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Rose of the Dragon

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Crystal thought about what Njoine was telling her. So all she had to do was will her body to go back to her birth form. Just like picking up a pencil, you want to do it so just do it. She closed her eyes and pictured her self as the person she used to see in the mirror every morning. It was difficult to do at first, since she hadn't seen a mirror in a couple of days, but soon she was able to remember her features. She then told herself to be human. After about twenty minutes she was human again although sweat seemed to pour off of her with the effort she gave. She leaned against Artorious who licked the sweat off. "Does it get any easier than that?"

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Ekwueme let himself shift to a water wolf then solidified his form then shifted again to a large water lion then solidified again. "The more practice you have, the easier it will become. I am betting that John is stuck in his wolf form right now." he said looking back at John who was staring at the ground and then he would stop, growl then stare again. He shifted back to his human form easily with obvious practice.


John growled at Ekwueme. "Shut up! just Shut up!" he said with a slight laughing tone knowing that all Ekwueme meant was good wishes.


Ekwueme laughed and then turned back to Crystal and handed her a hankercheif so that she could dry her face off from the sweat. "It will get easier."

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Njoine smiled at Crsytal and gave another nod in agreement with Ekwueme. Njoine remembered her first shift and being stuck as a leopard for almost two months until she learned to shift back. She did giggle at John and Ekwumem's banter before turning back to Crystal. "Admittedly, it always takes some effort. However, the more aware your are of the general details of both forms the easier it will become to change between the two I think. The minut details aren't quite as important, because once you have the general awareness the rest slides into place. For example: when you shifted back did you think about each individual strand of hair or just that your hair color was black?"

Edited by Mijikoi

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John shouted triumphantly as he turned back into his normal, handsome self. his green eyes were back as was his blondish hair. He sighed happily and leaned against a log that he had moved to the fire and whittled at a smaller piece of wood that seemed around cup sized.

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((Alex was talking to Rawver but then Vuelasor burst in and stepped on his foot. Then they took off.))


Raktagh watched her with his ears down, he knew she could but... he couldn't control himself, and he didn't want to hurt her. He forgot himself and he would forget who she was and... like the women in the alley. He had been feeling it for a few days now, and her challenge was making him loose it. He dug his claws into the dirt and smashed his teeth together, trying to fight it. He lost and ended up going crinos. He shook himself and looked around, he spotted a dragon-horse and growled. His eye's locked with it's and he crept closer. Something bright flickered across his peripheral vision but he took no care, he was hunting. Something slammed into him and he fell from the impact, he turned to see a white wolf with raised golden wings snarling at him. He snarled back and leaped at the nuisance, Gilderox dogged and bit him on the arm. He howled with pain and shook him off, the wolf was thrown against a tree and lay there. Raktagh turned and went back to his hunting.


"Oh yum..." Alex said she didn't like the sound of any of it, but she would take the preserves. "I call the peaches." she said grabbing a jar. She liked all of her food the same way, raw.

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((I know I'm double posting but I'm on my phone now and can't edit a post that big. StormWhite posted a yet-to-be-approved charrie sheet on Pg. 38. Also, Your alive!!!!))

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Jess started to head back to camp, she had cleared her mind and felt better but a thought still lingered in her mind. she recalled everything she knew before her cousin Crystal had run away and couldn't figure out why she should. soon she was above where they were and s sudden change of wind direaction. their scents wafted into her nose but one stood out. she sniffed for a better scent and suddenly relised who that scent belonged to. an almight snarl ripped through her fangs as she drove down through the clouds which hung low in the sky.

The ground vibrated as she landed with speed and bent her knees to abord the shock. she shifted out of her dragon form but kept her human wings on. she marched up to the group and where Crystal was.

'Crystal!' she thundered her eyes ablaze with rage.

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Artorious stepped in front of Jess and arched his neck, hissing at the girl. He was going to protect his rider no matter what. Crystal reached up and pet his black scales as she thought about who was in front of her. She seemed so familiar and yet so distant. Then it hit her. "Jess?" She asked. Was this her cousin? The one she had spent most of her time playing with when they were younger. Had both of them gained the ability to change into dragons? She almost smiled at the thought, but the rage on the girl's face made her hold back and keep Artorious between them.

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Njoine had managed to choke back a snarl when she heard Jess shout in anger. Her first instinct had been to join Artorious in front of Crystal, but seeing Crystal stop Artorious she had refrained. Njoine did, however place herself closer to Crystal. She liked Jess and was fond of what she knew of the young woman, which was not a great deal. She had pledged silent loyalty to Crystal and despite Jess's lineage, Njoine would defend Crystal from anyone if Crystal allowed it. She cast a glance to her Lydon who was poking the fire and checking on the pieces of meat set aside for Crystal, Artorious, and himself. Lydon should have some food for Crystal ready soon. Njoine paused as she began to wonder when the last time Crystal had ate was.

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Ekwueme stood on the other side of Crystal seeming unready and unperturbed. The only thing betraying this was his eyes. He stayed there without moving and would jump to Crystal's defense of need be, but he was sure both Artorious and Njoine would be enough.


Isabelle growled angrily and raced to meet him. She kept on eye on Gilderox's prone form to make sure if he would be alright. She grabbed Raktagh's shoulder in her teeth and swung him up into the air then turned with a flash and used her hind legs to kick him into the water. "oops, did I hurt you?" she said with mock concern.


Aro rolled his eyes. "Go kill a rat or something and drink it's blood." he said as he went to pounding the wheat to smithereens for his bread. he added a little bit of millet and wallah! the base of his bread was done.

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((I got approved!!))

Eowyn was sitting down in a clearing, sobbing. The stupid humans had poisoned some of the last clean air on this planet. They had killed her parents while they were at it, as well. A frigid breeze whipped around the young pure air elemental. "ARGH!" she screamed. She had been forced to flee her little mountain home because it made her deathly ill. She wasn't healthy right now, her wind was cold so it would keep her burning fever down. "Why did this have to happen? Why must humans be so cruel and heartless?" Eowyn felt a burning hatred within her. "They need to pay for this." she sobbed. She cried until she could cry no more, then she gathered the cloud around her and rose high above the trees, hoping to find an elemental that would help her in her quest for vengeance.

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He looked up at the dragon-horse on the bank and a memory flashed in his head. He shook it off and stood up, he was hunting that was all that mattered. His head spun as another one appeared, this time something to do with, dancing? Is that what it was called? He put his head in his hands as more flashed behind his eyes. He shook his head and looked at Isabelle. "Yes you did." he said trying to sound serious. It was good to know he could be snapped out of it. He shifted human and shook his head, he felt upset and shamed-faced.


Alexdria actually thought it was a good idea, but she wouldn't drink rat blood. The last thing she wanted was to get food poisoning. She shifted fox and caught a few sparrows, drank them and ate the rest. She shifted human and fried a rat as it was scurrying away, then she threw it at Aro, while it was still on fire. "I've had my fill, you can have this." she grinned and leaned against Vuelasor.

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((welcome StormWhite!))


Aro had been baking bread while Alex was away and made some whole wheat with millet tortillas. He wasn't paying attention but caught the rat when she threw it at him and blew on it to cool it off with a few breaths. he then stripped some meat off of it and placed it in a few tortillas and scarfed it down. "hey V, did you get anything to eat yet?" he asked the dragon after nodding in thanks to Alex.


Ekwueme's head shot up as he felt a cold and chilly wind go over them. It was then that he saw something that wasn't part of the sky or wind, and yet it was. Another Pure Elemental. He leaped into the air and allowed himself to become a raincloud shaped as his human form and flew alongside the stream of air. He wondered if the Elemental would notice him or not.


Isabelle shifted human and was trying not to laugh at Raktagh. It was refreshing to fight like that...at least for her. "Raktagh?" she said cautiously. Her blood pounded in her ears from the exertion of throwing a possibly 200+ male crinos nearly 100ft.



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((I feel so loved))

Eowyn felt the other Elemental before she saw it. She searched the skies and saw an oddly shaped rain cloud. Her winds whipped at high speeds around her. Her fever was getting worse. Worry not, Eowyn. It will be fine. She caused her cloud to blow closer to the figure in the clouds. "Be you friend of foe?" she asked it. Her head swam, the air was poluted here. Just slightly, but enough to make her cough. Her weak immune system made it worse. She succumbed to a fit of coughing.

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Alex smiled at him and wondered what the rat had eaten last, she was tempted to create ideas to make Aro spew his guts, but then he'd yell at her for wasting his hand made bread. Vuelasor hopped up and snapped up a few rabbits, but Alex had been leening against her and ended up under the dragons back left foot. The air was pushed from her lungs and she scrambled out digging her nails into the dirt for grip. Vuelasor got a few very strong curses in her head and lifted her foot. She apologized and nudged her rider so that she could wrap her neck around her.


Raktagh watched the water flow around his feet and used it to calm down. His senses were amplified by adrenaline and he still felt on edge. He looked up at Isaelle unable to act serious anymore, he was smiling and chuckling. He wasn't going to dwell on the past anymore, now he would be planing the future. He sat down on the bank and offered her a place next to him.

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Ekwueme heard her coughing and was tempted to help her but first he just had to find out who she was for. "That depends my dear. Are you for or against DraconaRosella?" he asked her keeping his rain cloud close to hers in case she needed help.


Aro laughed when Vuelasor stepped on Alex and fell off the back of his log landing solidly on the ground nearly fracturing a rib. He was still laughing as he stood up and cleaned up the mess that he made. "That was sooo priceless!" he said laughing even harder as he mimicked her face.


Isabelle half smiled with a slight 'ha' and sat down next to him with nearly a foot in between them to keep distance. "Why were you so afraid that I would have to fight you?" she asked him while looking at the grass and picking a few blades to mess around with.

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Eowyn's coughing subsided enough for her to speak. "If the DraconaRosella fight for humans, then I am their bitterest enemy. Humans killed my parents, poisoned my home, and they will always continue to do so. I cannot support this DraconaRosella if they protect the slaughterers." She stopped coughing completely as her winds and the rain cloud blew around her, creating a pocket of pure clean air. "Please, if you are of the DraconaRosella, point me in the direction of their enemies.

((Just so you know, she is completely naive to the ways of the world. Completely.))

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Alex was rather dazed still and it took a moment for her to comprehend that she had just been insulted. "Yay and you falling over wasn't." she said giggling a little. Vuelasor looked at both of them and rolled her eyes, young ones. Alex leaned against the dragons warm neck and hoped Mr.Rawver would forgive her for taking off.


Gilderox walked over and nudged Raktaghs elbow as he slunk underneath his arm. Raktagh pet the young wolfs head and looked at the dancing fireflys. He thought long and hard about her question, and only opened his mouth when he was sure of his answer. "I couldn't live knowing I had hurt you." he said sure and true. He looked at her and put his hand in between them. "At least Gilderox was here." he said knowing his brother flashed those memorys at him.

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Ekwueme grew slightly confused. "Do you even know of the carnage that our own kind has wreaked upon their world? The battle's that happened...." he started to tell her what went on with DraconaRosella all that he had seen. The humans being killed by shifters, elementals, everyone. He then stopped and would let her decide, let her think about her choice.


Aro was still snickering and finally sighed and was able to stop his laughing. He looked across the fire at Alex his eyes still laughing and a slight smile spread across his calm face. "I think some of the preserves were...well...fermented." he said knowing the feeling that was spreading across his mind.


Isabelle looked at Raktagh incredulous. But then again he was a guy and they didn't really understand the way that a girls mind worked. "Raktagh, when you told me that you had to leave me after being together for only a few days, you had hurt me...a physical pain, for a Guardian, is far less than an emotional pain." she said. She was tempted to put her hand on his, it would have been perfect, but no. She kept her hands where they were and that was where they were going to stay.

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"I cannot fight for the humans. They brutally murdered everything I hold dear. Would you ask a young child to go against everything her heart told her to do? Make her do what she knew was wrong? Is that what you want to do?" Eowyn thought that maybe that was a little over dramatic but she wanted to get her point across. "No matter what evils our race has committed against the humans, I will not help them. They killed my parents." Eowyn was extremely distressed by now. She didn't know what to do, she was still in shock. All she knew was that she would never join the humans.

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Alex sighed and climbed up Vuelasor's leg to get to her back. Time to face Rawver. Without warning she leaned forward and Vuelasor took off, she did it heisitantly, surely Alex wasn't going to make Aro run back. But Alex got Vuelasor into a dive and pulled back up right next to Aro, Alex reached down and pulled him up onto the dragons back. Vuelasor liked the feeling of diving so much she shot a ball of flame in front of them. Alexdria's eyes widened and she padded out the small fires on her clothes. She went high into the air so that she looked like a small cloud from below.


Raktagh shook his head, trying to think clearly. And for once in the past few hours, he knew exactly what to say. He looked at her and even though the moon would not be up for another couple of hours, it shone in her eyes. "I'm sorry." he said.

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Ekwueme thought for a moment and then the rain cloud started to form lightning as he grew angry. "But what if you didn't have to kill them? What if you just lived Neutrally? If you don't then you are a foe and I am one to you." he said and waited for her reply. he would have to protect Crystal from the Pure Elemental if he had to.


Aro huffed when Alex took off but was totally surprised when she came back and heaved him onto V's back. "So you do love me?" he said onerily.


Isabelle wasn't ready to take that for an answer. He had hurt her more than anything ever could. "Raktagh, that's not good enough...I meet you and you leave me in the same week and I rescue your sorry butt twice..." she said angrily letting her anger be put into her words.

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Eowyn was in deep trouble and she knew it. This Elemental was not on her side. "Neutral is no longer an option. Humans are murderers. I am an orphan because of them. I can see that you will not join me in my quest for revenge, farewell." She manipulated her cloud and wind to speed her away from the Elemental as fast as she could go. She shot past trees and lakes. She rocketed toward another area and into a great big dragon.

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Njoine had turned when Ekwueme had taken off and was at a loss of what to do. Artorious was more then capable of protecting Crystal, but she didn't want to leave the young woman by herself. With a sigh, Njoine moved to sit next to Lydon and leaned on his shoulder. She eyed Silvia where the lioness laid covered once more by Njoine's shawl. The leopard shifter turned to look at John. "Are Isabelle and Ekwueme alright?"

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