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Rose of the Dragon

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Aro looked at Alex fearing the worst until he saw that her chest....her chest was moving with breathing. "Thank God." he muttered slightly and tapped her arm. "You alive there cap?" he said more gently than he had wished. He prayed that she didn't notice otherwise he would be embarassed beyond belief.


Isabelle smiled through the kiss and leaned into it while sihging happily. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she closed her eyes and felt herself relax into his arms.


Ekwueme grinned slightly. "Well John is there to protect her and I don't think she will need that much protection since she is a dragon herself." he said as he looked back to where Crystal and Jess were. he could see through the trees that John was there sitting near Crystal with his hackles raised and a growl still deep in his throat.



Edited by LoveLost

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Alex didn't reply at first but waited a second to form words and take in enough oxygen to say them. She punched his nose and opened her eyes. "First off." she said catching her breath. "don't call me captain or anything short of it. And second, I'm close enough. You?" she said between gasps. Vuelasor sat on the shore sunning herself, trying to dry off before she froze.


Raktagh Pulled away and sat her down on the edge of the stream. "Wait here." he said smiling. He loped off as a brown wolf, feeling the earth beneath his paws. Searching for the one thing to complete the necklace. He found it and came to a stop and shifted human. He used his powers and pulled the gem to the surface. He cleaned it off dirt and impurity's, then fit it into the necklace. It was small but it had veins of sapphire and ruby going through it. He put it back in his pocket and shifted wolf again, heading back to Isabelle. He sat next to her and shifted human again.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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While isabelle was waiting for Raktagh, She fluffed up her hair and made sure she didn't look to horrible in the reflection of the lake's water. She then paced a little bit her hands clasped just underneath her bust. She watched him approach with suspicion.


Aro grabbed his face after she punched it twisting his nose this way and that trying to make sure she didn't break it. "You could have said that a little bit more nicely" he shouted. With a twist of his arm, he grabbed onto the floating device and started to pull her to shore using one arm to pull and his legs to kick.

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Lydon felt Njoine's eyes on him as he walked back to the camp to sit next to Silvia and lean his back against a tree. After he was gone, Njoine bit her lip and turned away from Ekwueme, facing the opposite direction of the camp. She was pleased that her damp dress wasn't dripping water anymore. Njoine fiddled with the sleeve of her right arm and nodded to Ekwueme. "That's true. It still doesn't make me worry any less."

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Alex smiled to let him know she was playing. "Where's the fun in that?" she mumbled. Vuelasor looked up at them and realized Aro had burned his clothes again. She took off into the sky to see if she could find something. She luckily came across a house, the occupants of which just left. She landed lightly on the roof and followed her nose to find the young males room. It was easy and she snaked her tail in and managed to hook some cut offs and a t-shirt on it. She grinned in triumph and flew back to the lake, careful to keep her cargo with her. She landed and placed the clothes behind a bush on the shore, making sure he knew what she was doing.



Raktagh saw her face and smiled to let her know she didn't have to worry about it. He sat on the shore and gazed into the stars, waiting for the opportune moment. "The stars are beautiful, but they're dulled in comparison to you." he said meaning every word.

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Ekwueme placed a comforting hand on Njoine shoulder and also wicked away the water so she could be dry. "Njoine, you worry because you are a mothering person and you care. Don't worry about her." he said in a kind tone.


Isabelle blushed entirely and hugged him closely. "And the sun could never outshine you." she said honestly her heart beating wildly. She rested her head on his chest and looked up at the stars and the moon that her eyes always embodied.


Aro looked gratefully where the considerate dragon had placed the clothes. He mouthed 'Thank you' to her and pushed Alex the rest of the way to the shore. "There, now don't turn around okay?" he said silently pleading that she wouldn't ask why as he swimmed back out into the water to where the bush would be so he could make a beeline for it.

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Njoine nodded in acceptance of Ekwueme's words. She knew he was right and that she shouldn't worry, but it seemed so impossible to her. Njoine placed a hand on top of Ekwueme's in thanks. She did find it endearing that he made the effort to comfort her. A giggle slipped past her lips as she thought about how at that moment he reminded her a little bit of Lydon and Mentor. "I will try not to worry so much. I have faith in our Lady."

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Vuelasor nodded and turned her back to him heading to get Alex. She picked her up loosely in her jaws and set her on the shore. "Are you alright little one?" she said curling around the girl and blowing fire above her. Alex nodded and she had had no want to ask Aro why. She figured he'd burnt his clothes, again. She was cold and had a few cuts and splinters from the wood, but she was alive.


Raktagh put an arm around her and gazed into the sky with her. He slowly pulled the necklace out of his pocket and put one end in his hand around Isabelle and attatched the two. "Will you marry me?" he whispered in her ear. He knew her answer, he thought. He hoped he knew. Gilderox had headed back to the camp and wandered up to Lydon. He sat watching the boy, he had nothing to do. His white coat shone in the dark and his golden dragon wings glistened with stream water.

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Ekwueme laughed and smiled lightly. He patted her hand with his other so that she could know that his best intention was for her and everyone else to feel good and if he could help it, he would. But for some reason he found that he wanted her most of all to feel the best. "Good. Because it dims your attitude." he said with a smile.


Aro climbed out of the water quickly and ran over to the bushes. He found the clothes there and slipped them on quickly. More than likely they would just become burnt again but oh well. Might as well stay as decent as possible. He stepped out of the bushes and leaned against a tree to watch Vuelasor care for Alex. At one time, he had wished to care for Isabelle that way, but it didn't work out and he wanted to care for someone again.


Isabelle was slightly shocked at the question. her heart and mind raced with the question; she never thought he would ask her. "Raktagh," she said stumbling over her words. "I love you and..." she tried to talk again but she couldn't. She only nodded her head numbly and smiled happily.

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Lydon watched as Gilderox walked into the camp. He sighed and turned his head to the sky but glanced back at Gilderox and watched him take a seat. Lydon had no clue what he wanted and shrugged. "I'm Lydon. Njoine's human, as the vampire's at Mentor's home call me. You?"


Njoine looked up at Ekwueme and tilted her head to the side. She felt like a run, but was unsure if she should hunt again. She didn't particulary want to do that yet. Her eyes lit up with mischief as a thought occured to her. Slipping out from under Ekwueme's hand and pulling away from him, Njoine taped him on the shoulder. She danced a few steps back as she pulled away from Ekwueme before turning away from the camp. She knew she couldn't take away his upset, but she coud help him escape it for a while. Or at least she hoped she could. At the very least she'd dare him to let his worries go for just a bit and the run would be good for him.

"Tag. You're it, Ekwueme." With that, Njoine took off. She ran hoping Ekwueme played along. If he chose not to Njoine would simply run until she was ready to return to camp.

Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme was surprised at first then ran after her enjoying the feeling of running without hindrance. He wasn't able to reach her as fast as he had wanted, but then reached her and tagged her. He stopped on a dime and ran to the north with a deep mirthful laugh deep in his chest. He enjoyed being with her as he did talking to her. She was easy to speak to and was a pleasure to be around.

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Njoine joined Ekwueme in his laughter and turned to chase him. She felt the inquery from her Mentor and simply sent the man a mental hug, before continuing after Ekwueme. Keeping her vampiric, form Njoine ran behind Ekwueme. Around her neck, Kouki hissed in pleasure. The ratsnake always did enjoy the taste of Njoine's happiness. Njoine kept after Ekwueme, letting her worry go and placing confidence in the others. Ekwueme made it easy to laugh and that had been something Njoine had missed. Yes, Lydon gave Njoine a reason to be content, but since meeting up with everyone, Njoine had found more to enjoy then just the hunt or the next adrenaline rush Kristina concocted. Njoine grinned as Mentor presented an image of Kristina meeting her new friend, causing Njoine to giggle as she continued after Ekwueme.

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Raktagh pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. He stared up at the stars and saw the sky start glowing with first light. Gilderox looked at the young boy named Lydon. "Gilderox, young dragon-wolf. Well met Lydon, Nijone's human." the young hybrid thought to him. His eyes showed a knowledge beyond his years.


Alex sat up when she was completely dry, and climbed onto Vuelasor's back. The dragon still lay down but put her head down to rest. Alex scrambled through her pack she had on the dragon, to make sure nothing was to wet. When she was sure it was ok she looked behind her at Aro and slid down the dragons back. She walked over to him and shuffled her feet. "Thanks for saving me, again." she said managing to swallow her pride.

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Ekwueme turned to look back at her which slowed him down slightly before he was able to get back to his full speed. He was wondering what had made her laugh and was reminded of her Mentor. She was obviously enjoying himself and to his surprise, his enjoyment was also vibrant.


Aro looked at Alex and then sighed slightly. "Alex, it's my fault you were put in that place...I'm sorry." he said as he too swallowed his own pride trying not to burst as he did so. He looked at Vuelasor wondering what was going through te silver dragon's mind.


Isabelle smiled to herself and leaned on him.

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Vuelasor was trying not to eavesdrop on their conversation, which was hard for her. And couldn't help but notice how easily they got along. She smiled to herself and slept. Alex looked at him and shook her head. "I'm the one flying the dragon. It wasn't your fault." she said. She didn't want him to take the blame, no matter if it caused her blame. This was odd for her, her pride and viciousness screamed at her. How could she be like this? It was completely his fault if he wants it to be! Why didn't you say; Yeah, it was? for once in Alexdria's life, she didn't listen to them.


As much as he didn't want to say it Raktagh suggested they go back to camp, they had missed a night of sleeping and needed the rest. He didn't like having to think about other things than them right now. But he had to think about the Rebels and Crystal, even if he just wanted to think about Isabelle.

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"Pleasure to meet you, Gilderox, young dragon-wolf." Lydon smiled and turned his head to look at Gilderox. The human wasn't the least bit surprised to hear Gilderox in his head. Kristina had done far weirder stuff. Of course, most of what she did involved Njoine and chaos. He watched Gilderox before he decide to use a cat's life. "Hey, can you hear Njoine? I want to make sure she's alright, but shewanted to talk to Ekwueme."


Njoine grinned as she used a rock as a spring board and pounced at Ekwueme. She laughed again as her feet left the rock and she went airborn. Once she attached herself to Ekwueme's back and gave him a hug. As she waited to see if he kept his balance Njoine hung off his shoulders. She refrained from slipping back into Italian as she spoke. Caught ya, Amico."

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The dragon wolf flicked his ears around and picked up laughing. He nodded to Lydon. "All is well." he said. He wished he could still act like a pup, but it wasn't his place to. He shook his head and lay down. Why must it be this way? he asked himself, and of course he knew the answer. Because fate decided it and I must act for it at this time, when this is over I can act like a pup again. He kept going for the thought of being able to be a pup again. Hearing Ekwueme and Nijone play wasn't helping his patients.

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Ekwueme was cought off guard by Njoine but laughed all the stronger as he secured his hands around her wrists so she would have to stay there. He enjoyed the weight however small and the comraderie that they shared. "Ya cought me indeed." he said with a deep smile in his light blue eyes. His dark African skin seemed taut over the rippling muscles as he leaped over a log and he caught a branch then released so that he landed just right then took off again running.


Aro leaned against the tree again not knowing what to say or do. "Fine then.....since you are so persistant...I'll let it be your fault. this time and this time only. Your my boss and the blame for everything comes to me okay?" he said in a slightly joking tone. He was being honest and didn't like giving blame that was his own. It wasn't the elemental's fault it was his own for not starting his fire and saving them both.


Isabelle smiled and kissed him passionately for only a few seconds then stood up. "Alright then."" she said knowing that he was right and grabbed his hand. She placed the necklace around her tanned neck and it hung just above her chest but slightly down. She kissed it admiringly and looked back at Raktagh lovingly.


John paced around for a bit seeming to be a little bit disturbed. He wanted to get moving and wanted to disappear from where they were.

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((Is it day or night?))


Lydon made a non-commited noise in acknowledgement. Between John, Gilderox and himself, Lydon figured if it were possible to move everyone by their will alone, the entire camp would be in China. Lydon didn't like the crowd and Njoine seemed to be leaving him behind, for all the attention she paid him. Lydon cursed as he realised Njoine had been right in her words before they left Matera. Njoine was preparing for him to leave and she knew that he would. She haad then gone on to tell him, that she'd make it as easy for him to leave, as she could. "Hades take her for being right."


Njoine grined, wrapping her self more firmly around Ekwueme and held on. Her crimson eyes fairly glowed with her excitement as she clung to Ekwueme. Metal warmed with the glow of magic against Njoine's throat, sharing Njoine's joy with Kristina. Njoine gave a fanged grin at Kritina's response. Definitely have to introduce Ekwueme to Kritina.

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((Late afternoon/ sunset))


Crystal could tell that Jess was upset. She didn't know what to say to her so she stood there readying herself to take whatever Jess was about to dish out. She was even prepared to fight her if nescessary. She prepped her mind in case she would need to shift quickly to her dragon form.


Artorious tossed his head impatiently. He wanted something to happen, either they would calm down or fight and he was ready to take his mistress' side when it came down to that. Then he heard her voice in his head. "You will not fight, its between me and her if it comes down to that." Artorious snarled, but did as he was told and stepped behind Crystal and lay down.

Edited by RavynWolf

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Jess was on tipping point at this stage and already felt her dragon self coming on, 'you abandoned me when I needed you most and now you just stand there with nothing to say to me, my family ran me from my own home for who I have become. we told each other everything and didn't you think there was the slightest case that I was going to become this too!' she yowled at her baring her fangs at her, somewhere in the back of her head, there was a little voice telling her to calm down but she muffled it with her rage.

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Crystal looked at the ground. It seemed Jess had a right to be mad at her. "I couldn't get to you because I was being chased. I'm sorry for that. Also, I only just changed. That time right in front of you, that was my first change. I didn't know that I wasn't human." She stood her ground, "So you were the first to change form." She felt a power surging in her. Something that she had only rarely felt. Rage began to pour over her, but she made herself calm back down.

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Jess calmed down slightly, 'that was your first time?' she asked and was really surprised by this. she had transformed a good while ago. she felt bad at once for giving out to Crystal at once. it seemed Crystal had been having a harder time than she had.

'I'm sorry, I didn't know' she said quietly to her. she relaxed from her fighting pose and relaxed her entire body. she looked at Crystal and slowly walked forward to lay her hand on her shoulder.

'I never knew' she whispered to her.

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John had started to growl even louder as Jess shouted at Crystal. But he was even more confused when Arotrious laid down. His large wolfish mouth dopped open and his ears laid flat against his head as he whined his confusion. As soon as he heard Jess calm down and Crystal calm down, he sat down but watched closely in case he would have to leap to Jess to keep her from doing anything.


Ekwueme kept running further and further away from camp but close enough so that John could contact him if anything went awry. He continued to run until they came to a spring and then stopped panting slightly at the exhertion of running with Njoine on his back. He was still smiling and then felt the temptation of throwing Njoine into the water, but she might be angry...however the spring was cool and not very deep... He looked back at her with that dangerous twinkle in his eyes and secured his hands around hers so that she couldn't let go and took a running leap into the water. They met the water with a large Kabloosh! and he pushed them back to the top while releasing her hands so that she could do whatever she wished. He boke the surface laughter filling the air as he did.



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Njoine let out a yelp as Ekwueme jumped into the water and found herself laughing with him when they surfaced. Feeling playful, Njoine splashed Ekwueme and then swam further into the spring. She took a deep breath and duck under the surface to keep from being splashed back. When she opened her eyes under the water, Njoine gave a broad grin as she sat on the bottom of the spring. Her grin widened as she looked up at Ekwueme.

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