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Rose of the Dragon

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Jess laughed and shifted human, 'yes please!' she said happy in the knowleage that she had friends and that they were like her. she had never felt that she had belonged but ever since she came here, that had changed and now she was one, a part of a group.

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Isabelle knew how Jess was feeling and gave the girla welcoming hug as she went to search for eggs in the forest. She turned back around and motioned for Jess to follow. "Come on...you can help me get some eggs." she said and luaghed. "Unfortunately, I don't know if there are any pigs around so bacon is out of the question."

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'I think I can live without bacon!' Jess laughed and followed after Isabelle into the forest. insteed of searching the trees and ground for eggs, Jess extended her mind out to touch the animals around her to find out what birds were where. she located one type of bird nearby and walked over to the tree in question. she peered through the trees to spot the nest, she spotted it as she moved a branch out of the way. 'there is a mest here!' she said trying to see was there anything inside of the nest.

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Isabelle had found a small nest that had only one egg and decided to leave it there to not upset the balance of things. She then jogged to where Jess was and with reptilian speed, she clambered up the tree and onto the branch. "There are several eggs here." she said. It was rather odd for there to be so many in one place. She took around 4 and left the others to stay there. "How did you know where to find it?" she asked. She ahd never been taught to extend her mind beyond that of people she could talk to.

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Lydon raised a hand in askance for at least one egg. Out of the corner of his eye he caught Njoine darting forward through the trees. A delighted laugh echoed behind her as she ran in chase of the wild bear. Lydon shook his head and walked over to Crsytal and Artorious. He started up the fire for cooking that had been used during the night. His bag that was near the two was opened and his cooking supplies pulled out, two flat pans and a single pot. "Knowing Njoine, she'll grab three or four bear to bring back to camp. Uh, would someone help her with that?"



Njoine darted out from under a fallen tree and leapt onto the back of the large brown bear with giggle. She rendered the bear unconcious before she began feed. She attempted to stay as neat as possible but gave up on a loosing battle. When she finished, Njoine pulled away. Lydon had bee right, she was going to collect a few bears four in total. It'd be enough meat for travel and Lydon could dry a good deal of it out in just a few hours while they stopped at night. She mentally added carrying asking if she could return to town to steal a cooler for the meat. She didn't want to hunt for a while. The next two bears fell as quickly as the first and noting that they were large, Njoine scrunched her nose and set about dragging the three bears back to camp. She'd fetch another one if needed.

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Raktagh looked up at Lydon. "I'll go help her." he said standing and running to leap into the air. He shifted and continued running, when he saw Nijoine he carefully shifted into his crinos form. "Can I help you with that?" he said. Without waiting for an answer he grabbed one of the bears and pulled the arms over his shoulders. He held onto the paws and dragged it behind him.


Gilderox followed Isabelle and Jess, he liked being around these females. They were interesting in his eyes, and talking with Jess was fun.

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'well when I was on my own, there was no one to watch my back all the time...and it was kinda hard to watch it at te best of times so I learn to reach out with her mind to animals and the earth itself. its rather interesting, I am getting better at animals but I still am not great with the earth. trying to touch its mind is of great diffculty, a mind of such vast knowleage can be hard to take in and then to find your place in its mind is like searching for a needle in a hay stack!' she joked as they began to walk back to the camp with the eggs ladened in their arms. Jess heard and saw Gilderox trailing them, his gentle breathing and silent footsteps alerted her to his presence. 'come on up here ya mutt and give us a hand carrying these, don't wanna brake any of 'em now do we?' she laughed and gestured him up to their side so he could walk with them at ease.

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The wolf smiled and padded up, he liked being a part of a group. He curled his wings under his chin and it made a good way to carry things. "Put some here." he said gesturing with his nose to his wings. "I always wanted to know what it was like to be in a pack, I was to small to remember mine. But now, I do know. Even if only some of us are really wolf shifters and werewolves. I never thought about it, but I don't count out the others who are not." he said. He felt better now that he had voiced his thoughts, and possibly the thoughts of everyone else.

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'its fine, I do sorta feel alone sometimes. there is only one other of my type out of there after all, there is still hope for me dud' she said as she placed a few eggs into his wings. not many as she didn't want him to brake them if he tripped. she laughed as she took in the sight but held it back as soon as she had done it. 'sorry...just something I hace never seen before' she told him, hoping he would not be offened by her reaction.

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He gave her a grin and a small chuckle escaped his teeth. "No harm done. Laughter was never meant to be mockery, it is and always will be a joyous sound." he said, unable to bite back that wisdom. He looked up at her as he said it and ended up tripping like she thought. Though instead of letting the eggs fall to the ground, he pushed his wings closer to his chest -much to his protesting wing joints displeasure- and into his soft and thick white coat. He did not break one egg, nor did he drop one. He smiled but kept his eyes in front of him.

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'draft bugger' she chuckled to herself as she saw him smile after almost tripping over. she held her eggs in a protective grip so as not to lose grip upon them, she had withdrew her mind as she walked with others. she knew that some thoughts were meant to be kept a secret. they walked in silence for a moment before she spoke up again braking the silence, 'do any of you guys know whats gonna happen next?' she asked

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Isabelle grinned indignantly. "Only one of your kind? Crystal and i are dragon shifters....although i am not of royal blood...I am however both of you girls' guardian....hence the reason for my size." she said and looked down at the two. "thank you Gildreox." she said to the young wolf dragon. "As for what happens next, i think that we are to go to the fort or castle that Crystal is supposed to go to for her to retrieve her power that she need to become the queen of our kind again." She then remembered what Gilderox said. "I think you are right Gilderox...it is nice to be part of a family...." she laughed and looked at the ring on her finger.


Ekwueme wa surprised to find Raktagh and Njoine carrying bears back to the camp. He laughed at his surprise however and took the bears from Njoine and sat down beside Lydon and started to skin one of them. "Njoine have you eaten yet?" he said holding up an unskinned bear for her. He smiled widel then set to finishing his current bear while extractig water from the air.


Kiro watched them all and stared at Crystal for a moment wondering why she wasn't awake. He nodded to John who cam and took his place so that he would be able to go and relieve himself and possibly bathe. He ran off into the woods and soon found a pool of water and bathed in it. once he was finished he ran back as fast as possible to see that Crystal was still not awake and neither was her dragon.

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"Yes, I fed. It's actually what the bears started as. What everyone does from here is up to you. Waste not, want not and all that." Njoine grinned at Ekwueme and turned to see Lydon taking the meat off the skinned bear. She took a blace bext to Ekwueme and proceeded to help Lydon stip the bear of meat. "That is a good looking skin though. You think you could teach Lydon? I've never been the best at the skining as I don't eat the meat."

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Ekwueme laughed slightly at Njoine's response to his skinning skills. "Of course I can, although once he has a few more years' practice underneath his belt, he should be fine." he said while skinning the bear smoothly with quick short strokes.


John looked around placidly until he was bored of watching he going's on and waiting for Isabelle to get back with Jess and the eggs. He shifted to his newly found werewolf form and walked into the forest from the clearing. He slipped through the shadows smoothly as he became more and more used to his form. With some difficulty, he shifted to his crinos form his golden green eyes glimmering in the sunlight as well as his golden fur with black stripes. He smiled, exhilarated at the strength he now obtained.

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((Okay here are the list of active charrie profiles along with who plays them.



Username: RavynWolf(Lovelost currently protrays)

rp name: Kiro Cavello

Creature: Werewolf

History: Kiro has always been a werewolf. He has served in the Dracona Army since his 19th birthday. He had always been a willing fighter, although not necessarily the strongest, he was definitely one of the most cunning. He has been sent to the new world to seed out the DraconaRosella descendant to bring them back to rule the immortals. He wishes only to do this so that peace can be returned to the dark world.

Side: DraconaRosella

Description: Kiro has pale skin and black hair with a light muscular build. He wears a black tank/wife beater and black pants. In both forms his eyes are a chocolate brown that seem wild like wolf eyes. In his wolf form he is solid black and lightly built.


Username: RavynWolf(Mijikoi currently protrays)

rp name: Crystal Isis Rivers

Creature: Human

History: Crystal was born into a normal suburban family. She has an affinity to animals. They just seem to gravitate towards her. She only goes into town when she needs to, but always seems to wander off into the forest behind her house. Once she even found a wild stallion and brought him home. Her parents told her that the only way she could keep him is if no one claimed him as their own. No one appeared because he wasn’t a horse at all. He was a unicorn in hiding. He is solid black with one small white spot in the middle of his forehead where he used his magic to hide his horn. Crystal don’t even know that her horse is a unicorn, or at least not yet. He believes himself to be her protector.

Side: DraconaRosella

Description: Crystal is only about 14 right now. She has blue eyes, long black hair and pale skin. She usually wears blacks, blues, and silvers.


Username: Mijikoi

rp name: Njoine Mabdalee Sakimi

Creature: Vampire/Shifter(Snow Leopard)

History: Njoine (pronounced: NA-yOI-ne) was born several years after death of the queen to parents who had vowed allegiance to the DraconaRosella clan. Njoine cares little for the lives of most humans, having seen them kill her mother for her pelt at the age of six. She does realize that not all humans are the same, hence, her tendency to keep a human companion at her side. Njoine hunts her vampire father, whom joined the Rebels of Blood when he learned of his wife's death. Njoine, herself, was taken in by a vampire rogue when she was nearly killed defending a human toddler from a rival shifter. Since then, she has taken human children whom are exposed to the truth of the world. She does limit herself to taking one companion to her side at a time and only until they feel ready to leave her side; and while Njoine maybe seen without a human Njoine that is always seen with Kouki, her white rat snake(three and a half feet long).

Side: Neutral

Description: Njoine maintains an appearance of a 19 year. She has off white purple hair and crimson colored eyes and stands at 5'1. Njoine's hair is always in a French braid that stops at her waist with her bangs falling unevenly around her face. She is often seen in a green Fleur De Lis dress that is in tattered shreds from the knee down. Her leopard form is a fairly normal looking leopard, save for it's red eyes.


Username: Mijikoi

rp name:Lydon Black


History: Lydon was found on the doorstep of an orphanage by Njoine. Njoine would have normally left him there, the entire building was soulless. The occupants’ having been slaughtered the night before Lydon was abandoned. feeling sorry for the boy, Njoine took the four-year old boy with her as her new companion and the have been together for the last seventeen years.

Side: Neutral

Description:Lydon has short black hair and green eyes. He is 6'4 tall and generally wears a white t-shirt and blue jeans.


Username: LoveLost

rp name: Ekwueme Kagiso

Creature: Pure Elemental

History: Ekwueme was born on the coasts of Africa as a Water Elemental. His abilities are slightly different than your average Elemental. He walks on land as a human and uses water from the air. He tends to enjoy leaping into the water and going into his merman form; white scaled tail and deep green almost black hair.


He fought in the wars and came out alive even if he was maimed. He joined the motley crew of friends to see if he could help in any way. He lost his family in the war. His father was an Air Elemental, mother was an Earth Elemental, brothers were fire elementals and his sisters water elementals. Somehow they were destroyed and now he wishes to bring the descendant of DraconaRosella back into its proper rule. He has lived for at least 7 eons and tends to remember everything he has gone through, although not all in chronological order.

Side: DraconaRosella

Description: A tall African man with broad shoulders and the bearing of a Prince. He has kind gray eyes and hair cropped close to his head. He usually wears jeans with tan boots and a white undershirt with a blue plaid unbuttoned over shirt.


Username: LoveLost

rp name: Isabelle Webb

Creature: HorseDragon shifter


Isabelle was born to Marie and August Webb, who were two previous Guardians to DraconRosella, in Scotland. They lived longer than they had suspected and told their daughter of her heritage and what she was. But unfortunately she didn't believe them until she met Ekwueme. He told of what had happened and gave her proof of what he was then believed him and her parents, but when she returned home, she found her parents slaughtered in their dragon form. She was able to find the intruders and that was when she attained her dragon form in the righteous fury of one who has held their loved ones at their dying breath. She now travels with Ekwueme, John, and Aro. She turns 17 in August.

Side: DraconaRosella



Username: LoveLost

rp name: John Stone

Creature: Human


John was born to two genius parents. He grew up oblivious to the darkness but was just recently exposed. He is still neutral but is tending to go towards the DraconaRosella side. His talents lie in his several inventions and his genius for always making his shot count through mathematical equations.

Side: Neutral

Description: John is a medium height man of twenty years old. He has deep violet blue eyes and blond hair. he tends to wear hiking boots with jeans and a black shirt. He wears black rimmed glasses and always has pistols strapped to his legs and one on his hip.


Username: ShadowDragonmouse23

RP name: Raktagh (rack-tag)

Creature: Werewolf/human hybrid(not bitten) and a humanoid earth elemental.

History: Alexdria, he called her Alex because they were very very close friends, and him would always play together. Until one day she lost control of her powers in a barn and she thought he was dead. He survived by using an earth shield but his entire right arm was burned. After he had healed, he and his brother- who were both 15 -went hiking in the forest. His brother drew his sword and told Raktagh he was serving the rebels. Raktagh was devastated when he had to fight him. His brother slashed his left eye giving him a scar that would haunt him with the memory of having to kill his only sibling. When Raktagh won he ran deeper into the forest and lived there for a while. When he lost his necklace (which is now owned by Alexdria who doesn't know.) his mother had given him and said 'This is a very special pendant. A key to a wonderful place. Never take it off' she had said 'I won't mother, I promise.' He had answered. When he was 17 he turned into a wolf and remembered his father was a werewolf. And with his new found power he set off in search of the descendant.

Side: DraconaRosella

Description: Shaggy black hair with copper streaks and warm russet colored eyes. His right arm is scared where he got burned, and there is a cut going vertically across his left eye. He wears a brown t-shirt and dark green cargo pants. A white satin cloak hangs on his shoulders and an oaken recurve bow with vines carved intricately into it is always slung on his shoulder along with a green leather quiver and blue shafted arrows. His sword, ArgetDeloi (SilverEarth), is silver with horizontal veins of white running through the blade. Its sheath is white leather, and the hilt is of two dragons reaching to the sky and holding an amethyst in their claws.


Username: jaina

rp name:Merleawe, goes by Mel for short.

Creature: Kinsmir (a werewolf bitten by a vampire or vice versus)

History: Mel had until recently been a normal human, unaware of the fights occurring around her everyday between the mythical races. This was brought to a sudden halt however when a man she met on a bus pulled her into an alley and bit her neck, drinking her blood. Before that realization could sink in and she could be killed that way, a werewolf that seemed to have been hunting the vampire attacked. Mel was used as a shield by the vampire and suffered brutally for it with a severe mauling from the werewolf. Once tossed aside, she fled as fast as her battered, bleeding body could to get away from the howls and screeches behind her.

Side: neutral

Description: Mel is just over 5' 4" and around a hundred pounds for her weight. Her body is pleasant and fairly shapely, giving her a kind appearance. Her hair and eyes shifted dramatically after the attack though, her hair becoming the color of silver with a blue-purple sheen in the proper light. Her eyes turned a dark blue violet with a bright blue ring separating it into to two dark sections. Her skin is soft and slightly pale, but not unhealthily so.



Shadow can I get your other charrie's profile?))

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Merleawe panted as she sprinted through the trees, the warm sensation of fluids still trickling out from under her hand and arm reminding her of just how bad her situation was. Her body ached and tendons burned in pain, strangely though, everything almost seemed to be becoming more pungent rather then less as she had always thought it would when she would die. She was could smell her blood all over her body, feel the areas where it had dried and began cracking when the skin flexed underneath. She stumbled again for the umpteenth time, falling face first into the dirt and triggering new pains in her chest, shoulders and everywhere else. As she laid there, she finally began to cry, she was truly beginning to feel hopeless. There was no one there to help her, and there were only monsters behind her, ones that seemed more then willing to eat her.

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((ahhh shoot Miji...I claimed it.....lol I was gonna have John go there since he was already in the forest))

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Mel had heard footsteps approaching and silently cursed, not wanting to be eaten. As they got closer and closer, as they stopped, she pulled herself up slightly barely onto her knees and one arm, the other clutching her belly. She dragged and pushed her bloody body further along the ground, all the smells and sounds were so pungent, they felt so overwhelming to her fogged over mind. Still the idea of running was there and very appealing so she continued struggling.

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((Ah.>.< Sorry, Love. I'll edit the post after you have John do what you want him to do. Just pretend Njoine hasn't done anything yet and Mel was reacting to Jiohn then.))

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((Oh this is going to be great smile.gif Literally smile.gif I wil post after school is done! ))


John looked up from his constant watch on the ground to make sure he didn't fall. There was something in the distance that his violet eyes could see now that he was in his crinos form. He shifted wolf and ran to where he smelled blood and nearly stepped on someone who had fallen into the bushes. She was struggling and he couldn't see from what until he looked further into the forest. This brought a strangled yelp from him and almost sent him running away. "E-E-EKWUEME!!!!" he shouted. He tried to shift to his human form where his pistols would be available...but he was stuck! He whimpered ever so slightly and grabbed the girl by her shirt and lifted her to his back. "hold on okay?" he said as the mosters drew nearer. He was genuinely afraid now and wondered how he could run while carrying her and started to walk.


Ekwueme heard a shout over the wind and dropped his knife. he looked around the camp frantically trying to find the sandy colored wolf that was his friend and compatriot, John. "Oh no." he muttered then heard a guttural cry from far off from something that was large and dangerous. He looked to Kiro who nodded and guarded Crystal's sleeping form wtih Isabelle. When he was sure that Kiro was alright, he looked to Njoine and motioned for her to come along. He soon disappeared as water vapor and spread out over the forest looking for John.


As the mosters closed in on him, John stopped trembling now that the adrenaline was here to save his yellow belly butt. He growled at them vehemently as they started to surround him. He still wasn't entirely used to using his wolf form and was worried about the girl on his back.

Edited by LoveLost

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Merleawe had been struggling through undergrowth when someone or something had nearly fallen on her from a tree. Whatever it was had suddenly pulled her onto it's back with a snarl that she felt like she was on the verge of understanding. Still being dragged around as it was only caused her more pain around her body. Another, this one seemingly for help pained her ears it was so loud.


((only one thing after her either a vamp or a werewolf))

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Njoine gave Lydon a similar signal as Ekwueme had to Kiro and was following him until she picked out the sound of growling. Her eyes dialated at the scent of blood but with the presence of Ekwueme, Njoine kept her control. She kept following Ekwueme, but much as she had the previous day, Njoinused a fallen tree to propel herself into the air. When Njoine hit the ground, it was on the four paws of her leopard form. Conviently, a form she had better control of her bloodlust in. A growl escaped her feline throat as she recognized John's scent mixed with the blood, but she was unable to tell if it was his.

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As the being circled them he wondered if it was one of his own kind. He smelled the blood of a werewolf, but the girl on his back looked normal...despite her wounds. "What is it?" he growled to himself then shifted Crinos and stood protectively over the girl waiting for the monsters first move.


Ekwueme frantically searched the area until he found John. He appeared next to Njoine as a water wolf and ran in step with her. "This way!" he shouted as he turned sharply to the right.


((Sorry still ahve more school smile.gif ))

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Mel wasn't sure what was going on but one of the two from before must have caught up to her. Now she also had a wolf standing over her too, and she wasn't about to become some freak's meal. Struggling to her feet, she bolted and after a little bit to more animal figures became visible, but her vision faded and she toppled toppled to the ground, barely aware of anything but pain, hunger, and a driving thirst.

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