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Her eyebrows quirked at the vampire, then she frowned. "I ain't gonna just stand there looking yummy," Sooty growled to Kira. "We're a Team and we're meant to work together on this thing." Her golden eyes flicked away to scan the city. It was early morning, so there weren't many people around. She saw one person, who seemed to be heading toward the Post Office. The shifter glanced back at that; the building was made of a strong, grey wood and fortified with stone. The sign was made of a red wood with gold paint writing that shimmered in sunlight. Not that Lindon was a sunny place; it rained a lot.


((What you need to know, Lex, is in my post. ;]))

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Eve saw the weathered-gray look of the Post Office, and walked quickly towards the building. She looked up at the sign, the golden paint sparkling in the faint morning light. "I guess this is it," Eve mumbled to herself. A cold wind blew over her, and her golden hair whipped around in her face. Eve sighed, and stepped into the Post Office.

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((Awwwwww, Kuro could've done something awesome, oh well.))


Kuro was startled as the light amplified his fire, sending it almost out of control... Almost. Did that reaper really think Kuro hadn't practiced with interferances before? The flame grew but it gave Kuro the chance to measure how much light was mixed in with it, and he decided it was probably the same ammount as the flame. Once he'd worked this out he cupped the flame over the light to keep the element he couldn't control under control. Just as he was about to show that he was tougher and smarter than he looked to the stuck-up reaper the other one broke up the two elements into boxes and crushed them away. Kuro pouted but as he realised that the team was heading out he stood and followed.



Shiro nodded at Sooty's comment and followed his brother and the shifter outside the postoffice. He overheard the vampire he didn't know talking about using him as bait... That was not on. Before he could scream at his teammate Sooty did, only in a much more PG rated fashion.

"Maybe YOU should be the bait, only weaklings choose to put their team members in danger while they strike from far off. Not even my brother would be such a coward." Kuro didn't seem to like that comment but Shiro didn't care. He knew about being selfish first hand, but he also knew that this was a team and all plans were to be agreed upon as a team.

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"You never know," Kira replied to Signum with a shrug of her shoulders, glancing at Archon when he spoke after Signum. Her attention was then on the shifter, named Sooty she believed, when she spoke. She was about to respond but then the annoying brat that was with them then insulted her. She shot him a death glare, her temper getting the best of her, and she was suddenly in front of him, gripping the front of his shirt. It seemed with hardly any effort she lifted him off the ground with one arm, glaring him down. When she spoke, her voice was low and dangerous.

"Before you begin to spout words that would get you killed, perhaps you should consider the fact that at least it's a plan. I don't see your little mind coming up with any ideas on how to bring the monster down. And I say you're the bait because I don't think your long range attacks are as good as mine and Signum's. Now, the next word I hear out of you better be the start of a plan on defeating the monster or I will shut you up."

With that said and done, she dropped him ungraciously, giving him a slight toss to knock him off balance so he would have a harder time landing on his feet. She didn't turn her back to him, knowing the little brat would probably attack.


((lol, oh, Kira, you're so mean.))

Edited by Kira1

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Solas looked up from where he had been sitting at the base of the tree, waiting for Team Uno to get briefed and leave. He wanted those Reapers as far away as possible, as they would probably would not be happy to see him as well. Fallen Angels and Reapers did not mix, and never would for that matter. Solas sighed, looking over at the river nearby at his reflection. His horn was crusted with black flakes of the vampire's blood from when he had stabbed the person who had hurt Trinity. Also, his hands were covered in scabs from where the holiness of the Reapers had scorched his flesh. Well, he could do something about the horn. Solas cupped water in his hands and washed it, scrubbing the flakes off so that it was finally clean. Then he bandaged his hands to cover the scabs while they healed. He stood up, then cautiously proceeded towards the post office. Was it alright for him to enter? Had the first team already departed?

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Cole remained silent through the dragons speech. He respected the dragon, and found that any sort of interruption would be disrespectful. When the dragon called the first team into the conference room, Cole almost stood. Luckily he was able to remember that he was on team Dos. With a slight embarrassment, he merely shifted in his seat to make it seem like he moved on purpose. Cole wished that Uno would hurry up. He wanted to be doing two things, training or killing cave monsters.


As Uno finally left, he watched the group carefully. He may not be in their group, but if for what ever reason the two teams needed to work together, Cole wanted to at least have minimum knowledge on the first group. As a man appeared he was struck with the holy power the man held. Cole inclined his head slightly to the Reaper, surprised that such a strong fighter would be here.

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The dragon waited until all of Team Uno had left the building. Then he walked to the front door and pulled it open. He smiled at the Team sitting or standing in the soft rain, then invited them in with a wave of his hand. He walked back to the conference room and pulled out the illustration of the Crawler. He glanced at it and chills went up his spine. The way they moved made him shudder, even now.

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Solas breathed a sigh of relief as all of Team Uno had left the building. It was now safe for him to enter without being burned by the Reapers. Pulling his hood down, Solas entered the post office, where the dragon was waiting with a picture of the monster they were going to face. He shook the rain out of his hair, which was still sopping wet from the light rain outside. It was warmer inside the post office, and nodding respectfully to the dragon, Solas took a seat. He wondered what horrible monster his team would be facing.

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When the dragon first came out to motion Team Dos into the conference room, Cole was to focus on Uno to notice. It wasn't until someone he wasn't expecting to ever see walked by, that he snapped back to focus and realized he was called in. The person that had caught his attention is one of, as he has been told, the few fallen angels. He watched it with a slight frown. Cole wasn't sure if he wanted to work on the same team as one who has disobeyed God.


After a while though, Cole figured that God was giving him an opportunity rather then a punishment and one of his jobs was to bring the fallen one back to God's glory. With a new smile on his face, he stood and grabbed his sword, which he then strapped horizontally to his waist. Cole made his way to the entrance of the conference room, and slipped inside. At first, he noticed the fallen again. Briefly he thought about sitting next to him, but he wasn't sure how that would effect each others health. So, he finally sat three seats down.

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As the angel walked in, Solas cursed his bad luck. Already his skin was beginning to singe as the angel considered sitting next to him, and even three seats away Solas still was within range. Luckily though angels didn't have that much of a range with the Fallen Angels, and by swiftly moving opposite the angel on the other side of the room he was able to avoid being burned.

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Cole watched the fallen and frowned slightly when he stood. Cole knew what the fallen was doing, but it hurt Cole because that meant that they won't be able to work closely together without one of them getting hurt. He sighed and turned his head to the dragon, while wondering how this team will be set up, and if he will have to be moved. As he sat there, Cole attempted to look more closely at the picture of the monster they will be fighting, and when he wasn't able to see it, he gave up. He figured that the dragon will explain and show them the picture when the dragon was ready to.

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Trinity noticed the angel and Solas were on seperate sides of the room. She sighed and walked towards Solas whilst thanking her lucky stars that it was only the holy items that burned her and not the holy beings. She looked up at the dragon who hadn't yet said anything then moved nearer to Solas. "This is going to be extremely awkward. How're you and this angel gonna do this?" she asked, looking towards Cole. "I feel kind of sorry for the poor guy, he must find this as awkward as you will." Trinity observed and wondered if she should go and ask the angel if he was okaty.

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Solas sighed deeply, frusterated. To Trinity he said "I don't know how it will work out, Trinity, but it will have to. We need all the people we can get on this Team, and I'll just stay seven feet away from the Angel. If need be, I'll risk going closer. You saw what happened to my hands when I got in range with a Reaper. Look." Solas showed her his hands, which looked extremely painful. "If I touch the Angel, I will most likely get burned nearly to death. If I get within three feet of a Reaper, I will die." he explained.

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"S.h.i.t." Trinity was shocked at how bad the burns were. She took his hands in hers and stated smoothing her fingers over gently. "Solas, will you be okay? I mean... to fight? Look at you, you're covered with burns and thats just an observation from what I can see..." she sighed and dropped his hands gently. "We need to get out of here. I need to hunt and just about every person in this room smells so delicious right now." she sighed, knowing it was her own fault that her throat was burning for blood. Trinity was realistic, therefore she knew it was her fault alone that she hadn't hunted before entering the room. She closed her eyes and lay back in her chair, relaxing a little but also smelling the scent of the others in the room.

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Solas winced as Trinity ran her fingers over the burns on his arms, even though her touch had been light. When she made the comment about everyone smelling delicious, he said "I bet I don't, since my blood is toxic." Solas had meant it as sort of a joke, but he didn't know if he had offended Trinity or not. "Anyway, if I touch that Angel, these burns will be all over my body, and about ten times worse." he shuddered just thinking about that. He had never gone close to an Angel, nor for that matter a Reaper, fearing the curse of the Fallen Angel. Solas did feel a little sorry for the Angel he was now sitting across from, but at least that guy didn't receive burns everytime he went near someone or something holy.

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Cole turned, his eyes falling on a lady that was entering the door. He felt a chill run down his back and took a deep breath. Something about the lady sent him the chills, and he didn't like it. He saw the woman's eyes flick towards him, then to the fallen. She turned toward the fallen and headed his way, and Cole sighed, understanding that he was and still is the odd one out. Cole's hand fell from the table to his sword for confidence. He wondered why he was put with this team, not the more holy team with the Reaper. Cole could hear the pair speak, but non of it was understandable. With a slight sigh, he began to wonder what kind of strategy may be needed for them to fight as a group. So far, he knew that the Fallen, and the women were friends, he also knew that the fallen couldn't get close to him, or he may die. Of course he will need to know what their powers are before he could make a useful plan.

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Trinity looked at Solas. "It's so unfair that you have to carry this burden..." she sighed and then wrapped her arms around his neck quickly. "I am gonna go see that angel guy. I feel kinda sorry for him... I will be back soon. Don't get burned..." she falshed a teasing smile at Solas and then wandered over to the angel. "Hello, I noticed you were alone and I came to see if you was okay. Are you? You seem a little sad." Trinity observed. "I am Trinity, it's a pleasure to meet you." It would be even more of a plasure to eat you... She shook her head free of the thoughts and to any bystander it would just look like she was shaking out her hair. "Whats your name, angel of the Lord?"

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Cole raised his eyes from where they had randomly rested. He barely saw the girl wrap her hands around the Fallen, and he figured that it was just his reactions working to the slight hint of movement when she did that. None the less, because he was looking, he saw her smile at the Fallen and then stand. Cole's mind began to wonder what was going to happen, and when she started to walk towards him, Cole raised an eye brow in surprise. "Not really.. sad.. More disappointed. I don't like seeing any of God's creatures in pain, no matter what they did.." Cole was of course talking about the Fallen across the room and figured the girl could deduce that. "Oh," Cole said with slight surprise, forgetting to introduce himself, "I am Cole, nice to meet you too."

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"Solas, he is a wonderful person. He saved my life. He also saved other peoples lives from me..." she glanced back at the fallen angel and smiled proudly. "So what's he like? You know...God? Does he had a long white beard? I don't know why...I always picture him with one..." Trinity smiled playfully at the angel. "I'm just kidding. Although, do me a favour...Keep the holy items away from me." Trinity pulled out the cross pendant that she had under her dress and smiled. "I used to have a friend; a priest. He sort of...did something to this cross so that it wouldn't burn me." She then revealed a cross shaped burn on her collar bone. "This was my old clans form of roture and it's what I get when I get touched by a holy item. Apart from my pendant which still seems to burn other unholy beings..." She blushed slightly. "Sorry, I'm rambling."

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"Solas.. I wish I knew what he did.. I do know how ever, God weeps for his soul, as he does for all others.. How does God look.. Well that is a good question, I have only seen God once, and the holy power that emitted from him was breath taking. He looks, indescribable. He is definitely larger than any human, actually I think his hand is the size of a human standing." He smiled back a Trinity, "I don't mind your questions.. Anything for my God.. Luckily, I am not as stone headed as some of my brothers though.. Keep Holy objects away.. Got it, well since you said that, you may want to be careful with your leg, or it may hit my sword, which is considered holy." Cole listened quietly to Trinity tell about her story with a priest, until she stopped and apologized. "No, it is fine, I never got to see this planet before, and I would like to hear stories of the time on this planet before these creatures came."

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Trinity stepped back a little to keep out of the way of the angel's holy items. "Wow. God sounds... Goddish." she smiled at the angel. "I wish I could invite you to sit back with me and Solas but... He has suffered a lot of pain in the past two days. First when he saved my life from an old clan member and then he suffered burns on his hands and his body so..." she looked across at him and frowned. "He's a good guy. I don't know what he did to upset God but I don't think Solas is capable of being bad enough to deserve that. If I met God, I would have to flick him hard for doing that to Solas."

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Cole's smile grew slightly from Trinity's comment about God. He was about to say something when she started talking about Solas. Listening carefully, Cole's smiled dwindled slightly. When she said she wanted to thump God, Cole's smile was completely gone. "I understand where you are going to.. but God doesn't do something for no reason. The Solas you know now could have been completely different when he was an angel.. It isn't unheard of, a Fallen changing as a person, and wanting to join God once again. This just might be Solas's case.."

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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"I don't think Solas wants to be back with God. He has people who love him down here on Earth. Like me and Dos and most of Uno too. Though, sometimes when I prey, I prey to God that one day Solas can be redeemed. So that he doesn't have to hurt anymore, you know?" Trinity looked up at Cole and she seemed almost full of pity for the fallen angel. "I just wish for him to be happy." Her voice was weak as she said her final sentence and she accidentally put her leg against Cole's sword. "AGH!" she drew her leg back quickly and looked at her ankle. The sword was sharp and had not only peirced the skin but scorshed the flesh around it. "Wow that is powerful holy stuff." she was used to burns a little, but it still stung. Especially since it was the sword of an extremly holy being. She growled a little. "Sorry."

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Solas looked over at the pair of them, and knew somehow they were talking about him. The Angel had a smile on his face, and Solas then immediately knew the subject of their discussion: God. Solas had met up with other Angels before, as a Fallen Angel, and all of them had a smile like the one the Angel was wearing when the subject of God came up, which it always did when one was around an Angel. Trinity seemed curious as well, but Solas didn't mind. When an Angel fell from God's eyes and became a Fallen Angel, many things happened. The Fallen Angel was then transformed to have a body of a demon-like creature, was repelled by holy objects and people by the method of purifying flame, and lastly, the Fallen Angel lost their memory. Perhaps this was a test for Solas, so despite his scary looks and his handicap, he could start afresh without memory of what he had done to fall out of God's graces. Solas knew, even as a Fallen Angel, that God only did these things for a reason, and what Solas had done in the past had been terrible, he could figure that out. He glanced over to where the dragon was, wanting this meeting to be over and done with so that they could start their journey. Solas managed to get a look at the drawing the dragon was holding, and he shuddered a little. That thing looked revolting, like something that should have never been born or brought into existance, yet it existed, somewhere far beneath the Earth. And Solas and the other Slayers were going to have to kill it, and if there were more of those things, kill them as well.

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Cole listen silently. "I don't know. He may have people on this planet that adore him. I believe that if he leads a fruitful enough life, and comes back to God in prayer, he could be redeemed, but that is all up to him. I could briefly help him, but he needs to over come the temptations himself.. And if he really is doing what you say he is, then I think he would be fi-" Cole almost jumped on his own, surprised from the sudden yell from Trinity. "Are you ok?" He looked at the ankle, and almost grimaced. "There is no reason to say sorry.. It was my fault, I should have moved my sword when you told me about Holy items. I.. I don't know what to do, I don't know any healing magic.."

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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