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Rose of the Dragon

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Mel brought her knees up and huddled when Nijoine left her at the base of a tree. When she returned and offered her clothes, Merleawe accepted with a gracious thank you having looked her bloody self over during the time she had been gone. she quickly robed herself, though she had to admit it felt weird to not have any underwear on. The pants were way too large, but she fixed that by cinching a belt that was already run through the waist, and fortunately, all of the clothes seemed to be clean as well. "So, um am I going to go to your camp now?"

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((I am just going to jump in....))

Ekwueme and John were about to run off to go get what Njoine had asked. They stopped however, when the girls walked off and decided to follow them. John raised a wolfish eyebrow to Ekwueme which caused the eons old man to laugh. He laughed himself then jogged to where he smelled the tepid mix of vampire and werewolf blood. To be honest, it raised the fur on the back of his neck. He and Ekwueme came upon the two and wondered what was going on. John nearly gaped at what had occured to the girl he had just seen and backed up slightly out of caution. Ekwume on the other hand was by far with a level head. "Njoine?" he said as he looked at the girl wondering if she was alright.

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"Yes, I just wanted to make sure you were clothed." Njoine smiled at Merleawe and held her hand out for the girl to take. Spotting a flash of white, Njoine knelt down to scoop up Kouki. The rat snake hissed a greeting at his owner. NJoine gave a nonsense hiss back just to humor the snake. She laughed as it felt like talking in baby speak with a human child whenever she indulged herself in the act. "I can introduce you to Lydon and the others. That includes Ekwueme and John the two who killed your attacker."

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"Um ok, and can you tell me more about what I am? I mean I've seen movies, but are they really true? do I have to stay out of the sun now?" Mel replied. She was full of questions now that the shock was wearing off and she wanted to get answers, and soon, answers to questions that would plague her if she didn't find out. "and if I can I'd like to meet others too..." she added hesitantly a moment later, taking the hand offered by Nijoine.

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Njoine found herself giggling, but refrained from making a fool of herself. Guioding Mel toward the camp, Njoine shook her head. "No, because you don't seem to be a full vampire. Like myself you shoulder be able to walk in the sun. You can after all eat meat and a full blood can't do that. I don't know much about werewolves. That is something you'll have to ask Sir Kiro and John about. I myself am a vampire shifter. That's why I'm not tasty and it's a fancy way of saying a half-breed. I unlike, you though, refuse to touch meat even in my animal form. I survived the last several centuries on human and animal blood.

"Lydon eats meat though, so anything I drain I take the meat to him. Ah, except humans. I don't kill them, but I do drink from them." NJoine blinked at herself when she caught on to the fact that she was rambling and had stepped into the camp. "By the way, Did you notice how hungry you were earlier, mia Bambina?"

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Mel blinked rapidly at the question Nijoine asked. "No, how hungry was I?" she asked before fear began to swap into her heart and she asked, "Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt someone? Now that you ask I don't remember before when you were carrying me over here to get clothes" Her worry was coloring her voice along with anxiety as she spoke. She was frightened that she couldn't remember, had she hurt someone?

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Njoine grabbed Mel by the shoulders and gave her a shake of the head. It had not been Njoine's intention to cause Mel worry, but at least Mel was aware of the harm she could do to a person. "No, mia Bambina. You didn't hurt anything important. You did drink all myblood packs, though. Oh, you did eat a deer, but it was already dead so you didn't even kill an animal."

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"I ate a deer?" Merleawe asked, disbelief her her voice. She looked at her stomach and patted it, trying to figure just how so much food had disappeared into her body, most deer were at least her size right? "Nijoine, um how could I eat a full dear, I'm not that big..." she half asked as she looked back up at the vampire, hoping for an explanation. She looked briefly for any others around but quickly looked back to Nijoine.

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"I'll tell you after you rest a bit. It'll do you no good to panic. You didn't kill anything and you're not about to." Njoine showed Mel where she could sit and gave Lydona strict oreder to see that that Mel got what ever she needed. Stepping over toward the cooking fire, Njoine wrinkled her nose at the smell of cooked meat. "To answer part of your questions, mia bambina, you weren't quite so small when you ate the deer."

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"I wasn't so small? So that means I was a lot bigger great, now magic is involved, that makes everything better..." Merleawe grumbled slightly from where she'd been put to sit. As Nijoine moved off she asked, "Did I really drink all the blood you had? How much was it?" Without something to occupy her, all she couldndo was ask questions, she just hoped she didn't end up being a bother...

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"Mia Bambina, not a minute ago you thought you'd fry in the sun and I'm betting before today you would have thought I was imaginary. Becoming a giant wolf and devouring a deer is not so odd in our world." Njoine laughed as she thought of a few odd things Mel might discover. "In our world, Bambina, that's a normal thing maybe the sizing is odd, but I have seen stranger. I mean you don't live to be centuries old and not see everything there is to see at some point or another. As for how much blood you drank I had sixty two things of blood including my newest batch stolen from the blood bank. And yes you drank it all. INcluding some of my blood freel offered."

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"sixty-two units? um... wow, that's nearly eight gallons," Mel replied, quickly doing the math in her head. She sat near the fire and watched the flames jump about, trying to figure out just how much her world had completely changed. "This may seem odd, but Nijoine, do you guys have um, some chocolate?" Merleawe asked her host. She had developed the hankering for some now that she no longer needed flesh, and she no longer needed blood, and she was no longer getting answers it seemed. If they didn't have chocolate it would be too bad, but if they did, that would be nice.

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"You'd have to ask one of the other, Mel. I haven't eaten anything since I was a child myself." NJoine huffed as she looked at Lydon who was pointing at a place for her to sit with a first aid kit in his hands. Sitting next to Mel, Njoine held out her arm to Lydon, who promtly set to work tending and wrapping the injury. "Oh, by the way this is Lydon, my little cub. Lydon this is mia Bambina, Merleawe. SHe said she preferes Mel, though."


Lydon gave a nod of his head to Mel. He sighed when he realized, Njoine had given the girl a pet name. To him this meant he just got a new companion, because Njoine planed on keeping her around. Mel must have hit Njoine's mothering instinct on introduction.


"Pleasure to meet you. I warn you if you get sick, Njoine's gonna smother you with her worry. Not literally, but she's a worry wart." Lydon gave Mel a win while Njoine made a sound of protest. Lydon pulled out on of his chocolate hershey bars and tossed it to Mel. "And here's the chocolate you asked for."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Merleawe listened to Lydon's warning about getting sick and asked, "Do werewolves and vampires even get sick?" When he tossed her the heresy bar though, her questions were promptly forgotten as she opened it taking in the rich scent of the chocolate, which for her now heightened senses was oh so much more delightful. After a moment she took a bite a savored it and continued eating. When she was about a quarter way through the bar she finally asked, "Um if vampires are immortal, how old are you, Nijoine?"

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LDyon shrugged and set about stitching Njoine's injury. Njoine shook head head in the negative. "Generally we don't, but I'm only half, so you have to take my works with a grain of salt. As for my age, I'm not entirely sure how old I am. I stopped counting centuries ago. Yeah, after a while, age is a really annoying number. How about you, mia Bambina How old are you? Lydon here is 19."

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Merleawe took another bite and swallowed before replying saying, "I'm about sixteen, in fact my birthday is in about two weeks." She wondered if everyone's ages were so scattered as several centuries to just under a few decades. When Lydon finished with Nijoine's arm she asked, "So what do we do now?"

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"Well, I'll need to feed at least once more before we leave. As far as when we leave, that's up to Lady Crystal and Sir Kiro." Njoine pulled her arm away from Lydon once he finished bandaging it. She look in the around for Ewkueme and John and sighed when she saw niether one. Pulling Kouki from her neck she showed the white ratsnake to Mel. "This little guy is Kouki. Like Lydon I rescued him as a youngling."

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Mel looked closely at Nijoine's corn snake as she asked, "So how many myths about vampires are true? Like not being able to cross moving water?" When she finished looking over the snake she asked, "If hey are true, how many do you think apply to me?"

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"Not as far as I know. I can cross water, walk in the day, crosses don't hurt me and I don't have to worry about garlic. However, that could be because I'm only half. Mentor, my full blooded friend, is doesn't like the daylight, but I don't think he has a problem with running water." Njoine set Kouki around her neck. The snake curled himself like necklace and hissed in contentment. "Mind you, I only know what I've learned."

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Merleawe mulled over what had been said and quietly thought to herself for several minutes. Finally speaking she looked to nijoine and asked, "How do you feed? You don't just go and jump people do you, Nijoine?" She was nervous, she hated the idea of having to become a people killing machine just to survive, and if there was another way she'd be fine with it.

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((Mel had her first transformation, pigged out, and is now having her curiosity indulged by nijoine. she had a weird dream too))

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"No, I don't kill anything but animals and people who try to harm my cubs. Although, I also restrict myself to feeding on criminals." A glint entered Njoine's eyes as she thought of feeding, but she shook her head and dismissed the urge. "It takes practise, but you'll get the hang of feeding and not killing."

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Mel gulped slightly and asked, "How long will it take me to learn how to do that? Or rather hor many people will I kill before I can?" Her voice trailed off as she tried to square killing numerous people for the sake of practice with her concience. "Is there like some hidden society for creatures like us?" she asked, trying to move her mind away from killing people.

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"That's why you have me, mia Bambina. I can't garuantee you won't kill at least one person, no one is perfect. That and I don't care for most humans, but I respect that my Lady and you do." Njoine chewed on her lip and she wanted to offer more comfort then that, but the problem was she didn't want to lie to the girl. Njoine placed a hand on top of one of Mel's. "I do promise to help you not take a life and be there for you if it does happen."

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