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Rose of the Dragon

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Njoine broke throught the surface after Ekwueme with a gasp for air. When she had caught her breath, Njoine finally took in the sight of the cave and found herself at a loss for breathe again. She could honestly say she'd only seen four things in her life that had rivaled it's beauty. The first was a false dawn on a field of blossoms from a mountian side in Euro-asia. The second was her home in Matera just as the sun set. The third was a mother holding a newborn baby. The fourth, however, was her favorite, but she didn't think she'd tell Ekwueme. "It's gorgeous, Ekwueme."

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Ekwueme read her thoughts when she surfaced but couldn't catch the last one. "I am glad you like it. I had no idea it was here...but I have never...well I have but not like this." he said meaning he had never seen anything so beautiful.

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Njoine wandered closer to one of the walls. When she placed her hand against the wall, she wandered if she could take a piece. She thought better of it after a moment, deciding to leave everything in tact. She looked back at Ekwueme with a smile. "I know what you mean. I've seen very few things that are as lovely as this."


Back at camp, Lydon watched the rest of the group. He didn't want to intrude, but Njoine had left him with a message for Kiro and Isabelle. Sighing with the knowledge that he shouldn't put it off anylonger, Lydon stood and walked closer to the fire. "Miss Isabelle, Sir Kiro, Njoine wanted you to know that she would be back. Also, that she was with Ekwueme. I think she doesn't want you to worry or leave her behind."

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Isabelle turned to look at Lydon as he spoke. "thank you Lydon for telling us." she said with a mishcevious smile. Ekwueme hadn't taken any woman or female for that matter anywhere let alone away from a group for this period of time. He must be very fond of her.


Ekwueme smiled and picked up one of the gems form the ground and held in his mand for a momnt then found a vein of silver in the wall. With a rush of water he removed some of the silver and refined it with the water in a way that made it white silver. Me made a pendant that was in the shape of an angel holding the small diamond and then the chain that held it was solid without a seam. He slipped up behind Njoine and slipped the necklace around her head. "There..." he said with a pleased tone.

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Lydon nodded to Isabelle and turned to Kiro. While watching Kiro, Lydon went back to his seat and sat with a sigh. He pulled a piece of wood from his pack and one of his knives to start a carving project.


Njoine startled as Ekwueme slipped the necklace around her neck. She looked down to where Ekwueme's neclace rested on top of Kristina's necklace. reaching to the back of her neck, Njoine slipped the gold neclace out from under the silver one and pulled the gold from her neck. She slipped the gold neclace about her right wrist before turning to Ekwueme. She looked up at Ekwueme with her brightest smile, before a hug and a peck to the cheek. "I don't know what to say."

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Alex wanted to bip him on the nose, but she wasn't stupid enough. She chuckled at his anger towards the other rebels. "They aren't angry at you or scared, you intimidate them." she thought to him. She gave a big sigh and entered a room, she looked at the floor as she walked up to Mr.Rawver. She said nothing, letting the higher ranking speak first.


Racktagh laughed and stuck his tongue out at her. He smiled at his own childeshness and nodded to Lydon in thanks. Gilderox walked over to him and gave a puppy grin, Raktagh raised an eyebrow. Gilderox raised his back end, tail wagging, with front paws flat on the ground. His eyes widened as he saw what the wolf hybrid was doing. "No, no no. Don't you-" he was cut off as Gilderox jumped over the fire onto him. He shifted into a wolf as Gilderox landed on him, and chased the wolf as he ran off.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Ekwueme hugged her back then held her back at a distance to see if he did the necklace as well as he had wished. Oh he did well alright. Even down to the definition in the feathers of the angel's wings. "Thank you would be fine." he said as his blue eyes sparkled merrily. He was glad that he made her happy with his gift to her.


Isabelle giggled as Raktagh ran of with his brother and smiled then sighed as she sat down on a log near the fire. She patted John's head as he walked over to her and wagged his tail in greeting.


Aro snickere. "The better be intimitaded....intimiated...intimititated....you know what I am saying!" he said to her mentally as he followed her to Mr. Rawver.

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"Yes, I do thank you. It really is lovely." Njoine gave a giggle as Kouki raised from under her shirt to inspect the necklace. She looked at the ratsnake in surprise, having forgot he was there. The ratsnake gave a hiss of approval and looked at Ekwueme with a wisened gaze that soon dulled to normal. "I almost wish I had a return gift, but all I have is my thanks at the moment."

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Ekwueme was slightly dazed at the age of the snake's gaze but smiled back and kissed Njoine on her forehead. "The only gift that is right, is your happiness." he said sincerely then looked around at the moss growing on the walls and wondered if they were edible.

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"I can assure you, I am happy." Njoine turned her gaze back to the stone walls. she was still in awe of how beautiful the cavern was. The necklace on her wrist warmed for a moment in questioning. Njoine placed a hand over it in reply, she didn't care to have the moment interrupted. "It almost makes you wish you could be here forever."

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"Especially with such company." he said and turned to look at her. She was covereing her wrist. "Are you alright?" he asked with alarm creeping into his voice. He watched her face for any sings of pain, but he couldn't tell if there were any.

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Njoine blinked at Ekwueme's question in surprise before following his gaze to her wrist. She gave a laugh and nodded her head. Lifting her hand she showed him the golden necklace about her wrist. "Yes, I'm fine. This was a gift from Kristina. It connects me with her, so she can make sure I'm fine. I guess she was curious as to why I'm in such a good mood. I was simply telling her, after a fashion, not to worry about it."

Edited by Mijikoi

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((I give my charries to Mijikoi and LoveLost to do with as they wish. Although I reserve the right to pop back in and take over Kiro every now and then when I have time.))

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Kiro rumbled some sort of thanks to Lydon for updating them on the location of the members of their group. "Tonight will be our last night in this area. After this, we continue to go back to where DraconaRosella first was and the place where Cyrstal will reside as well. Isabelle, you and I will stay on watch." he said and looked at Crystal as she started to sleep while laying her head on Artorious. He layed down beside her to keep her warm as Isabelle nodded in response.


She looked around unsure of what to do and decided to shift into her half dragon form. Her wings kept the wind off of Crystal's head and off of the fire so that they could all stay warm as the night grew cold.


John laid down on the other side of Crystal and huddled close to her as Kiro did to keep the child warm. How could such a small being be the leader of so many people?

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((Guys, who is going to play Rawver? Mijikoi or Love? 'Cause I need them to post to Alex! I am not going to have her sit there...again....))


Raktagh gave a wolfy grin as he snapped at his brothers hind legs. "Hold still would ya! I can't bite you if you run in a zig-zag!" he barked. Gilderox chuckled and gave a big leap over a tree, using his wings to gain lift. "No fair!" Raktagh yelled. Gilderox landed in a clearing and stood facing him. They chuckled and panted as they tried to catch their breath.

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((>.> I'm PMing Love to talk about it. I'm just a mite bit at a loss.))

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((I would offer to play him, but Ravyn wanted you guys to. So...I will just wait see. *Eyes flicker from Mijikoi to LoveLost*))

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Rawver turned around with a slight limp. Disgust covered his face as he looked at his lower ranking officer and her dragon. She was powerful, yes...but that dragon took up to much room. He put on a smile and looked the girl in her eyes seeing if she was brave enough to face him. "Alex." he said in a slightly questioning tone.


Aro shivered at the coldness of the mans voice and looked at him wondering what he did.

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Lydon watched Crystal snuggle into both Artorious and Isabelle. He listened to Kiro speak and saw what he believed Njoine had picked up on. Shaking his head, Lydon stood and walked over to Kiro. "Is it alright if I sleep and have someone wake me when Njoine and Ekwueme return?


Artorious remained quiet, knowing Kiro would look to aid Crystal's better interests, but finding little to interest to him about the workings when he was tired as well. Leaving the decisions to Kiro, Artorious laid his head down to sleep.

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Ekwueme nodded understandingly and grabbed a few of the fish out of the water. "Are you hungry?" he asked her and wondered if she didn't mind that they were fish. "Land meat isn't exactly my favorite." he said with a bashful grin.


Kiro nodded at Lydon his dark fur rippling in the moonlight. "I will do so Lydon." he said and then settled into making sure the place was as secure as possible.

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((Love and I talked about any knew applicants for Rose of the dragon. If anyone wants to start a character or add a character they'll need to send their form to myself or Lovelost. I do want everyone to be aware that RavynWolf has the final say. If she returns and does not want your character to praticipate then she will tell you so. This post will be used to state the names of active participants. For the sake of space this post will only have the username, the charater name and affiliation and a link will be used so you may view the whole of their character.


>.>Um, if I missed something let me know. Yeah.>.>))

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Alex met his gaze regularly. "Yes Master Rawver?" she said in an even tone. She knew she was in trouble, but she was second in charge and not able to be 'grounded', else the army spiral into cahos without her discipline. Vuelasor waited outside, watching the rebels watch her with curios eyes. One person walked up to her and asked if they could feel her scales. She had nodded and the girl was now rubbing her in a massasging like matter, she let a pur radiate through her in contentment.


Gilderox sat down and looked over to some jagged cliffs. He spread his wings and lifted into the sky, heading to a heard of deer near the base. Raktagh ran under him and positioned himself where the deer would run. Gilderox landed and crept around them, he flared his wings and growled, scaring them towards his brother. He chased one with a limp, he would tire it out and Raktagh would have an easier time taking it down.

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Jess's ears piked forward as she heard the terrible screams of terror radiating through her head from deer in the distance. she whined and withdrew from the minds around her, she insteed tried to listen with her ears and heard nothing. she cast a glance back in the camp direction and heard nothing coming from them, so she scent marked the area she was in with the scent glan's under her chin and then set off at a full out run in the direction of the deer. she wanted to know what was causing so much terror.

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