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Rose of the Dragon

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Alex crawled into the hollow spot under the trunk and ripped off her stupid necklace, which shocked her. She buried the thing and felt like herself, she guessed it was cursed as she was walking off. She was Alex again, and that stupid thing wouldn't bother her anymore. She shifted into a black fox and ran back to the barn. She trotted up to Aro and sat down at his feet in a clear 'Say anything and I will kill you.' like her normal self. Vuelasor watched to see what they would do. She knew Alex was off, she just didn't know why, now that she was better she was thoroughly confused.



Raktagh nodded and finished shaping the silver into a delicate but strong necklace with a spot for a stone to go in. He would have to tell her his secret soon, then maybe she would understand his reason for having to leave her again. He sighed and looked up at the sky.

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Jess sat inpatiently waiting for someone to make a move but no one seemed to want to move. she twisted pieces of grass inbetween her fingers till it was nothing but a knot. finally her patients broke and she sneaked away from the group. she didn't like staying in the one place for too long anyway. once she was far away from the group and gently allowed her dragon self to take over. Her dragon self stood where she had stood moment ago but only human. she flared her wings and sprang off into the fluffy clouds. she tried to get into them as fast as possible but she still felt like a pair of eyes followed her into the clouds.

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Ekwueme made sure that everything was back in order and placed the fish back into the water after thanking them in their own language. He then turned back to Raktagh disappointment on his face and yet also admiration. "Come, you'll have to ask her sometime." he said with a rather large smile.


Isabelle looked at Njoine with a gentle smile. "I don't mind at all." she said and hummed the song that Njoine had hummed to her only moments earlier. "That song, what language is it in?" she asked as she absentmindedly stroked the little lionesses head softly and carefully.


Aro looked down at her and was determined to push buttons no matter the cost. It was just the way he was. "Where did you go off to in such a huff?" he asked while checking Vuelasor's nose where he thought he had seen a scratch that looked kind of painful. He tied a belt around the ungainly pants that he was wearing but at least it covered him up since his clothes were burned to a ashen crisp.

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Njoine blinked in thought. She knew the words to the song and had not forgotten a one, but she had to think over the languages her mother had spoken. using her fingers, Njoine counted off the possible languages. If I remember right, that particular lullaby is Greek. I also know one in Tamil and Sanskrit, but don't ask me the translation to either of those two. The Greek lullaby is hard enough to remember. As it stands, I've only translated it to Italian. Cuore di una madre, which loosely translated is 'Heart of a Mother'. It was my favorite when I was younger then the Little one. I take it you like it, too?

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Isabelle nodded her head gently causing loose black curls to fall into her face and cover her blue, moonlight eyes. "It is very soothing and calming to me. I don't remember anything that my parents would have sung to me. They passed away when i was young so it's not easy to remember things." she said and laughed lightly.

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"If you like I can teach you the words sometime. I taught all three lullabies to my children. Although, only Lydon knows the Italian translation." Njoine put a finger to her lips and contemplated translating the old song to english for Isabelle. Shaking her head, Njoine looked around the camp and took note of Jess missing, but figured that Jess had gone for a run. "Maybe Ekwueme can help me translate it into english?"

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"that would be great!" Isabelle said with a smile and looked up at Njoine her eyes shining happily. "I think that Ekwueme would love that. He has studied so many things I don't know how he remembers it all." she said and brushed her hair back with a bruised and slightly bloodied hand.

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((Ravynwolf controls Crystal. I wonder if Ravyn is okay? It's been a while since she was on last.))


Njoine eyed Isabelle's hand and fought with a mixed desire. A part of her wanted to clean and wrap the wound. The other part was still hungry. With a sigh, Njoine filched her first aid kit from Lydon's bag. Pulling her wet hankercheif from her dress pocket and held out her hand for Isabelle's. "I'll wrap that for you. And I think it's the gift of age. When you get old enough you cling to the memories you have because you know that one day they'll be all you have. Though it's people like you, John and Lydon that make it not such a bad thing to live for so long."

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Raktagh nodded and headed back to camp. He still thought she would skin him alive, she would probably look good in a wolf coat. If he was in wolf form he would've had his ears against his head as he walked into the camp. He met Isabelle's eyes and seemed to say. 'I'm sorry.' There was also a wanting for her to follow him as he shifted and padded towards the sound of a stream. He sat down next to a tree and shifted human, he let the water run over his bare feet and stared into the black sky.



She looked at him through slitted eyes and turned in a 'humph' kind of way. But in the process she changed her tail into fire and wiped on his pants. She glanced back and grinned a very toothy grin, her eyes glinted as she walked over to Vuelasor. The dragon was lying down and taking a nap, she was dreaming of being stuck in a barn full of regenerating sheep. Once she ate one another would pop up in the same place, she unconsciously licked her lips in her sleep.

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Jess flew through the clouds, wondering.....thinking. Her black scales mended as one with the black clouds around her. she blended in perfectly with the sky. a small tougue of flame spurted from her vast mouth seering the air in front of her. she titled her wings and dipped just below the clouds and drifted with an air draft that kept her in place. she let her mind wander back.

she had never meet this Crystal one, only in her dragon form but she seemed very important. it brought back memorys of her cousin Crystal. the two of them used to talk all the time but then she started to come less and less till they hardly ever spoke. she then just disappeared and left Jess feeling lonely. there was something about Crystal, the dragon down below that seemed familiar to her but she couldn't quiet put her talon on it. the scent itself was familiar. she didn't notice but she had drifted down from the clouds and had became visible to those below. lazily she flapped and rose once more into the clouds.

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Isabelle blushed when Njoine had said things about her, John and Lydon being the reasons for enjoying being an immortal. She reluctantly gave Njoine her hand and clenched her jaw just in case anything started to hurt. When Raktagh looked at her her heart seemed to harden and she would skin him alive as soon as Njoine was done with her hand. Her eyes seemed to send daggers in his direction along with sheer anger.


John rolled his eyes at the un responsiveness of his leader and ran out to find the others. He was there in moments and sat near Lydon not really knowing who he was. He saw that there was someone helping Isabelle and that Isabelle was glaring after a wolf.


Ekwueme walked back to camp and knew that Rkatagh had been there for Isabelles eyes were as dark as the night that they resembled.


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Njoine took note of Isabelle's expression and sent her own glare with a lip curling snarl to Ragtack but let herself soften. She knew the wolf would feel bad enough already. After giving John a smile of greeting, Njoine set about cleaning and wrapping Isabelle's hand. While she worked, Njoine sung one of the incantations her mentor had taught her to reduce pain. While she wasn't certain it would work well, she did feel the tingle of the magic attempt to help Isabelle. After she finished cleaning Isabelle's hand, Njoine slid her words into the lullaby she'd been humming earlier. She ended the words as she tied off the bandage. "There all done, Cara Amica. I'll have Lydon take the little cub and leave you to it. Please be mindful of your hand."


Lydon stood, reaching for Silvia. Njoine simply slipped from the tree to stand next to John and greet Ekwueme. She contemplated shifting into her leopard form to keep an ear on Isabelle but figured the young woman would want privacy. "Hello John, Ekwueme. How are you both? Oh, Lydon has some meat cooking if you want some."

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Isabelle stood up and carefully handed Silvia over to John. "Thanks." she muttered to both him and Njoine. Within seconds she shifted to her dragon form which now came above Ekwueme's tall form by several feet. She wove through the trees to find Raktagh and shifted human again but stayed back a little bit. It was his turn to talk...let him talk.


Ekwueme smiled. "i think that Raktagh has a few questions to ask Isabelle. One of them being for her forgiveness..." he said with a bright twinkle in his eyes as he looked down at Njoine. She did look quite beautiful to him even though she was a vampire, but she seemed more different than other vampires. Oh well. He looked back where Isabelle had left and turned towards the fire smelling the fragrant meat. "Meat sounds good..."


John's head whipped around to the fire as soon as Njoine said meat. He unconciously shifted wolf though and was about to go at the raw meat when he remembered his manners and sat there wagging his tail gently from side to side. "I'm doing alright, although Kiro and Manora are still stuck on that one vampress that was back there. I don't really think that she is a threat."


Aro watched Alex and quickly put out the fire on his pants. "stupid fire fox." he grumbled and went back to the house to see if there was anything salvageable.

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Raktagh watched the firefly's flit by he felt safe enough to slip into his other wolf form, his ears turned into his wolf ears and his tail grew. His eyes turned into wolf eyes and his whiskers grew, he felt better in this form. His ears swiveled to catch the footsteps of Isabelle, and he looked down at the water. "Will you forgive me? I just wanted to keep you safe. I know you can fight for yourself but..." he paused knowing he trapped himself and had to continue. He looked her in the eyes. "...can you fight me?" he looked at the stream and his ears drooped.


Alex smiled and followed him into the house, turning into a normal fox so she didn't burn anything. She found some clothes that might fit her and changed into them really quick. A Black tank top and brown cargo pants, perfect.

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((I know, I got bored with Alex sitting there, so I made her dragon bust down the door...))

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((I was gonna have Jess suddenly relize that Crystal was infact her cousin and get really pis$ed about it


have someone spot her in the clouds))

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Isabelle hissed at the words fight. "isn't that what we did just hours ago?" she said angrily at him as she shifted into her half dragon form also. It was just easier that way instead. Her wings were there along with her tail with its black tuft. She also grew claws on her feet and her face was slightly elongated with white scales around her hairline. "I would prefer if we didn't again....and I do forgive you...But I can't get why you did it."


Aro tried his best not to look at the revealing top that she was wearing and he actually succeeded. He found some old wheat and corn and thought that maybe they could have popcorn that evening with some meat.

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He shook his head, he didn't get why this was so hard. "Not that kind of fight. I did it because don't want to hurt you." he said. He looked at the sky and knew he couldn't word it or he would mess it up like always. He recalled a memory he had shoved away in hope he would forget it. "Don't hate me." he said before he showed it to her.


He knew he was a Werewolf and he was in perfect control too. He was still living in the forest and wherever he could find a bed. The streets were dark but the crescent moon was lighting up anything the street lights missed. He had been feeling weird these last few days, and weak, he just couldn't do anything. He went through an alley to get to his hotel he was staying at faster. Something wasn't right, and he should have left then, but he went on. A women was also passing through and he nodded to her as he passed, he caught her scent and something triggered. But it's not even close to being full! he thought. He shifted into his Crinos form without a choice. His eyes turned red and he forgot everything having to do with being human. He turned around- Raktagh cut off the memory and looked back at the ground.


Alex sighed and looked at Aro. "Found any food? All I've found is a couple of still usable blankets and some new-looking boots." she said annoyed. The boots would be fun to play with in her fox form, but the blankets would serve no purpose.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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"I imagine it'll take him some groveling. It's painful to be left. Even worse when you don't have a reason when they walk away." Njoine nodded to Ekueme, gestering to Lydon when he pulled the meat from the fire. The two pieces that were done he passed to John and Ekwueme without complaint. It was after all Njoine's kill and he knew she'd replace it if there wasn't enough for Lydon. Lydon was pleased to note there was plenty. Njoine looked at John with a raised eyebrow as she gathered an edge of her skirt and rang out the water. "I suppose, they're who Lady Crystal is waiting on then."

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(Ok guys I'm back. Been really busy with my rescue mare and volunteering at horse shows and stuff. Hopefully I will be on more often now that everything has slowed back down a bit. And is there anything that I should know about. Also the vampire has not done anything so I'm just gonna say that she lost intrest and went away.))


Kiro looked back and was glad that John had left. At least the young wolf was safe with the others. He then looked at Morana and his eyes softened. The vampire had seemed to lose intrest and left so now he was alone with the werecat in front of him. Crystal's words echoed in his mind about how he shouldn't let time get away from him. He looked at the floor as he thought about the words he wanted to say to Morana.


Crystal awoke and looked around the camp. Everyone was talking and in their little conversations and Artorious was laying beside her guarding her. She wanted to change back to her human form, but didn't know how. She looked for Kiro and found that he had not returned yet. She then looked to Njoine and Ekueme. Maybe they could help her. She stood and her silver scales shined in the moonlight that came through the canopy of the trees. She walked over to the two and sat down in front of them. "I have a problem. Could you help me?" She asked as she looked between the both of them.

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((That sounds like a lot of fun Ravyn smile.gif As for missing out on anything, only some love stories and that's about it smile.gif nothing big smile.gif ))


Ekwueme was smiling at what Njoine had said when he caught the meat and ate some of it before giving the rest to an obviously very hungry John. He looked over at Crystal when she spoke and with a few quick strides he was at her side. "What is a matter my queen?" he asked her his voice full of respect and fatherly kindness.


John dove at the meat forgetting his manners entirely. "This is sooo good!" he said as he ate...and ate.....and ATE! By the time he was done, his wolfish stomach was bulging at the seams.


Isabelle hissed again at the images and looked at Raktagh then shifted full dragon. "you don't think I can?" Her anger was evident as she watched his every move. it didn't bother her that he did this...in fact she expected it and was more than willing to live with it.


Aro thought for a moment and watched Alex. "Well there is some popcorn here, and some preserves...and some wheat if you can be patient enough for me to make some flatbread." he said as he sifted a few kernels through his roughened hands.

Edited by LoveLost

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Crystal lowered her silver scaled head. "I do not know how to return to my human form. I don't even know how I changed to this one really." Artorious came up beside her and Ekwueme. "I cannot help her in this. I am just a dragon. I cannot shift." He shrugged his shoulders and looked down. He felt he had failed his rider.

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Njoine, like Ekueme listened to Crystal, but unlike the water elemental remained where she was. Njoine nodded in understanding at Crystal's predicament. Truely it wasn't that uncommon for a shifter's first shifting to have trouble with gaining their original form. "I won't lie and say it's easy at first, Lady Crystal, but it is an instinct. You will always know your birth form. It's simply a matter of forcing your shape back into it. I'm not certain if dragon shifters work the same way, though. For me it's recalling my human-shaped body and willing myself back into it's shape and the same to change into a leopard. After all, you should be more used to a human body then a dragon's."

Edited by Mijikoi

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