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Rose of the Dragon

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Mr. Rawver smiled. He enjoyed being around Alex, but the hole in his roof was another matter. "Who is your friend my dear?" he said his voice cool and calm now with appreciation in his voice. He would adress the matter of her dragon later but for now, the wolf like being next to her, was rather intruiging.


Aro looked between the two and sat down. he was tired of standing and he was rather tired still. He had used his phoenix for the first time in nearly 10 years and it made him sick to his stomach.


Kiro smelled a different smell on the air and was unsure of who, or what it was. It was similar in some ways to Crystals, but she was right next to him. He looked to Isabelle who only smiled and shook her head. Obviously, the smell was nothing to be alarmed with.

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Njoine shook her head to Ekwueme. While she could drink fish blood if absolutely neccessary, Njoine hated the taste. She didn't understand how Lydon could enjoy eating the slimy things. "I'm fine. I fed not long before you and Raktagh returned to the the camp. I do thank you for the offer though, Ekwueme."



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Ekwueme smiled and understood her distaste. "Alright then." he said and once he had killed the fish, he peeld back the skin and ate the white meat raw. It was jsut like sushi in his taste. "Should we go back?" he asked quietly. He wanted to spend more time with her but wasn't sure how that would be taken.

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"Do we have to?" She gave Ekwueme a wided eyed look of shock at the sound of her own voice. The words slipped out before Njoine could bite them back or even think of how to reply. She was aware that they would be needing to leave soon, she was just reluctant to leave so soon. "I mean, ah. Well, I guess I mean what I said. Do we have to go back yet? I know we'll be needed eventually. The others can't stay awake all the time, but maybe we could stay a little bit longer?"

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Ekwueme was surprised at her response and blushed slightly at his own reaction. "I think we can possibly stay for a bit longer. Isabelle and the others i am sure can help each other." he said with a smile and sat down on the ground after clearing off some moss. He patted the ground beside him so that she would be able to sit beside him. "Somehow, I find it amusing that neither of us wish to leave." he said with a grin at her.


((Hey Soul Sister is really a fitting song for this smile.gif ))


((Okay i finally tek-teked Ekwueme smile.gif))


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"Good company and a pretty scenery. Sounds like paradise to me." Njoine smiled at Ekwueme as she sat on the ground beside him. Once seated Njoine pulled Kouki from her neck and placed him in her lap. Stroking a finger Njoine began singing the tune she'd hummed for Isabelle. After pausing she translated the words to english. "Una madre della preghiera per un mirabile mondo. Un padre sapienza per un mondo crudele. Una figlia di meraviglie per il mondo da entrambi. It means: A mother's prayer for a wonderous world. A father's wisdom for a cruel world. A daughter's wonderings for the world as to both. That was just the opening to it and Isabelle said she would like the translation to the whole of the song. Do you think she'd like it? "

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((The Tek-tek didn't show up...))


Alex glanced at Aro then back at Rawver. She didn't move, and her features stayed the same. But inside she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "This is Aro, fire humanoid elemental, wolf shape-shifter and just recently phoenix shape-shifter." she said. Looking back at Aro she said.

"Have I forgotten anything?" in a curios tone.


Raktagh let out a growl in excitement, and leaped up in front of the deer. It turned and Raktagh was right next to it, biting and pushing it into Gilderox. Who was doing the same, only falling farther behind and would soon have to pull away or else get kicked in the head. The deer finally slowed down to a walk and Raktagh bit down on it's throat. When it was dead Gilderox greedily dug in and Raktagh quickly followed suit. Raktagh enjoyed hunting like a wolf again, but it was even better with a pack member. He lifted his bloodied muzzle and howled in victory. Gilderox did the same, his had a little of dragon roar in it though.

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Ekwueme thought on the song for a moment. "She is a very sentimental child and I think she would love it...although watch out. She might be drawn to tears since her parents were killed quite a few years go and she wasn't able to learn as much form them as she wished." He smiled and hummed the song to himself just in a lower octave. "It is a gorgeous song you know." he said then smiled again. "Sung with a beautiful voice." he looked at her his smiled widening.


Aro growled and shifted human fire still tracing his fingers. "Yah ya did...I'm not a phoenix shifter. Just a belgian sheepdog...not a wolf. I can become like a phoenix but I'm no bird." he said daring her to correct him.


Mr.Rawver looked between the two before his eyes settled on Alex. "you let him speak to you like that? hmm....he must hold a special part in your heart." he grinned mishceviously. "We will see how he measures up tomorrow morning so that he can fight with you. He beats you, he stays and becomes your first in command and if he loses, well....I doubt he would be alive." he said with a grin that sent chills down Aro 's back.

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Alex looked at him through slitted eyes. "Apologies for my mistake your highness." she replied poisonously. She nodded to show she liked his terms, even though she didn't really have a choice. She didn't really enjoy the fact she might kill him, but no one but she and Vuelasor would know that. She'd try and win but not really hard, she needed a right hand man. He was her first candidate anyway.

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Jess heard a howl piecer the sky and was followed closely by another that seemed to have a hint of dragon through it. Jess picked up the pace and was running almost flat out, excitement coursing through her.

As she neared a clearing she scented fresh blood in the air and slowed to a jog bouncing off her paws. she slowly looked out into it and saw two wolves eating a deer.Her ears flickered forward and she stretched her mind out to see if they were normal wolves or not.

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Mr.Rawver snickered at the two of them and his vampire cronies laughed as well. "You two are more like a married couple than friends." He laughed again knowing that this would pit her against him even more. "Alright....enough fun, you two get some rest since i can see the sun setting through the lovely hole in my roof thanks to your friend." he said and then turned around dismissively. His vampire cronies closed around behind him so that they coulnd't talk any longer.


Aro rolled his eyes at Alex and walked down the halls extinguishing his flames. A small earth mover follwed behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He twirled around and grabbed the man by the neck and lifted the rotund being into the air. "What?" he asked his voice a harsh growl. The man trembled and tried to speak. Aro loosened his grip slightly and heard the man croak out "I supposed to take you two to your room.." Aro thought for a moment. "Room?" "Yes...room...Mr...Rawver's Orders!" he squeaked out before Aro dropped him to the ground gasping for breath. "Lead away." he said and watched the little man scurry ahead of them both.

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Njoine fought off a blush and smiled at Ekwueme. Both, because she understood how Isabelle felt and at the complement. "It was a song my mother taught me. It was taught to her in greek and when I got older I translated it. I have a few that she may like for children of her own, but I'd need to return to Matera to retrieve them and then I'd need to translate them into english. That song, 'Heart of a Mother', it was taught to by my mother. I know it in Italian and I have been working on the translation for her. It's an honor to have someone enjoy the song and I think my Mother would have liked her to learn it."


Njoine looked at the water with sad eyes as she thought of her own family. A small smile touched the corner of her lips at the thought of how much they might have enjoyed meeting the group she traveled with now.

Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme lightly touched Njoine's hand as a comfort to her. Families were lost and new ones were gained...but the memories of the first, never change. He sent a mental message to Isabelle who was still brimming with wonderful news. WHen she told him, he nearly burst into tears himself and yet almost felt like dancing. "Isabelle..." he croaked then cleared his throat. "I think that she will be able to sing that song to her children much sooner than I had thought. She is engaged to her childhood friend, Raktagh." he smiled and wiped away an unashamed tear at the thought of losing his surrogate daughter.

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She nodded to him and ignored the comment about Vuelasor, she turned and followed Aro. When he was done strangling the little guy Alex thumped him on the nose and glared so fiercely some of her fire leaped into her irises. "Bad dog." she said to him, then looked at the little servant. "Are you alright Gerit?" she said almost fondly. He nodded to her even though his back was turned. He eventually stopped and opened a door and gestured inside. "For mister Aro." he said and went across the hall a little farther and opened another door. "My lady, Alexdria." he said and smiled to her. She pat his head and walked in as he shut the door behind her and went off. It was big, with a queen sized bed, a desk, a second room for a closet and a window. The walls were a puzzle of rocks of different natural colors and the floor was the same, not a dead tree in sight. Rawver knew her well. Any wood that was there was drift wood and growing trees, the desk was all marble. She saw a small winding star case and went up, the north wall was all windows looking out to the mountains. She swore one spot was all black. The south and west wall was full of books, and the east wall had a mural of a fire fox. A black one. She smiled, finally a home.

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Aro growled at her viscously fire taking over his own eyes. "Touch me like that again, and I will knock you flat on your a$$" his said angirly then stormed into his own room while giving the man a growl, but passing him several 20 dollar bills. he didn't say sorry vocally, but instead the only way he knew how. His room was actually rather masculine looking with a rod iron bed that had a mural of hunting on the left side of the room. He looked at it and as he did the thing seemed to come to life, but when he took a step back, it became still. "Very smart." he said with an angered chuckle. He looked at the desk that was there that was fully stocked with any sort of utensil he needed. It was made of smooth black stone and probably worth millions. He then turned to the bookshelves full of some sort of scientific type of material. He looked at it and sighed. Quantum Physics was the first book he picked and placed beside his bed. WItha fond pat on the pack, he turned to see a bathroom that was like a walk in salon. It had several mirrors, a tub that he could lie down in fully and a shower that was wide enough for him to do the same. The closet had several sets of clothes that looked comfortable and clean. He turned one of them over and found a note.


To the human phoenix,


I take it that you haven't any clothes that can withstand flames? Well, this closet is full of them. Take your pic, and if you decide to stay, they are all yours.


Yours Truly,

Mr. Rawver


Aro laughed again and found a ladder in his closet. He climbed up it to find a large circular window ovrelooking the mountains. THere was a hammock in there hung in front of it where he would be able to see the stars once it became slightly darker. "i am beginning to like this." he said and tossed his shirt off and shoes to lay down on the downy soft hammock.

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NJoine gave a clap of delight and a laugh of joy. Grinning, she gave Ekwueme a hug, before pulling away to look at him. "That's wonderful. Then for her wedding present, I will give her the song in it's fll translation. I have the perfect congradulatory gift for the engagment though. That is much better news then she beat the poor man into the ground, as I had feared."

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Ekwueme laughed. "It was nearly that way when the moon came out. Raktagh has a tendency to not to be able to control his animal side. He was unsure of Izz would be able to deal with that. When she showed him that by dunking him into the lake across the way." he laughed and thought of what he would be able to give the two.

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Njoine giggled at the picture her mind supplied her with of Isabelle throwing the wolf in the water. Kouki hissed at her and looked toward the water, reminding, Njoine of her duties and her little cub. With a heavy sigh, Njoine stood and walked toward the water they had used to enter the cavern. She stared into the water, Kouki held in her hands, and looked grimly at her reflection. "I wish we could stay here, but we should get back."

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Ekwueme smiled and opened the water so that they could walk through it. "Then follow me." he said and made solid steps where the fish were swimming underneath. "I do hate to go..." he said with a grin and held his hand out for her.

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Njoine nodded her agreement and took Ekwueme's hand. With her free hand she slid Kouki in to her shirt allowing the snake to find a place where he would not be lost to the water. "As do I , but we can't stay away forever and I'm afraid if I stay longer, I'll make more reasons not to leave. Although, at least we have this memory, right?"

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Ekwueme kissed her hand gently as he held the water portal open and led the way down the stairs. "Memories are far more precious than gems." he said matter-of-factly and walked with her slowly through the portal that allowed them to see the dazzling freshwater fish and the greenery that grew of the spring floor. He sighed happily.

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Alex had ignored his rebuke and fumed over it as she tried to find something to wear after a nice cold shower. She threw on a green tank top and jumped for joy when she found some cargo pants. She was even happier when she remembered all her clothes the Rebels had for her were fire proof. She went up to the second floor and looked out the window, Vuelasor was peeking in and gave a toothy grin at her. Alex pushed on the glass and it opened like a door, she walked out onto the small terrace and hugged the dragoness's head. Vuelasor chuckled and blew her girl's hair back. "They have a cave against the cliffs out there." she said, her tail going back and forth with a small amount of excitement. Alex laughed. I'll ask." alex replied catching her suggestion. The dragon rubbed her and hopped off and jumped into the air to explore more.


Raktagh and Gilderox both felt someone probing them and since they were eating it annoyed them. "What?" the both snapped mentally not caring if it was a rebel.

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Jess felt a jerk of fear as the two snapped at her, they weren't normal wolfves at all! she sniffed and found no hint of anybody from the camp in their scents and the colour drained from her face. 'Rebels' she thought and relized just how far away she was from the others. she backstepped away from the clearing until she heard a sharp snap of a twig beneath her paws. she hadn't watched where she had been going.

'O no' she thought looking back at the two wolfves.

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The two brothers felt her fear and sighed. They looked up form their meal and whipped there heads towards the sound of a snapping twig. Raktagh saw her, and tweaked his neck to use his powers. A wall of rock surrounded her and a small piece covered the top so that she would talk first and they would figure out if she was friend or foe. Gilderox was there before him and sniffed around, he knew this scent. His eyes widened at first because he smelled the dragon-shifter in her, then he realized it wasn't Crystal and relaxed. Raktagh walked up to his brother and stared at the cylindrical prison. "What is it that interrupted our meal Gilderox?" he asked the white and gold dragon-wolf. "I don't know, ask her yourself." he replied. Raktagh knew when his brother knew something he didn't, and the dragon-shifter smell almost made him faint. Had he really just done this to Crystal? Kiro would kill him. "It is not Crystal." he said looking at his brother. Raktagh sighed with relief. "Jess? Is that you?" he asked remembering a name he had heard in the camp, that was related to Crystal.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Jess yelped as rock encased her, surrounding her from all sides. she clawed and lashed out with her paws trying to brake the rock but to no avail. suddenly she heard someone say her name, 'yes thats me but who are you?' she asked, her tail lashing from side to side impatiently.

her eyes flickered all over her rock prision searching for an escape route fast and only saw a rather large rock half covering the top of it. she waited to see who they were first before charging out of there.

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