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Rose of the Dragon

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Njoine obeyed Ekwueme's command and sharply followed him to the right. As Njoine ran, Njoine caught sight of a youngling that collapsed as she came into Njoine's sight. Njoine ran until she was able to take up a stance over the youngling. She could scent the blood, but her leopard wasn't hungery for it and disliked the smell of wolf on the girl. Njoine was careful to make sure she could pin the girl to the ground if it became neccessary, but also left herself enough room to fight off any attacker that John and Ekwueme may have missed. "I've got her, Ekwueme. You go take care of them."

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Mel had fallen to the ground when what she guessed were the two she'd seen before came near her. She quietly pulled herself into a ball as she listened to one, obviously a cat from the sounds, communicate with the other. Almost silently she whispered, "I don't wanna die..." again and again. She was vaguely aware of how one of the two smelled so much like water, yet the other smelled like the one before, faintly like blood that so filled her nostrils.

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John freaked when the girl moved but was able to control himself when the werewolf being attacked. He slipped to the right but was caught on the shoulder causing him to twilr. he caught himself in time to land a solid punch on the beings jaw making it fly backwards into the forest. He was glad when Ekwueme appeared for a vampiric looking being leaped over the werewolf and disappeard to reappear beside Ekwueme and try and bite him. John landed a kick on the vampire's head making it slip through Ekwueme's body as he took a diving kick at the werewolf form that had just goton up. It rolled away from the massive water man's foot and swiped at him then dove for a killing bite. Ekwueme grabbed the upper and lower half of the werewolf's maw and ripped. It now lay dead at his feet while John was fighting in the blind with the vampire. It's movements were faster than he knew but he had a though as he took a deep breath. He listened to the foot falls then held his arm out catching the vampire off guard and causing it's larynx to break. He then swung down and around to pile drive the vampire's head into the ground. Once he was finished he dusted off his hands and shifted wolf to trot over to Njoine as if to say 'did ya see?'. Ekwueme rolled his eyes then rinsed himself off to come over to the young girl. He watched as John sniffed her then shuddered. "She is a werewolf, this i smell...but she also smells like you Njoine..." he said in animal speak.


Aro walked around his room to go to the closet. He found his clothes there that were luckily fireproof and slipped them on. His choice of the day was a pair of khaki pants and a deep green wife beater along with a shark tooth necklace.

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Njoine looked at the girl and flared her own nostrils. She gave an Italian curse and shifted back into her natural form. Baring her fangs with a restrained hiss, Njoine tore skin from her forearm and shoved it under the girls nose. The idiotic vampire that had sired her had failed in it's duty to the Childe. "She's staring and probably confused. If she attacks me, please don't attack her. Oh, and you guys were benissimo. Um, just can you guys catch me a few bear to eat for her and I. Although, her being werewolf and vampire might be a problem."

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Merleawe had curled away from all the animals around her before she heard what she recognized as Italian. Before she could look though, something pungent was put under and almost into her nose. The smell was a common one, that of flesh, but it was so raw and fresh that she barely avoided throwing up over herself. When she looked up, she saw a woman standing over her with sharp red eyes who began speaking likely about her. What she heard alarmed yet also almost relieved her because it told her a bit about what was happening. From what she said, she understood that had bitten by a werewolf and a vampire. She was terribly frightened and wondered just what that meant.

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Njoine wrapped one arm around the girl's shoulder and lifted the girl. She decided to leave the wound in her arm open to allow the young;ing to drink if she felt the need. Njoine was fairly certian the youngling would be like herself and have a choice. Njoine smiled at the girl looking up at her. "Buon giorno, Bambina. My name is Njoine. If you need blood, I can supply enough to find you something better. I'll admit I won't taste very good. If you want meat we'll get it for back at the camp. Can you tell me your name, Bambina?"

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Mel was surprised when she was slung up over someone's shoulder and continued to hear more italian. She had thought about taking italian at school, but had ended up taking spanish and now regretted it, when the woman asked for her name though she struggled to manage out a reply. "My name's Merleawe, but I'm usually called Mel..." she said quietly, her voice trailing off. The woman carrying her seemed to actually care about her and what had happened, something that meant a great deal to her. The smell of the woman's blood was gradually making her stomach ach though so eventually, with her eyes closed, she pulled the woman's arm close and tried drinking her blood as had been suggested, and continued doing so for as long as she could.


((info on kinsmir:


1. Kinsmir can only create other kinsmir by breeding, not by bites.

2. Kinsmir blood causes in most cases severe illness if it enters the body (sorry Mijikoi, didn't know)

3. When transformed, a Kinsmir looks like a normal werewolf, only they are roughly the size of a Ford F-250 truck and have wings made out of shadows that are quite versatile (working on a picture, but since I suck its taking a while)

4. Kinsmir have an anthro form that's basically a furry human with a tail and wolf ears

5. in all forms, kinsmir have vampire fangs))

Edited by jaina

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Njoine felt the draw of Mel drinking. She was patient while Mel drank her blood. While, Njoine was incapable of creating a Childe, she knew her blood would at least provide a relief to any bloodlust Mel might have experienced. Njoine also had a theory her blood might help the vampire change accept the werewolf change, if MEl drank mixed blood as her first meal. Njoine concluded she'd have to ask Mel to see if she'd gotten any theory right and when they got to camp see if Mel wanted to try and eat meat. "Alright, Mia Bambina. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mel. You can drink a bit more. Since I fed recently, you're fine. Once your done, I'm going to leave you with my friends so I can feed again. That is unless you feel up to hunting for meat."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Merleawe quietly sucked at Nijione's arm as listened to her speak. She was ashamed of herself and what she was doing, but her body was demanding it of her so she continued drenching her mouth in the sickly sweet, red fluid. Her own injuries burned lightly before they stopped hurting, leaving her feeling better then she had before. When she finally pulled herself away and managed to reply to the offer she said, "I guess I could come I'm feeling better, but can you tell me what happened? Please?" her voice was almost pitiful and begging by the end

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" I was hoping you could tell me, becauseI can only tell you what I've seen and what I scented." Njoineflared her nose took in what she could smell and came up with the scent of the city, blood, wolf, vampire, and the forest as the primary scents on Mel. Making sure Mel was steady on her feet, Njoine pulled away and gave Mel a kind smile. "It smells like you were attacked by a vampire and werewolf and now are a mix of the two according to John and I concur. I think John found you and Ekwueme and I came to help him. Mind, you mia bambina, that is my speculation. Now, up you go, mia bambina, I'm very hungry and I'm not fond of wolf."


Njoine sent a quick wink to Johnto show him she was only joking with him. As Njoine rose to her feet, she made quick work of tearing a piece of clothe off her dress and wraping the self-inflicted wound. Lowering her uninjured arm, Njoine extended her hand to Mel. With a tilt of her head Njoine gave a gesture toward the trees where she figured they could catch Njoine and Mel, of the girl needed one, an easy meal.

Edited by Mijikoi

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Mel cautiously took the offered hand and let herself be led into the trees by Nijoine. She quietly followed, taking in the smells and sights all around her and realizing just how much there was to the world around her. Already her mind was no longer clouded by pain or thirst though hunger still remained. With that she could see just how much more there was around her if she was a werewolf and a vampire and a werewolf she probably had the senses of both.

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Njoine kept a normal pace even though everything in her screamed to track the nearest beast and gorge herself. When her nose caught the scent of a deer, Njoine darted forward and pounced the deer. A snarl tore from her throat when she missed. Njoine, not one to give up easily, attampted the pounce again and successfully caught the deer and sunk her teeth into the kicking doe. She drained the deer, but sneered down at the taste of the doe when she dropped it. Njoine used the back of her hand to clean her face before turning back to Mel with a smile. "If you like I can wait for you to catch one before I go after a bear. Or I can show you how to hunt a bear and let you try?"

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Mel watched quietly as Nijoine pounced once and then twice before catching and killing a deer. As she saw the creature's body laying on the ground as Nijoine came away from it, Merleawe completely missed whatever she said, her mind becoming coming completely focused on the idea of eating the creature. Moving forward she knelt at it's side and began pulling at it in a rage, tearing chunks off that she quickly devoured, fur and all. As she ate she began to change unaware, her body grew steadily larger, withfur sprouting over it's entirety as she stretched and tore free of her clothes. The fur was a dark, near black gray and her eyes had become yellow orbs with slit like pupils and her mouth the jaws of a wolf as her hers had changed similarly. When everythin stopped as she continued, almost finished with the deer, she was nearly the size of a large truck. She paused and looked up through the trees before giving an ear hurting howl.


((FYI,she's a little nutty right now, bad as it seems she'll eventually need human blood and a fair amount before she really stops going nuts when she eats and goes into kinsmir form))

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Njoine stared at Mel as the girl began to change. She inched backwards but made sure not to stray too far back or move too quickly. Stopping a bit away, Njoine sat on the ground. She watched Mel feast on the deer and decided that it would be prudent to get a suply of human blood for Mel, Njoine slowly stood and inched her way into the trees. Once in the trees, Njoine darted off toward the camp as quickly as her humanoid form would carry her. Sliding to a stop in the camp, Njoine snatched her blood cooler. As she slide before darting back into the forest without so much as a hello. She ran back toward where she had left, hopefully unnoticed, Mel.

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Mel had instinctively devoured the deer, bones and all, only to find she was still hungry. She could smell numerois animals up in the trees and tried climbing for them, only to find they were too fast, her weight broke the trees, or that she was incapable of climbing. As she chased a pair of small squirrels across the ground, desperately trying to snatch them up in her jaws, she caught the returning scent of Nijoine and turned to the source, seeing her dragging something large across the forest floor towards her. Everything aound her was a wreck the trees were stripped of branches and toppled over. When Nijoine got close enough she gave a warning growl that her instincts demanded of her.


((this is a rationalization of what's in her head really her mind is more like that of an animal rather than a person right now))

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Njoine froze when she caught the sound of the growl. She fought her own growl, but was unable to prevent herself from baring her fangs and letting air hiss from bettween her teeth. The feline in Njoine immediately saught to drive the wolf from her current territory, but the mother in Njoine faught to protect her new friend. She doubted she'd get a response, but Njoine spoke as she backed away to go find a meal for Mel. "I just brought blood. If you like, mia bambina, I'll catch you catch you a bear to eat."

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Merleawe watched as Nijoine stopped and hissed lightly before backing away and leaving. After waiting for to disappear beyond sight she carefully went to the box she had brought and pulled it over, dumping the contents of red pouches onto the ground. She scooped one up in her jaws and crushed it, feeling the cool, sweet liquid flood over her tongue and mouth before swallowing the contents and spittings out the bag. She repeated the process with the rest before laying down next to a tree to sleep, smeared in blood. Once she she fell asleep her body reverted to it's human form, naked as the day she was born with face and hands painted red.

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Njoine managed to find a bear and render the creature unconcious before heading back to Mel.When she noticed the girl unconcious and all the blood packs empty, Njoine sighed and set to draining the bear and filling her own stomache. After she'd drained the bear and discarded of the carcus, Njoine lifted Merleawe off the forest floor. She called out for Ekwueme and John to let them know she was heading back to the camp. While Mel's weight was no problem for Njoine to carry, Njoine had some trouble getting the taller girl back to the camp.

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((she's not that much taller...))

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((I know, about 3 inches right? But I have a hard time carring someone might height and Njoine's does have a bit of an injury and hasn't slept a full night in several weeks.))

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Mel felt herself falling with wind rushing past her, tearing at her hair and making her eyes water. I should be cold shouldn't I? she thought to her self, but when she looked at her body, she didn't see her normal body, but instead a massive, furred form. She fell deeper and deeper into the darkness before she came to a halt, but without the sudden stop she expected as if she had hit he ground. She found however she could stand on the surface beneath her at least and stood to look around, trying to find something she could get a reflection to look at. She heard periodic snarls, growls, and hisses in the shadows, but they moved away when she approached and disappeared altogether when she gave a roar of challenge to them. Edited by jaina

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((sory guys, I will have to post later for both Forest and this one...I will try when i can thogh smile.gif))

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Merleawe continued her tires march through he shadows, noticing that they had gradually become a little lighter so she could see trees on the periphery of the path she took. Eventually she found a clearing walked towards the center where she found herself surrounded by shadowed figures, many human like, but others looked like wolves and some crosses in between. Despite the fact she easily stood over them, Mel felt a lump of cold fear in her stomach at the sight of all those around her who so clearly wanted to kill her. Suddenly one bolted forward and then the rest, in a mad rush to attack her. Something sharp hit her shoulder then more and more pain flared on her body before-


Mel awoke suddenly in Nijoine's arms, alarmed at the sudden sensation of moving.


((note, Kinsmir are considered abominations, even among creatures like the chimaera and such and it's fine LL))

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((Njoine won't have a problem with what she is.))


Njoine glanced down at Mel and offered the girl a smile. Njoine set the girl down and walked into the camp to snatch a pair of Lydon's pants and one of his shirts. After securing the clothes, Njoine walked back to where she'd left Mel sitting against a tree to check and see if she was still awake. "I got you some clothes, Mia Bambina. Are you going to need help putting them on? They're my Lydon's clothes and I'll have to roll the blue jeans up. The shirt will be a bit big but it's a short sleeve and it's dark blue. Um, so, clothes?"


Njoine held the clothes out to Mel and fidgeted, afraid she may have offended the girl already.

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