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Rose of the Dragon

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Gilderox padded over and sat next to John he let some of his calm energy flow into the young werewolf. It never was good to be tensed when you might have to act.


Raktagh smiled at her and walked back to the camp.


Alex chuckled and nodded. "Well, I think I'm in more trouble than I ever have been since I joined the Rebels. That being said, we need to continue heading back." she said. She turned and hopped onto Vuelasor. She turned and looked at Aro. "Don't fall off this time. Or I will leave you." she said grinning.

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Crystal placed her hand on top of Jess' hand. "Neither of us did until it all started going crazy." She leaned back against Artorious. "We'll get through it though. We have to. For everyone." She then sighed and sat down. Artorious curled his head around and lay it in her lap.

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Jess huffed and lay down on her back, staring up into the sky and watched as the noth star peeped its way into sight.

'strange how life goes, there is never a dull moment with us lot ah?' she joked half heartly trying to lighten the mood up. she didn't feel so alone as before now that Crystal was back by her side. deep in her she was slightly smug that she had transformed first, Crystal had always been the first for everything and Jess was always left in her shadow.

'so the Rebels have been chasing ya huh? unlucky' she said glad in the knowledge no one knew about her yet.

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Crystal chuckled "Never." She was happy that there was someone from her old life with her in this one. Crystal also smiled at the thought that she wasn't the first to change. It was always scary because she didn't have anyone to look to for answers.

"Yeah, the rebels found out who I was before I did." She thought for a moment. "You know its a good thing they don't know about you yet. It means that there is a back up in case they get me." She smiled weakly.

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Lydon hadn'r meant to listen to the girls talk, but had been unable to help himself. He tried to resist the urge to speak up. He was disappointed to find himself doing it anyway, "You do know, that not one person would let that happen. That is if they still breathe. Njoine said that to the cause you represent to most people, they would fight unitl the last heartbeat to protect you and Jess. Doesn't matter if there's a "back up" or not. I mean, really. Have you ever seen a woman fight with nothing left to lose, but her family. She'd protect her greatest enemy if it meant the safety of her kin. That goes for just about everyone here, right? I know Njoine would do it and I think John and his companions. Not to mention Jess, who's your blood kin."

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'he is right' she said and nodded along with his speech, 'there will never be a need for a back up as they will never get you, you bare the pure blood line, I don't. I....well I think a mutt as you would call it in a dog world. I don't think these rebels will be after a dragon-wolf shapr shifter that can sprout wings' she laughed but then had her serious face on,

'you know I would never let that happen, sisters in blood for life. trust me, from what I have seen, these lot would go to the ends of the earth just to please you' she joked with a cheerful smile.

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John nodded firmly to Lydon's words. He would protect Crystal until he died and even then as his heart still beat inside his body he would guard her. "Crystal, as Lydon said, we would die to make sure that you regain your rightful place and even after that. You are the direct descendant of DraconaRosella and you deserve our protection over you." he said calmly as he shifted to his 20 yr old human form. His shaggy brown hair hung softly around his face and his kind green eyes shimmered defiantly as if to dare anyone of what he would do.


Ekwueme laughed and did something that he hadn't done in a long time. He dove completely underwater and looked at Njoine from across the water. It was crystal clear and his eyes matched the glorious ocean blue that the water held but it had streaks of darking blue going from the center to the outside. He smiled at her as he made his body stay solid.


Isabelle looked around and took in what was being said. She had just heard what Lydon was saying and then what John had said. "Crystal, my bloodlines go back to some of the first Guardian's...they were those that protected that DraconaRosella queen and her descendants. It is my vow and promise to protect you." she said. her voice was gentle and kind as she spoke. She was sure that Crystal would be surprised at her growth.


Aro laughed and climbed onto Vuelasors back with a swift leap. He settled onto the back of the great dragon with comfort and settled his arms around Alex's waist. "Just to make sure I wont fall off." he said with a cheeky grin.

Edited by LoveLost

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Raktagh listened to them and nodded in agreement. "Like everyone else, I will protect you as well as possible." he made it short but sweet.


Alex chuckled. "I don't think that will help with your grip, just tell me sooner this time." She moved with the dragon as she snaked up into the air. She spread her wings and rose higher and higher, in a vertical pattern. Alex stood up and squeezed with her legs to stay level with the dragon. "I'm getting or making a saddle when we get back" she thought to them both. Vuelasor chuckled and spun around, as she did so she went level with the clouds. She flew gently and calmly through the mountains of clouds, the sun light shining through them, turned them soft warm colors. Alex laughed, a small yipping kind of sound, and leaned into Aro. Vuelasor dipped her wing to the left and they glided at an angle, closer to a cloud. Alex reached out to feel the soft wall.

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Crystal Smiled at the words of the people she now called friends. "Thanks guys." She was a bit red faced and embarrassed but she knew that all would be well. She then yawned and lay her head back on Artorious.

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Jess watched as Crystal layed her head back on the wolf, she must be tired. without a word, she silently got up stretching. hungry clawed her belly and she needed to hunt sooner or later. 'see ye' she mumbled to them both and leaped forward and shifted in mid-air over their heads.

she bounded out of the make-shift camp leaving them to their own devieces. she ran for a few minutes, wanting to hunt in peace and at one with nature. she skidded to a stop by a clearing, rather narrow one and not big. feep gourges were left in the ground where a dragon had teared the ground up and had taken off leaving deep talon impressions on the ground. she inched forward and sniffed curiously. it was only then she noticed the shattered shed of some sort lying on the ground. three different scents covered the ground she stood on and she didn't know a single one. she allowed her mind to wander and only then relised how far she had ran. she couldn't feel the minds of the others anymore and that was far stronger than sound.

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Aro laughed and smiled gently and enjoyed the feeling of her being pressed back into his chest. He felt thrilled that she was at ease around him but then remembered that he had to keep a face of indifference so that he wouldn't like anyone ever again. Although, he did secure his hold around her waist as his legs automatically tightened around Vuelasor's sides.



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Crystal laughed to herself as Jess left. She was remembering some of the things they had done together as kids. She then went quiet as she saw herself as a queen. Until she produced an heir Jess would be princess. She wondered if she would even want to bring a child into this world.



The black wolf slowly came upon the camp that had been made. Artorious and Crystal were resting together, John was nearby tending a fire. Where was everyone else. They had been here recently, he could smell that.


Crystal and Artorious caught a wiff of something. Artorious recognized it, but Crystal was only just getting used to her powers. She questioned him mentally and when she found the answer she smiled. He had finally made it back.

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Lydon slept leaning against the tree. He was unaware of the ongoings of the camp. He was also unaware of Njoine, whom was pushing herself from the floor of the spring and swiming toward Ekwueme. She waited next to him for his next move until the need for air became an issue, forcing Njoine to the surface. Njoine broke the surface with little fanfair and after a deep breathe returned to being fully submerged.

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Ekwueme didn't tell Njoine that he could breath underwater. His form when in the water, unless decided otherwise, was a merman with green hair. He hated that form and found that it was easier to stay in his current form. Njoine, we can go back to the surface you know. He said to her mentally with a laugh. Water was his home but the land was also just as beautiful to him.


John sniffed into the air unsure of who it was. His hackles raised as he saw a rather large black wolf walk into the area that they were camping. He looked back out of the corner of his eye to see if Artorious was moving, but he wasn't which meant that this wolf was less than likely a threat. "Kiro?" he asked the large wolf unsure if it was his Alpha or not.


Isabelle nearly jumped when she heard John growling and looked eye to eye with a black wolf. She too noticed that no one seemed alarmed and since she hadn't really met Kiro like John had,, she had no idea who it was.

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Of course, but it's nice to get a new perspective of the world every once in a while. Besides I have no problem holding my breathe and it's not like it'll kill me right away. Njoine's grin was mischievious as she looked at Ekwueme. It wasn't often she went swiming, but it was an enjoyable activity. 'Sides, I'm having fun. Aren't you?

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Ekwueme smiled releasing bubbles from his mouth. More than you know. he said then looked behind her to see some sort of cave in the ground that the spring came out of. Maybe there was a cavern or something in there... Hold on just a second...I'll be right back. He said then disappeared from vision as he want to his water form and rushed around Njoine to the opening. He was right...there was a cavern and it's low tide wasn't there yet...bet there were ledges that they could sit on. He reappeared in front of her with a wide boysih grin. Get another breath of air then let's go this way. He said pointing to the tunnel.

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Kiro shook out his black fur. Yes John, it is me. He then trotted up to the fire and Crystal. Crystal hugged the black wolf's neck and kissed his forehead.

"I was worried about you."

No need to worry about me. There was silence for a moment as Kiro sniffed of Crystal, You smell a little different. You smell more like a dragon now. I think you have been hanging out with Artorious too much. He chuckled.

Artorious growled at the comment but didn't move.

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Vuelasor tilted her wings down and they descended to the plains below. She walked the rest of the way and laid outside instead of bursting inside again, a nap in the sun sounded nice anyway. Alex took in a large breath of air before letting it out long and slowly. This wasn't going to be pretty, she hoped it would be ok, it probably would. But she had learned to not expect the best, and assume the worst. She hopped off and instead of waiting for Aro she just walked in and traversed the hallways till she found Mr. Rawver.


Raktagh never did meet Kiro, but since Crystal knew him he didn't move. he did, still holding Isabelle's hand, sat down by the fire and messed with a pebble in his hand.

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Isabelle smiled at the two knowing that he was her guardian along with her. "uhm Kiro...you do know that her dragon form has presented itself right?" she asked him as she gently squeezed her fiancées hand. She brushed black bangs from her eyes and awaited an answer from him.


Aro stayed on Vuelasor as he glared at those that stared at him and whispered about his human phoenix form. He growled as he leaped off and landed as a large Belgian sheepdog in front of them his yellow eyes showing the anger in his heart. He was soon behind Alex his throat still rumbling at those that came to close. Fire trickled along the edges of his claws and bordered his teeth as anger welled up inside of being ridiculed for what he was.


John whined appreciatively of his Alpha's presence and followed him to Crystal and sat down near the two. He wasn't sure what was going to happen now that he was here but he knew that things had to start moving along for sure. He was tired of staying in one place...it made him feel trapped.

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Raktagh poked at the fire with a stick as he thought about childhood memory's and listened to the conversation. He squeezed her hand back and sent a memory he had when they were little to her. He smiled at it, it was when they were both sitting under a tree and a nuts squirrel started dropping things on him. And no matter what he did the pesky creature chased him and did all it could to bother him.


Alex glanced back at him. "Ease up with the flames, I'm in enough trouble already." she told him mentally. Mr. Rawver would blame her for anything since he was already ticked off at her. That was if he was ticked off, a Dragon stepping on your foot would surely do it... Not to mention everything else.

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Njoine went back to the surface again and expelled the air from her lungs. She watched the water for a few moments before taking a lungful of air and dove back into the water. Opening her eyes, Njoine looked back into the direction Ekwueme had showed her. She kicked her legs to swim toward the cavern. Lead the way, Amico.

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Ekwueme smiled at her and swam in front of her so that he could lead the correct way to the underwater cave. He consistently checked back behind him to make sure she was alright and they were soon within the underwater cave. The blue water reflected with gold on the surface of the walls and many gems were there in polished form from where the water rubbed them smooth.


Aro growled at Alex but chilled the flames only slightly. He watched as people continued to stare at the man who had torched part of the mountains not to far off.


Isabelle giggled at the memory and tossed a small pebble at his head.

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