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Signum followed Kira through the streets until they entered the black market. She was pretty much instantly the source of a great deal of attention, for starters no one had seen her before and second the long length of pink hair was unusual. "I'll find you when we're ready Kira." she said before moving off on her own through the stalls. It took her a while to finally find a stall that sold what she wanted, several vials of dragon's blood. She paid and continued moving, interested in just what else might be for sale there.

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Kira just waved Signum off, not really caring and went to check out what was in stock. There were plenty of ammunition and guns for sale, but so far nothing caught her interest.

"Hey, don't you have anything better?" she asked the merchant, giving him a stern look.

"For you, of course," the merchant replied quickly and nervously, "did you have anything in mind?"

"Something with more power that will catch my interest," she replied.

"Uh, right..." the merchant paused as he tried to think of something that he had. After a moment of the merchant standing there as Kira glared at him, he bent down and pulled out a box hidden behind the table and set it out for Kira to see. "These are something new, but very expensive."

"Just tell me what they do," she growled.

"U-uh, these have a spell on them that affect gravity. In a ten foot radius of wherever they land, that space's gravity will increase twenty-fold for ten minutes."

"Hm..." Kira thought for a moment about the use of something like this, and then decided that it would be worth it. "Alright, give me a large pack of these and small packs of explosive bullets and the hardening slime ones."

"A-are you sure you can afford all that?"

Kira shot him a hard glare which made the merchant flinch. She then reached into the bag at her side and pulled out a sack of coins and set it on the table. It hit the table with a loud thump and one could tell it was filled to the brim, and it wasn't a tiny sack either.

"I think this will be enough," she said as the merchant opened the bag to see all the cold coins inside. Quickly he closed the sack, and quickly put away where it would be safe. He then gathered everything that Kira had asked for and handed it to her. Without saying anything, Kira took the ammo and moved on to see what the other merchants had.

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Eric hopped from roof to roof, wondering what was with these strange people. He had never encountered such strange beings before, let alone fight them. Landing gracefully on another roof, he demorphed and slid down. Swiping a gun, he emptied his tiny sack of coins. It was a good brand, and relatively new. Wolf-whistling at a feisty girl buying a spell and some ammo, he moved on.

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((I've replied to the last post I saw of yours, Dark. x3 Heh, he would be bi, then. tongue.gif


Fella; is he Adrian or Razor? ;D))


She raised a black eyebrow when he announced he was hungry, then she decided it was reasonable. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, herself. Sooty gave a slightly exasperated sigh, then grinned at him. "Calm down and he'll get back soon," Sooty told him with a smile. A frown crossed her face as Razor paled perceptibly, then back to normal. She looked back up at his face and his eyes flashed red once more. Her expression grew more concerned as she heard him announce his vampiric blood. "I suppose we can go eat at the inn?" she suggested lightly, hiding her concern behind a smile.

(So sorry, I keep getting confused... It's Razor)


Razor accepted her offer. "Sure, lets go to eat at the inn" He said while his vampiric voice still lasted a little longer. It was the scary and bloodthirsty voice, not the calm and horrific one. Then he said something else, with his normal voice; "What would ya like to eat, Sooty?". A few moments later his skin was a little paler again as his eyes was red again. He sat down and said "I have no problem waiting for him". Razor quickly seemed weird, but in the starving way of "GIMMEH FOOD YA BISHES!"

Edited by Fella

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Shiro grinned at this new, hostile person,

"Don't like me, ey? Fine, the name's Shiro," He held out his hand for the girl to shake, he now recognised her as a vampire and started to feel a little cold. He'd always had this thing about vampires, they had an excuse to drink blood and he didn't, in his mind it was all their fault. Still, if he didn't cooperate Solas might abandon him for her and he didn't want that,

"And your's my fair young lady?," He continued in a mocking, hostile voice to match hers.

Edited by EvilTeddyAlchemist

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Signum made her way through the market discretly, but with all the confidence of someone who owned the place. She knew that in truth they couldn't do much to harm her. She finished her shopping and headed off to find Kira, the sharpshooter of a vampire was flitting from stall to stall, carrying a pair of bundles. Approaching from behind she asked, "Did you find what you needed?"

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Shiro grinned at this new, hostile person,

"Don't like me, ey? Fine, the name's Shiro," He held out his hand for the girl to shake, he now recognised her as a vampire and started to feel a little cold. He'd always had this thing about vampires, they had an excuse to drink blood and he didn't, in his mind it was all their fault. Still, if he didn't cooperate Solas might abandon him for her and he didn't want that,

"And your's my fair young lady?," He continued in a mocking, hostile voice to match hers.

"Trinity. Nice to meet you." She spoke emotionlessly and took his hand, shaking it for a small fraction of a second, then withdrew away from him with her lightning reflexes. "I see you know Solas?" She spoke and then shook her head. "Stupid question." She frowned and spoke in a low voice which sounded seductive, though it was unintentional, "My apologies, Shiro. I ddn't mean to be cold to you. And friend of Solas is a friend of mine." Her lips curled into a dark smile. Trinity's skin, still cold from the water and her cold blooded nature, was pale and she wrapped her arms around herself, in what would look like an innocent gesture of trying to warm herself up. In fact, she was reaching for the daggers in the sheaths on her hips. She kept 6 daggers at all times in seperate sheaths. 2 on her waist, 2 on her wrists and 2 at her ankles. Trinity had picked up the daggers after an attack which had left a scar on her chest which was slightly visable, although faded.

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Solas saw what she was doing and held his small scythe in front of her, shaking his head. He knew about those daggers, and knew what she could do with them. He wrote "HE'S A FRIEND, TRINITY. Don't think I don't know about those daggers of yours. A person does not eat her friend's friends, right?" He turned to Shiro, smiling apolegetically. He wrote "Sorry, she's cautious, and a bit reckless."

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Trinity glared at Solas. "It's not for him." She growled and looked back into the trees, then started running at great speed until she came face to face with her old clan leader. "So you escaped. But now we found you...You can come back to us." The leader snarled. "NO!" Trinity ran at the woman with her daggers ahead of her. "I WILL NEVER COME BACK WITH YOU!" The leader leapt into the air and Trinity missed her. She turned and looked at the opposition. Before she could respond, her old leader plunged her fangs into Trinity's neck and her own lang dagger through Trin's stomach. Trinity dropped to her knees and looked up at the woman as blood trickled from the corner of her mouth then with her last energy, stuck both of her daggers at the woman. One peirced through her neck, completely, the other went through her heart. Trinity fell to the floor and lay motionless. Alive, but barely. Her breathing so shallow that it was almost impossible to see.

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Solas ran over to where Trinity was, his eyes cold and merciless. The leader was still alive and kicking, laughing over Trinity's nearly dead body. Solas kept on running. The leader ignored him, thinking him weak. It was her last mistake. Solas lowered the horn on his head and rammed it through the woman's heart, ending her life quickly. She hung, limp, her head lolling, still impaled on his horn. (See Solas's picture, he has a single horn on his forehead) With one motion of his head, Solas cruelly threw the woman's body into the river, where she floated downstream, face up, the final look of shock on her face. Solas turned to Trinity, blood dripping from his horn, concerned. He pulled bandages from his robes and quickly wrapped them around her wounds. They would at least halt the bleeding. Then he used his plant powers to grow a plant that when consumed, would halt the bleeding. He shoved it down her throat, hoping she would digest it before long enough. Then he picked her up, along with her daggers, and carried her back to where Shiro was. He placed her on the ground and wrote to Shiro "Hurry, get her in the post office. I think they can help her."

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((Wow does everyone find it fun to be close to death now?))


Shiro didn't answer her as she spoke, he wasn't sure if she meant what she said or whether it was said out of courtesy. She rapped her arms around herself in a warming gesture but somehow it seemed slightly awkward for warming. After a note passed to Trinity she burst out, yelling that it wasn't for Shiro and lunged at a woman that suddenly appeared. Daggers now in her hand an argument took place between the two vampires before both struck each other. Shiro had been pulling the water from the ground, the resistance of rock and dirt made it a slow process, he wasn't fast enough to help her. She was dying.


Solas finished off the cold, laughing woman with an impaling blow from his horn. Tossing the body into the river and then writing a note to Shiro that practically read his mind. He didn't need to be told twice, she was obviously important to Solas, he would help no matter what. He lifted the body with ease and started towards the post office.

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((WonderBubbles, I quoted your last post as Sooty in my last post as Razor so you would know what he is replying to, if you didn't see it; heres the quote:


She raised a black eyebrow when he announced he was hungry, then she decided it was reasonable. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, herself. Sooty gave a slightly exasperated sigh, then grinned at him. "Calm down and he'll get back soon," Sooty told him with a smile. A frown crossed her face as Razor paled perceptibly, then back to normal. She looked back up at his face and his eyes flashed red once more. Her expression grew more concerned as she heard him announce his vampiric blood. "I suppose we can go eat at the inn?" she suggested lightly, hiding her concern behind a smile.
)) Edited by Fella

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((Okay I changed it, but you understood what I wrote in my last IC post, right?))

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((*giggles at the addition* Thank you!))


The shifter watched the other with careful eyes and a creased brow. They were at the inn now, and Razor received some strange glances. The innkeeper, his eyes flicking to the wolf every few moments, came to greet them. "Welcome and welcome back," he said, a tight smile on his twitching lips. "What would you both like?" Sooty glanced at Razor, then back to the anthro. "Your roast of the day," she replied easily. "That happens to be chicken," he informed her before turning to Razor. "And you?"

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"Hmm, I'd take a chicken, too. If It's possible. I'd like to drink a little wine". Razor said as he was smiling at Sooty, saying a little loud; "Boy am I hungry...", Razor calmed down as he was a little emberrased. Now he looked perfectly fine, his eye colour got back to green and his hair and fur got back to their normal colour. He said a little happy just before burping quietly "I love chickens!" Then he smiled at Sooty, burping while emberrased as his cheeks turn red. Never burped infront my crush, that is gross! He thought.

Edited by Fella

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The innkeeper, raising a bushy eyebrow, nodded and walked away. Sooty giggled at the wolf's blush, yellow eyes sparkling. "The food should come out soon," she told him, grinning. She'd forgotten to order a drink, so she'd have to ask when someone came with their dinner. Still grinning, the leopard said, "I'm glad you like chicken." She leant forward and it accidently gave the other a full view of her cleavage.

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Razor wasn't a pervert, but he still looked, somehow hiding the fact he looked. "I'm glad I like chicken. I'm a wolf, what did you expect me to eat? berries? fruits?" He said laughing a little, leaning backwards accidentally ripping off his shirt revealing a narutal six abs pack on his torso, "Woops" He said. "Oh well, I guess I'm eating half naked", "If you want you can take some of my wine when I'm done with the chicken" He said as the chickens arrived. "Nevermind".


((WonderBubbles thanks for the idea of leaning backwards/forwards and revealing a part of the body! xd.png))

Edited by Fella

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Signum made her way through the market discretly, but with all the confidence of someone who owned the place. She knew that in truth they couldn't do much to harm her. She finished her shopping and headed off to find Kira, the sharpshooter of a vampire was flitting from stall to stall, carrying a pair of bundles. Approaching from behind she asked, "Did you find what you needed?"

Kira turned around to see Signum behind her, asking if she had found everything she needed.

"Yeah, I did," Kira answered, "what about you?"

She went back to browsing the table she was at while Signum answered. Even though she was most likely not going to buy anything, she would always look just in case since you never know what you might find. But today she wasn't getting lucky in finding something. She hardly ever did, though, it didn't really matter to her.

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Signum took in Kira's reply with a nod before saying, "Yeah, I found what I needed, are you ready to leave?" She examined one of the tables near Kira as she waited for a response, it was almost a disinterested investigation while she waited. honestly she was probably doing what Kira was, looking about, hoping to find something truly surprising.

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((x3 okays. Oi, delete your OoC posts. :P The ones that're purely OoC.))


She wasn't aware that her shirt was a bit too revealing when she leant forward and didn't notice the other glancing down. She chuckled at his statement about his eating habits, then burst out laughing when his shirt tore. She briefly admired the view before looking back up into his tawny eyes. She grinned and thanked him for the offer. Then the chicken was delivered and she stopped them for a second. "Could I please get a mug of mead?" The server nodded once, then left to get it. She tore strips off of her meat, gulping them down a little quickly. Her drink arrived soon after and she thanked them with a grin. Sooty paused eating for a moment, then took a sip from her mead.

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Razor noticed Sooty's grin, quickly getting his wine and chicken. "Thanks, bro!" He told him laughing, a lot. "Well, I guess both of us has stuff to 'offer', Aye?" He said grinning a wide funny grin, munching a little the chicken slowly and drinking the wine. "This is good" He then mentioned as the chicken was invaded by some devious wolf claws as the wolf almost put the whole chicken in his mouth. "Man, I am carrying away..."

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(("Bro"? "Him"? XD))


She chuckled along with him, laughing harder when he mentioned their 'goods'. She raised her eyebrows and nodded in earnest agreement when he spoke about the food. It really was good. She giggled when he tried to eat the rest of it whole, covering her mouth with a bronze hand and shaking a little. "Slow down," Sooty cautioned him with a grin, before taking another sip of her mead. The shifter ate some more, yellow eyes on the wolf all the while.

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((I meant bro as to the server))


"Fine! You know, you sounded just like my grandma when you told that... But I'm a wolf! This is a chicken! Please make the small math that isn't really hard!" He said as he laughed so hard he fell off the chair. "I hate this!" He screamed a little as he kept laughing. He got the chair back on and sat on it. "So, do you have any plans with Kuro?" He now asked a little grinning, cleaning his teeth from the chicken leftovers in his mouth.


((Please notice he is still shirtless, revealing a natural 6 abs pack on his torso))

Edited by Fella

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((Oh. x3))


She gasped mockingly when he told her she sounded like his grandmother. "Hey... I did!" The shifter giggled, the mead stirring her brain a little strangely. She cracked another grin when Razor fell from his chair, but he resumed his seat before she could offer to help him. Sooty's eyebrows arched when he asked about Kuro and her expression was a little solemn. Her ears flopped back and her golden eyes were on the half empty plate for a moment. Then they were back on the wolf's and she half smiled. "I don't think so," she told him. "He disappeared right after the meeting."

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