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Rose of the Dragon

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John was growling at the wind knowing that Ekwueme had found an enemy. "He is fine, but there is a pure Air Elemental that is against us." he was now seething with anger and stood closer to Crystal not knowing where the air had gone.


Ekwueme landed behind Njoine and solidified easily. His bright blue eyes were angry and betrayed. Elemental's they are all supposed to be for each other. This was a childish idea that he had formed at a young age and it was torn to shreds many times.


((which dragon did she run into? Crystal? Isabelle? Vuelasor?))

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Njoine stood and turned to face Ekwueme with wide eyes. She had felt the hair on the back of her neck rise to inform her of someone behind her and had needed to repress the urge to attack as she realised who was behind her. Her gaze softened to concern as she took note of the elemental's expression. With a gesture she told Lydon to follow John and stand near Crystal. Njoine simply stepped onto the log Lydon and she had been using as a seat. While the log didn't give her overly much height it allowed Njoine to not feel so short next to Ekwueme. Is everything okay, Ekwueme?"


((Vuelasor, I'd say.))

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Ekwueme looked at Njoine knowing she would probably be the only one he could tell. "In my childhood, I had dreams of all Elemental's fighting together for DraconaRosella. There is an air Elemental that is here and she does not fight for DraconaRosella." He hoped that she would understand the pain that he was going through.

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Njoine looked at Ekwueme, she did understand to a degree. Probably more, due to knowing that there were shifters and vampires on both sides. If the elementals all looked at each other like family, similar to some vampire clans, then Njoine felt her heart reach out to her new friend. She was after all trying to kill her own father after years of dreaming they'd reunite and fight the Rebels. "Did she tell you why? Maybe we can show her a different way to go about things."

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Ekwueme took a deep breath and he could still taste the other elemental on the air. "Humans killed her family...I didn't know what to say..." he said ashamedly and looked down at the ground knowing that that could have been the time to say something like 'they could have been rebels.'

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((I'm at a dead end with Raktagh....))


Alex rolled her eyes, as if she was going to answer that. She focused on steering through the thick clouds and pretended his voice had been lost to the wind. She thought up a retort but an air elemental hit them. "What the?!" she said and shot a fireball at it. "Watch where your goin' next time." she snapped. Vuelasor hissed at the elemental and some smoke trikled out of her nostrils.

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((Yeah, Vuelasor was the intended landing pad))

"Hey! I'm not trying to give myself a concussion!" She thought quickly about what she would say next. Remembering her first meeting with someone other than her family, she asked, "Are you with the DraconaRosella? I am not, please don't kill me, I still need to avenge my family and kill the humans." She prayed this would work, but she was ready to speed away if it didn't.

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Alex smiled, two recrutes in one week, this kept getting better and better. Her respected reputation was growing and fueling her pride, which could be a bad thing for other people. "Come on then, I'll take you strait to your new leader. My names Alexdria, this is Vuelasor and Aro." she said gesturing to them. She wondered if she should tell the elemental her rank, but then she would see that as gloating, Alex didn't want that to e the first impresion. She'd show her by ordering the exspendables to fetch them drinks and such. And maybe a few would disobey her, then she could reinforce her higharkey. She smiled at the thought of being home and acting that way again, she wondered what Aro and Vuelasor would think when they saw her as her real self.

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((really sorry guys but my laptop broke all of a sudden and I had no means of getting on the interent what so ever.))


'O so now you remember me!' she thundered and bared her teeth at the black dragon. 'you leave without so much as a note or anything! leaving me in that...place all by myself! and this happenes and you thought nothing to tell me! you know we swore to tell each other everything when we were young!' she yelled and stabs of pain shot through her heart at remembering all the memorys.

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"There was no time Jess." She hesitated. "The lions killed my parents and were on our tale. We had to leave. Since then I've just been running." She said quietly. She wondered about her stallion and where he might be, but that didn't seem to matter. He was with his herd, keeping them safe. She knew he was waiting for the final battle. He told her before she left him there in the valley with the other unicorns that they would gather as many as they could for the fight.

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'hm mabye my family wouldn't have ran me from my own house than if they knew you were like me too' she snapped, getting out all her rage that had gathered up over the past few days. she felt out of touch with this new world she had found and didn't know what to make of it.

'guess your the person them lot are supposed to be protecting then' she huffed.

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Aro was thrown off of Vuelasor and didnt want to ruin his clothes yet again. "Uhm ALLEEEXX!!!" He shouted over the rush of air around him. She flying further and further away and he was falling fast and faster and the ground was becoming uncomfortably close. He waited for her to come and hoped she would.


John growled slightly when Jess raised her voice at Crystal. Since Kiro wasn't there, he and Artorious had to be her main protectors even if she was a massive dragon. He watched their interaction carefully and sat down with his hackles still raised.


((have him get angry or something or just hug her or IDK!))

Edited by LoveLost

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Vuelasor didn't notice the missing weight till Alex said something. "Ah sh*t..." she said turning Vuelasor into a vertical dive. The dragon tried to go faster but she couldn't go fast enough. Alex did something stupid, really stupid. She shifted into a fox and dove past Aro, then she shifted human and spread out. She grabbed him as she went by and hoped she didn't just make the most stupidest mistake. She held onto him and dove at an angle towards a lake, she knew Vuelasor was NOT going to catch up with them. But she had to make a split second decision, only now was her brain giving her the facts. Was the water deep enough? Are there rocks? Were they going to even hit the water? Too late now. "I blame you if we die!" she yelled to him over the wind.


Raktagh didn't know how else to explain his actions. But he did know how to make new ones. He stood up and pulled Isabelle with him, he pulled her close and started to dance. His eyes glowed with the decision he'd made, he wasn't going to leave again. It was stupid that he did, but he wouldn't do it ever again. He just hoped she saw that.

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Njoine had opened her mouth to reply to Ekwueme, but when she'd heard Jess she had been unable to stop herself from turning to what might have been a threat. She had joined John, adding her own snarl at the young woman. Without paying mind to her actions Njoine bared her fangs at Jess. She had been found of the young woman, but Njoine would not go back on her oath. Even if it meant fighting another one of the old Clan's children and a friend.

Lydon, seeing his long time friend fighting with herself over whether or not to attack her new friend, walked over to Njoine. Once next to the half vampire, Lydon hefted the 5'3 woman over his shoulder and carried the stunned woman away from the camp. He sighed as he walked, aware that Njoine wouldn't truely fight him unless she thought that Jess was a real threat. As he finished walking to the edge of the camp, Lydon turned to Ekwueme and gestured into the trees. "She'll talk better if she's not trying to protect someone that doesn't need it."

Edited by Mijikoi

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((you didn't see my post, did you storm?))

Alex was hanging onto Aro for dear life. "FLARE YOUR WINGS OUT, YOU USELESS REPTILE!!" she screamed at Vuelasor. The dragon tried, she really did, but it wasn't enough, she moved away so as to not crash into them. But Alex's sharp fox eyes caught something no one else would see. The dragons wing was going to clip her on the shoulder, and she couldn't do anything to stop it. She groaned at the approching dragon, she groaned because she knew what she had to do. Vuelasor was getting tiered and no matter how much she wanted to swoop out of her dive, it would only throw them in a different direction. The wing hit her shoulder. She gasped at the ammount of pain. Then to keep the other two from falling she let go. She couldn't spread out because her shoulder, and Vuelasor couldn't control herself. The dragon had been thrown of by hitting Alex, she started to spin and she couldn't get out of it.

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Aro was expecting Vuelasor to just fly down and pluck him out of the air but she was to slow to get him. In seconds through blurred vision he saw a fox coming at him and was going to try and fly away and just land on his own, but it was Alex and she was trying to save him. "Alex?!" he shouted as he felt Vuelasor's wing clip her shoulder. He flipped over so that it seemed that she was underneath him and he could see that her shoulder was severely injured. He looked at the lake and was able to see that it was very deep and went into full flames. He used fire to propel Alex and him towards the middle of the lake where it was deepest and then made hit Vuelasor's wing with a fireball which would take her out of her spiral.


John watched in awe as Lydon took Njoine away from them on his shoulder and laughed to himself but kept a wary eye on Jess. His yellow green eyes seemed to be scanning her searching for her anger since he was unable to hear all that was said earlier.


Ekwueme watched as Lydon lifted Njoine off and decided to follow them. He listened to what Lydon said and nodded with a smile. He was sure that Njoine would have something to say but was unsure about what. he was just curious about what just happened.

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Njoine stared at Lydon's back as he carried her away from the camp. She hadn't expected Lydon to do anything about her and when he did she'd been to stunned to do anything about it. When she finally regained her senses, Njoine growled at Lydon and pinched him. Lydon yelped and dropped Njoine, rubbing the offended area. "Well, you shouldn't have been acting all weird-like."

Njoine rolled her eyes at her companion and turned to Ekwueme. As she collected her thoughts Njoine straightened her dress and checked that her knife was still properly sheathed. With a sigh, Njoine checked to make sure she could still hear if Crystal might need help. She was pleased to note that she could still hear the camp. "I apologise Ekwueme. I believe I forgot to teach Lydon his manners, but he was right. I know Lady Crystal doesn't need my help and I do like Jess. She seems to be a wonderful young woman. I just don't like the idea of Lady Crystal having to defend herself from anyone."

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Ekwueme nodded in understanding. "But how is she to learn to defend herself if we are always doing it for her?" he asked her his eyes still showing the frustration of having one of their supposed own turn on them twice in a week. "Jess unnerves me for some reason but if you and Crystal think she is alright, then I will trust the judgment of two important people."


Isabelle was rather shocked at what Raktagh was doing, but let herself be pulled into his arms and leaned her head on his chest gently while taking a deep relaxing breath to calm herself. "I love you." she said softly tears leaping into her eyes.

Edited by LoveLost

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"It's not a matter of trust. Truthfully I trust no one that Sir Kiro has given no faith to. And yes, I know that Lady Crystal must defend herself or we have no hope of peace." Njoine sighed and slumped against Lydon. Choices seemed to surround her and she was not pleased, because no choice was actually hers. All choices she saw were merely relfections of what Crystal may or may not decide and not a thing Njoine did would truely have an impact. "Jess claims kin to Lady Crystal, but I cannot follow them both. I vowed my life, blood and claw to the Heir. Since, Sir Kiro found Lady Crystal that should give First Rites, at least if this were like a human society. With how the old Clan works, I'm at a loss. I have no clue what they plan to do. All I know is that Lady Crystal was the first I saw and I settled my oath on her."

Njoine gave Ekwueme a grim smile and shook her head. "That, however wasn't what I wanted to say earlier. About the other elemental. She said humans killed her family? Is she aware of what the Rebels might have done to her family if they had survived?"

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((Love, I posted a Raktagh in the post before last.))


Vuelasor got out of her spin and gave a roar as she beat her wings to slow her fall into the water. Her wings slapped the surface and stuck strait up as she sank further into the water. She pulled them to her sides and swam back up to air, she stretched her neck out and gulped dragon sized lung fulls of air. She continued like that till she managed to reach the shore.


Alex fell into the water, she couldn't swim due to her shoulder but at least she could keep her head up. Vuelasor had broken an old dock with her tail before the dragon made it to the deeper waters. Alex sighed in relief as she climbed onto one, she closed her eyes and just drifted.

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Jess was kicking herself for not knowing sooner. She such have known from the very start that it was Crystal. Her blood was boiling now and she was on the edge of losing it. She was a hot headed girl, well used to living life rough. She had learnt fron her year on the streets how to defend herself and how to attack a person but she still didn't fancy her chances against a whole gang of people that had sworn their lifes to protect Crystal.

Still, she could do some damage. Right now she didn't care for what Crystal had to say. Excuses more than likely. she was so sick of everyone giving her an excuse and was tired of having to hear them.

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Ekwueme was about to say something about Jess but answered Njoine's other question first. "Well actually no I didn't....I told you, I couldn't think." What he didn't say was the reason he couldn't think was becasue he was excited for seeing another Elemental, especially a pure one. "But as for Jess, she doesn't seem to be the direct descendant at all..." he said suspiciously. he wouldn't want her ruling the country, she seemed to volatile in her personality.


((edited Shadow smile.gif ))


Aro slammed into the water, causing his flames to go out and his clothes, what was left, to disintegrate and turn into puply ashes. he heard the giant splash of Vuelasor landing in the water and once he reached the surface of the water, he looked around to see where Alex was to see if she was still alive. He saw her on a floating piece of something and swam over to her making sure to keep his uncovered body well underneath the water. He was tired, that was for sure, but he had to see if she was alright...he just had to!

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"It does seem that way. At least I don't feel compelled to stand between them and defend them both. All that prevents me from attacking Jess for the presumed insult to Lady Crystal is that I actually like the young woman." Njoine shook her head at what was going on. She wanted to rush back to Crystal, but she remained still. Artorious and John were with Lady Crystal and Jess wouldn't attack her kin, would she? Njoine's eyes narrowed in the camp's direction when she rembemered her father.What's so surprising about that? After all, Father was direct kin and he killed Nonna.

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((hm I could wait or I could just have jess go off in a rage, what you guys think?))

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Raktagh put his head on hers and held her closely. "I love you too." he said. He put his hand under her chin and tilted her head to look in his eyes. He didn't say anything, he kissed her. That was all he needed to say. The firefly's danced around them and the moon shone on the stream turning it silver.


Alex was curled up with her eyes closed, why the hell did this always happen to them? This never came up for most outings in the rebels, it wasn't even a mission. Yet they still found a way to get into trouble, and waste a lot of clothes...

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