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Rose of the Dragon

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((second question about societies, Miji?))

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Ekwueme followed behind the ladies as his vapor form and smiled at Njoine. She was always caring and careful with others. he had a lot to learn from her and he wished that he could learn as well as Isabelle. He was no genius, but he wasn't a dimglow. He looked back to see John sniffing the meat that Mel had eaten and turning from it. He snickered to himself and motioned for the boy to follow.


John looked up from the tepid meat and jogged to the vapor that he knew was Ekwueme. he trotted along beside him and behind the ladies. He looked at them and wondered why there was such an odd transformation and shrugged. Him in his odd ways walked up beside Mel and looked at her and shifted to his crinos form. "So where ya from Mel?" he asked his voice calm and gentle as always since he was usually a peace keeper between Isabelle and Aro when they were together.

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Merleawe smiled slightly when Nijoine promised to help with the reply, "Thank you, Nijoine" When John asked his question she looked to him and replied, "The city just back there, but I was born in London before moving there at the age of two." She looked between the various people around her and asked, "So how many others are there like us?"

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"Course we have our own government. We have our own enemies to. Just like the humans. Ours are just a bit more bloody in wars. As for people like us. Lydon is the only human in the group." Njoine ticked off the group members in her head and aloud "There's Lady Crystal and Lady Jess. They're dragon shirfters. There's Sir Kiro and John, werewolves. Ekwueme is a water elemental. Isabelle is a dragon shifter also. Raktagh is either a wolf shifter or a werewolf and Gilderox his brother, I believe. Artorious is the dragon over there. I think that covers everyone. There's far more the world over. We've just gotten really good at hiding. Well, except for streaking during the English queen's birthday parade." Edited by Mijikoi

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"So I'm not so odd at least, that's good to know," Mel responded. She was quiet for a good while before asking, "If you need to feed, Nijoine, could I go with you? I also want to do some stuff while we're out if possible." Like find out what the hell I am, I feel a little left out not knowing, also want some of my own clothes too she thought. "Nijoine does your group, I guess have like a library or something since you have a government, I want to know more about the world I'm in" she asked a moment later.

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Ekwueme looked at Mel and thought for a moment. "I believe that we do actually if we were to get to Crystal's castle." he said thinking about the last time he had been there. It had been many years ago and his memory was quite vague.


John tisked towards Njoine. "If you said that in front of Izzy, she wouldn't be to happy. In this world you are now part of Mel, there are dragons known as the Guardian Dragons. They look like horse0-dragons and their job is to guard the descendants of the DraconRosella who was the queen of our type until mutiny broke out." he said and then placed his hands on his hips.

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Merleawe looked surprised at what Ekwueme said, "you guys had whole kingdoms?" she asked. She wondered just what all the world she had joined consisted of. Looking at Nijoine she asked, "are we gig there, or can we?"

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Ekwueme laughed. "Kingdom. Dracona ruled over the entire world of our kind. It is rather interesting actually. She was a great woman...powerful and true to her word." he sighed and wondered what had happened all together to cause the uprising.

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Njoine grinned as she remembered the stories her parents had told her about the old days when the Queen was alive. Her grinned widened at the thought of seeing Crystal on her throne. "From what I understand we have too. We'll see though. If you like I can bug Sir Kiro to find out more for you all, but first I need to feed and it'd be wise for Mel to see. YOu two can come if you like?"

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"who was she?" Mel asked immediately after he finished. She was interested in any information and he had, but getting it was almost like pulling teeth. "Think they'll have information on me?" she asked. Immediately though she was up to follow after Nijoine, she needed to learn how to feed properly, and soon so she'd be less likely to hurt people. "I'm ready, Nijoine" she said eagerly.


((Full and completely finished kinsmir drawing for Mel's profile: Kinsmir form


[URL=http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh476/SiaFel/Mykin.jpg]Kinsmir form[/URL]


Edited by jaina

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Ekwueme enjoyed the young...the young...what was it...yes! He remembered now. She was known as a Kinsmir. He had met only one in his lifetime; a very volatile and loyal fellow. he wanted to tell her, but instead he shook his head to Njoine. "We will meet you back at camp. I have to warn Isabelle and Kiro not to go after the new scent because knowing them...well her, they will."


John vigorously agreed with Ekwueme and laughed. "isabelle is all guardian and no brains sometimes. See ya at camp ladies!" he said then took off in a rush of wind and was soon followed by Ekwueme

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(( O.o *twitch* when I'm here nothing happens... then I leave you two alone for five days and this happens..... please update me. (- to anyone). I was at a GS horse camp this week, and I wasn't allowed to bring tech of any sort. Also it wasn't a day camp so...))

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((understood, to my knowledge nothing much happened after your last post beyond my character joining and the attempts to bring her up to speed with out sending her into shock from too much information, not sure how much else there's been though))

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((no fair S-D!!!! that sounds like amazing fun...but ya Jaina is right that is all that has happened...))

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((Sorry about being gone for so long. I was spending time with my goddaughter.))


Njoine nodded at John and ekwueme, before heading off in the direction she caught the scent of a wandering forest animal. She chose not to run, instead taking her time in walking to allow Mel to ask any questions she might help. "After we finish hunting, would you like me to help you learn how to shift? Ekwueme might help out too, mia bambina."

Edited by Mijikoi

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"That would be useful to be able to do, but what do I even shift into if I'm not a full werewolf or vampire, Nijoine?" Merleawe responded interested, her curiosity piqued. "You said I changed into something a lot bigger, but you never said what." she continued as she stood up stretched, ready to join Nijoine on whatever she had planned for them to do.

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"You were the largest werewolf I've ever seen, mia bambina. To answer your first question, though, if it can be done, then I will help you do it. If it can't then I'll help you learn control while you are in that form." She gave a follow me gesture and led Mal toward her intended target. She walked light on her feet, but made a small bit of noise for Mel to follow if the girl lost sight of her. "For now though, I'll teach you to hunt." Edited by Mijikoi

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"Um, ok then." Merleawe replied with a touch of nervousness. She moved out of the camp area after Nijoine on their ad hoc "learn to hunt" expedition. She wondered what they were going to hunt and if it would be dangerous, she also wondered if she could really be killed by anything they would usually encounter, after all, in only what felt like a few hours all the wounds she'd received from before had healed.

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"I promise it's not as impossible as it sounds. Now on to the fun, though. We're starting with my third favorite food source: Bear. One day I'll show you how to hunt a croc. Those are wiry buggers." Njoine grinned at Mel as she walked. The thought of hunting an alligator or a crocodile made her feel a bit giddy. Around her throat Kouki hissed at Njoine to remind her not to jostle him too much.

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Mel gave Nijoine a slightly incredulous look, hunting bears and crocs as a normal food source, well that certainly put creatures like them at the very top of the food chain, and most definitely put humans on the list of edible things. "So do we just wander out and try to piss one off? or do we actually have to try and look for one Nijoine?" she asked once they were further from camp. Everything felt so surreal so she was doing her best to play along, sh knew it was real, and the she was definitely not going to just wake up and go off to school the next day.

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Njoine let out a peal of laughter, pleased Mel had already concluded some of Njoine's habits. She stop and placed a kiss of affection on Mel's cheek and resumed their trek. "One could I suppose, but this time, I'm going to show you how to hunt quickly and efficiently. Next time I'll show you how to play with your food. I'm not going to take you into the city anytime soon, but the woods is a good practice for control. Mel, I do need one thing from you. I told you I do feed off of humans and while I don't kill them or feed off the innocent. I need to know if you have a problem with that, mia bambina?"

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Mel was surprised at the sudden kiss to the cheek but a memory of a trip to Italy reminded her of habits of relatives there. When she asked about feeding on humans she quieted for a moment before replying, "I do have a problem with it, Nijoine, but when not doing it means dying, then I'll do it." She followed behind now, quieter then before, not just vocally but also in step, trying to be more like the one leading her if they were going to hunt something.

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"Mia Bambina, I was not referring to you, though it may become a necessity to you. There are ways around feeding directly from a human, far from as pleasing as the source, but manageable non-the-less." Njoine kept her steps smooth as she could her eyes alighting on a bear just out of hearing range. "I was referring to you having a problem with myself doing it. I can stop if it displeases you. That's what blood banks are for. That and I'm decent at breaking into said blood banks. On that note, never drink human plasma unless you have to. It tastes fowler then anything in this world, but it'll speed up any vampiric healing you have. My point is, if you don't want to feed on humans but need human blood, we can steal it should it become necessary. I do have one demand of you though. NEVER feed off of one of my human children.


"Lydon is my current one, but one day he'll leave and I will find a human that needs help again. That's how it's been for me for several centuries and that's what I will continue doing. I protect them just as I will you, if you allow me to." Njoine face was serious when she turned to Mel. She had stopped walking when she'd spotted the bear, but felt the need to let Mel know what Njoine was and what traveling with her meant. "I'll help you no matter what, but that is one rule I will not bend or break on. I hate humans. I despise the species, but i respect my Lady. She says they live, so I won't kill them. Select few of them I even grow to love. A very select few. Those few, I would die for, but more then that I would kill for. You and Lydon are the few I would do so for."



((Man Njoine talks too much.))

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