out of organic matieral digested from living organisms...well, that was no suprise considering what the creature was.

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((Antibacterial medication... Uhh... o_o))


The dragon watched with interest as the fallen wrote into a notebook. He smiled, happy that at least one person would be able to readily recall the details. At the question about antidote he shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, but the best you can do is wash the wound out and keep it clean," Fraener told him kindly. "Anything else you'd like to know?" He directed his question to the entire Team.

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Trinity waved at Cole and went to go stand near Solas, then looked over his shoulder. "Solas? Are you okay, you got burned pretty bad." She wanted to touch his wounds but she couldn't bear the idea of causing him even more pain. However, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and hugged him. "Please don't hurt yourself on purpose, Solas. Please?" Trinity pleaded, unashamed that she was almost begging him not to. "I don't want you hurt Solas because I..." she cut off and looked away "I think you're a good friend." She finished and looked back into his eyes.

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Cole had zoned out when Solas said something about his sword being holy. He never really though of it as blessed, but merely a gift. He sighed, wondering if this is what being an Arch Angel feels like. He has always heard that they are the commanders of the military of God, but now that he is one, will he be able to put his caring self behind in fight? He continued to wonder this until he heard Solas's voice, and focused on where he was again. By this time, Trinity had already moved, and the explanation was already done. Cole sighed again, decided that he would ask one of his teammates.

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((LOVE is in the air right here. <3)



Trinity waved at Cole and went to go stand near Solas, then looked over his shoulder. "Solas? Are you okay, you got burned pretty bad." Solas was about to reply, but however, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and hugged him. "Please don't hurt yourself on purpose, Solas. Please?" Trinity pleaded, a desperate look in her eyes. "I don't want you hurt Solas because I..." she cut off and looked away "I think you're a good friend." She finished and looked back into his eyes. Solas was stunned. Patting her arm lightly, he said back at Trinity "Don't worry Trinity, I won't do it again. It seems that us three are Team Dos. Those Crawlers don't stand a chance." Wincing, he gave her a weak smile.

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Trinity smiled back and looked up at the dragon. "No...They don't stand a chance..." her voice was somehow sorrowful and showed pity for the Crawlers. She liked the look of them, they were quite beautiful in her view, since she was interested in arachnids and in particular, scorpions. She smiled a little and looked at Solas. "Maybe you should get your burns checked out first. They were bleeding earlier and you should at least go bathe in the river to try to at least prevent infection."

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((Sorry guys, I haven't even turned on my computer in days.))


Shiro's expression turned to complete boredom as the angry girl lifted him by his shirt to spit her retort. When thrown he didn't even try to land on his feet, instead he allowed himself to roll over as he hit the ground and stable himself after. Easily standing he grinned at her, happy that the reaction was satisfying,

"I'm sorry, your highness, I was merely stating that making a plan yourself and letting others charge in with a seperate plan is NOT teamwork. This is a team, plans should be discussed as a whole. All of Uno should be able to agree on being bait while the long range fighters hide in the trees. I don't disaggree with you, I just found it offensive." He dusted his shirt off and unruffled his collar, sighing he looked back up at high and mighty,

"Your right," it seemed to take a lot of effort for him to admit this out loud,"you and the reaper are probably very good at long range. I think the fawn would be of use from the bushes as well seeing as they're probably no use at close range, but not having seen the rest of us fight how could you seriously and accurately judge whether you are in fact the best long range fighters?"

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((sorry I haven't posted in awhile, i was on vacation!))


Eve walked throught the Post Office and into the confrence room. She saw the meeting talking place, an she stopped at the door. "Hello, my name is Eve. I'm sorry I'm late, I got a little, well,lost." She sat down in a large wooden chair next to a vampire.

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((Yay, EvilT finally posted~! *huggles*))


Kira glared at Shiro as the other replied, luckily the other actually replied calmly instead of yelling. That at least kept Kira from wanted to shoot Shiro's head off. Though, she didn't really care if Shiro found what she said offensive, plus technically she was speaking to the whole group to form a plan. Shiro just happened to come out as she was speaking. Either way she didn't care.

When Shiro said she was right, her glare lessened, still keeping her cold impassive look, as she waited for Shiro to stop talking.

"I know we are because, one, I specialize in long range fighting, and two, I've seen what Signum can do and the two of us are pretty evenly matched. Besides, you two seem quick enough to be the bait," Kira replied, before glancing over the rest of the group.

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The dragon smiled, then started to pack away his things. "I wish you all good luck on your mission," he told them, looking up. "You can leave, now. Each of the packs have a map with a marking where the creature was last seen." He looked down and rolled up the illustration carefully before putting it in a wooden case.

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Trinity grinned. "Finally we will be able to do what we are made to do," she said, jumping up and grinning at Solas. She quickly made her way to the dragon and curtseyed respectfully. "Thank you!" she smiled and grabbed one of the packs then headed back to Solas. "We're gonna go kick some butt! Right...?" she laughed and could hardly conceal her excitement, although it was just the excitement of hunting. Not of actually killing the beast. She was still feeling reluctant to kill it since the diagram of it had really sparked her interest in the crawler. "Okay. Come on. Let's go!!!!!" she grinned and looked across at Cole. "YOU READY TO GO KICK SOME CRAWLER BUTT TOO?" Trinity laughed harder.

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Solas could see what Trinity had been thinking when she had 'sparked' her interest in the Crawler monsters. Making sure that he was at the right distance away from the Angel, he reached over and grabbed one of the packs as well, slinging it onto his back. Teasingly he replied "Yes, Trinity, we will kick their alot.png back to where they came from. Just don't keep one as a pet. I'll never be able to sleep with that thing near me."

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"Is Solas scared?" Trinity grinned and laughed then looked across at Cole and decided to hitch a ride with Solas. She jumped on his back and smiled, "How about...you carry me there...and then you carry me back..." she rested her head on his shoulder and looked at the sunlight. "Awwwwwwwwwwww," Trinity whined a little. "I left my hooded cloak by the river and the suns up so I'm gonna be weak when I fight."

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Solas remembered the cloak, and though of what had happened to it. "Uh, Trinity, that cloak is floating in the river somewhere. Here, you can have mine." he wrote on his already worn out piece of paper and handed to to her. She needed her strength for battling the Crawlers, so Solas took off his own cloak and handed is to her. Underneath his cloak were robes, and he took those off as well, revealing his real clothes under neath. Surprisingly, he was slightly muscular, and had some spikes running down his spine that had been hidden by the robes and cloak. Solas was wearing regular long pants, a shirt, and no shoes, his dark grey skin impervious to the sun.

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Trinity was amazed. "Wow. You look... Wow." She slipped on the cloak and smiled. It was so long that it completely covered her and she laughed. "How do I look?" she asked, smiling. She slipped her arms around Solas and gave him a hug. "Thankyou. Burning because of the sun is not really such a great sensation." Trinity smiled and moved away from him, then got back onto his back, putting his pack on her own back. "Forward Fallen Angel! Forward!"

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Solas nodded at her, cursing the fact that he was mute. If he wasn't, he wondered what his voice would sound like. He smiled when she gave him the hug, but grunted a little when she jumped on his back and shouted "Forward Fallen Angel! Forward!" he hoped she wouldn't impale herself on the spikes running down his spine. And Trinity needed blood, but his blood would kill her if she drank it, being extremely toxic.

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