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Rose of the Dragon

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Raktagh sighed and let the walls down and moved the top one out of the way. "It's me." he said shifting into his human form. "Raktagh. And this is Gilderox." he said gesturing to the dragon-wolf. "I'm sorry for doing that, I didn't know." he apologized. Gilderox looked from her to his brother. "If you would like you may continue to eat with us." the white wolf said.

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Jess sighed in relief as she saw that they were only people from the camp.

'O god I thought you guys were rebels! I'm so sorry! no, I prefer to bring down my own kill if you don't mind' she barked and felt rather stupid that she had thought of them as enemy's.

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Gilderox nodded and went back to the deer, chasing a few raccoons off too. Raktagh looked curiosly at her. "Sorry for what, thinking we were rebels? That's not as bad as me trapping you, sorry about that again." He rubbed the back of his neck as he said this. It was then that he realized blood was still on his face, he wiped it off on his sleave quickly and grinned at Jess. "I'm more wolf than anything. Sorry, again." He turned back to the way of camp and walked off, as he did he shifted and padded the rest of the way. He was happy to be a wolf for long periods of times, but eager to be next to Isabelle's side. Gilderox enjoyed more of the meat before letting a few other creatures eat, and eventually backing off after getting his fill. He sat and lounged around watching life pass by.

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she watched him go back in the direction of the camp and watched til the trees blocked her view. she looked back and saw the other wolf had finished and was watching the world go by.

she padded over to him before lying down just in the shade of a tree. her jet black fur mended as one with the shadows. she sighed but her mind was wide awake, in an attempt to make conversation she spoke, 'you been in the group long?' she asked.

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Gilderox watched the female and shifted to get more comfortable. He listened to her question and thought about it for a moment. "I came into this group with Raktagh. We came only a few hours after Isabelle, Ekwueme, John and Aro." he said. His golden wings were stretched out and the moon light made them shimmer. He mindlessly started poking at the dirt with his barbed tail.


The brown wolf padded into the clearing and rubbed on Isabelle before going and laying down. Sleep crept over him and his head was soon filled with dreams.

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Njoine watched the scenery as she walked with Ekwueme, her face was still a bit flushed in reaction to the man's kiss to her hand. Njoine wondered when the last time she'd really felt content to move at a slow pace. Kristina had taught her how to be a real adrenaline addict and since then, Njoine had rarely slowed down for anything. Watching the swimming fish and the underwater life as she walked, Njoine understood a bit about stopping to smell the roses. from the shoulder of her top, Kouki watched the with curiousity. "Ekwueme, is this what it's like for you to be underwater?"

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Ekwueme thought for a moment and nodded. "Most of the time if i keep my form in one place. At other times, if i allow the fish to swim through me, I can see them breath, live, their lives. But for the most part...it is like living in a dream world." he said and ran his hand through the water. He looked at Njoine as he still held her hand lightly in case she wished to withdraw it from his. With a sigh he breathed deeply the clean smell of the water.


Isabelle jumped when she felt Raktagh rub against her but seemed to calm down more than she had since Kiro arrived.

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Jess watched the golden wings in awe, they seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. 'they are quiet beauityful' she comment and watched as he dug with his tail. she flopped her head down into her paws and glanced around with her eyes at the surrounding forest. her almost black fun blended in with the shadows, besides the strikes of blue through her fur.

'I just joined, Crystal is my cousin. I have been worried about her since she disappeared but now most of my answers have been answeres for now' she said.

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((is it morning? Night? Sunset? I think it's sunset.))


He looked up at the setting sun and marveled at the colors in the sky. "Thank you." he said to her. His gray and blue marbled eyes met hers as she spoke and a deep wisdom shone within. "If you have anymore, do not be cautious to ask me." he said.


Raktagh dreamed...((I'm not posting more))

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((It's late sunset at this point I'd think. I imagine we could jump a bit to the next morning, if Love doesn't mind. I'm a bit stuck on what to have Njoine do. Lydon's sleeping and so are Artorious and Crystal.>.>))


Njoine blushed at a thought poped in her head and scolded her inner voice that sounded suspiciously like Kristina. "That reminds me of when I go running I think. Well, not quite the same. Not the way the feeling occurs, but for me there's nothing that compares to running. Especially as a leopard. It's like everything in the world is a passing blur of colors. Like you become a part of the wind. It's very intoxicating to me."

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Ekwueme laughed gently. "You may have a bit of a wind elemental in you." he said teasingly as they stepped out above the water. Time had flown faster than he had thought and the sun was starting to set low to the horizon. "You may just have to run for us to get back to the group before dark. I don't think we should roam these forests without anyone with us."

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"That I can do, but are you sure you can keep up?" Njoine gave Ekwueme a giggling laugh. With one last grin, Njoine forced her body into shifting only a slight wince and then she was running. Using the trees and rocks as spring boards, Njoine ran. While she loved Lydon and her human children, it felt good to run with nothing to slow her down. She followed the scent that lingered in the air from the run to the water. Continuing at her quick pace, Njoine gave a glance back to see if Ekwueme was following her.

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Ekwueme was soon following Njoine with a smile on his face. Within moments the run was over and they were at the Camp. Ekwueme looked around and found Kiro and smiled at the wolf who smiled back. Soon enough, he found the fiances and sat by John with a smile on his face.


Isabelle looked at Ekwueme and smiled then patted Raktagh's head as she soon fell aslee now that he was here. she jerked awake however and snaked out her tail to tap Lydon's shoulder. "Lydon, they're here." she said loud enough to wake him up then was soon aslee, cuddled into Raktagh's shoulder.

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((Sounds good))


Raktagh woke to an annoying sound, after awhile he realized it was Gilderox. Looking over at the hybrid he saw the young wolf was snoring. He grinned and noticed he was still a wolf. He shifted human and tried not to disturb Isabelle. The previous days contents flashed through his head. He smiled to himself and stood up, rubbing sleep from his eyes and stretching his stiff muscles. He poked the fire and wished for a nice warm cup of fresh coffee.



Alexdria opened her eyes and wondered where she was, then remembering she went up the stairs and looked out the window. It was a beautiful sight, the sun rising up behind the mountains. A silver flash crossed the orange globe and rocketed across the sky, landing in front of the window. Alex smiled and pushed open the glass, she dropped nimbly down to the dragons head and climbed down her neck to sit upon her shoulders. "Today is the re-match with Aro." she said to her companion. Vuelasor nodded and nudged her rider. "Lets keep relaxed till then" she suggested. Then she took off into the sky just as the sun peeked over the range. The orange glow shone off of the he-dragons scales like fire reflected in water.

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Njoine had stayed awake to watch over everyone even though it didn't seem neccessary. The recent nightmares had discouraged her from sleeping. Across from her, Crystal still slept next to Artorious and the others. Lydon had woken enough to move next to Njoine, earlier in the night. At current his head rested on her lap as she sung a low lullaby to the camp. She watched Raktagh with a smile and stopped her song. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

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The werewolf turned towards the mysterious vampire and grinned. "Fairly well, thank you." he said nodding. "You?" he asked out of politeness. Gilderox out and groaned, Raktagh glanced at him for a moment. Then back at Nijoine when the dragon-wolf trotted off.



Vuelasor landed back at the window an hour later. Alex waved her off and went into the huge closet. She chose khaki cargo pants, a brown t-shirt and a red jacket that she left unbuttoned. She threw on some tennies and slipped her dagger into one of her pockets and went to the kitchen to eat something.

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"I've not slept since ealier, but it is good to know you slept well." Her own gaze had been drawn to Gilderox as he left camp. Nodding to herself, Njoine brushed a hand through Lydon's hair. Around her neck, Kouki woke lazily and hissed to alert Njoine. She set the snake on the ground and watched it slither off to find it's own meal. "I think Sir Kiro wants us to move out once everyone is fed for the morning. That'll be in a while, if you'd like to go for a run or for a morning hunt." Edited by Mijikoi

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Kiro awoke with a large snore that made him jump. He looked around and saw that Crystal was there and that Njoine was there and everyone seemed to be in the right place. He even saw that Isabelle had not left her post. John was asleep in the corner of the camp his fur rsutling in the breeze. He stood up and stretched his side that was closest to Crystal cooling off in the morning chill.


John awoke with a yelp as a few ants bit hiim on his rump. he growled and chased them off then stretched.


Ekwueme woke up slowly having fallen asleep near Njoine when he was finally able to. The morning seemed closer than he thought and he looked around to make sure that everyone was alright. "Anyone know where Crystal's cousin is?" he asked.


Isabelle woke up and saw that Raktagh was awake. She stood up in her half dragon form with her legs much like that of a dragon's and her hands scaled. her wings were pressed close against her back and the scales along her hairline creeped close to her eyebrows and jawline. She looked around then flew up into the air to make sure that things were in order.


Aro awoke screaming and then calmed himself down. He tossed the sheets off surprised to find the bed wet with sweat and his own body dripping with it. He panted heavily as he sat there in his boxer shorts and ran his fingers through his blonde hair that was hanging lose in his face.

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Njoine shook her head at Ekwueme and set about waking up Lydon. She figured she could catch her breakfast and his at the same time. "I've not seen her since last night."


Despite Njoine's attempt to ease Lydon awake the young man shot up into a sitting position in fright. Blinking sleepily, Lydon looked around camp and then back to Njoine, who was laughing at him. Njoine patted the you male on the head before standing and streching. She walked over to where the tree line was. Closing her eyes, Njoine listened for the largest animal in the nearest vicinity was. Catching the sound of a bear, Njoine gave a devious grin.


"I'll be be in a bit with breakfast for Lydon and a few of you. That is anyone who wants bear. If you want something else, I don't know what to do."

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Jess had awoken early and had gone off for a fly around before the others had woken up. her blue scales glittered in the sunlight, the sun rained down across the land bathing it in a summer glow. what little clouds they were, they were high in the sky. it was here Jess was drifting. her gem like scales shone brightly so she hovered over a cloud to stop humans from seeing. she sighed, she missed the days when she didn't have to worry about being spotted by people and she was able to so what she wanted when she wanted but that was all gone now that she had found out about the Rebels. she was in danger since she was a cousin of Crystals but she couldn't turn her back on her now. she glanced down and heard some of the others minds come alive. they must have awoken. she tlited her wings downwards and drifted down to them.

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Raktagh nodded to both her statements and grinned when she brought up breakfast. "Sounds wonderful." He said cheerfully.


Gilderox sent a greeting to the young blue dragon in his mind and continued stalking his rabbit. The sun shone off his golden wings and alerted the hare to his presence. He sighed and watched it bound off. He looked up into a tree and saw a nest, he missed his family. He leaped onto the tree and pushed off, sending himself into the air. The wolf went higher till he could see the land below. Targeting his prey he swooped in and snatched up the rabbit that had tried to flee.


Alex's fox ears twitched as she picked up a sound but she pushed it away, and focused on eavesdropping on the two cooks who were talking about her. One just might wake up to his fingers in his mouth. She thought as she nibbled on the steak she was given. And they wouldn't be attached anymore. She added as an after thought. Her tail, ears, eyes, teeth and nose shifted. The rest looked human-normal. After a little more of listening she realized they were just placing bets.

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Jess received Gilderox's welcome, she hummed lowly and returned the welcome, 'what are you up to?' she asked him, her scaled hide drifted down through the ground. she wanted to find out what was going to happen now and where they going to move on or not

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Isabelle looked up to see Jess and smiled to herself. Good morning Jess....are you hungry? She asked her then landed in the ground in her full human form next to Raktagh. She laughed at the irony of the two of them. Two monsters in the eyes of humans and yet here they were, engaged. "If anyone wants, I'll add eggs to that." she said and watched John's ears perk up considerably.

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