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Rose of the Dragon

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"Oh, Cara Amica. I wish I knew the answer to that. There are so many reasons and none of them are good enough when they leave." Njoine looked at she knew well the pain of being left behind.She did not pity Isabelle, but she did wish she could help her with the pain. She supposed it was a different pain. After all no one experience is the same for everyone. "They leave and we hurt for it. We pray they'll return and, if we're lucky, they do. But no matter the reason, it's never good enough to make up for them not being there. I do imagine he will return, if our friend, Ekwueme, gets his way."

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Isabelle laughed at the last comment and tried to wipe away the tears that came quickly and fell before she could wipe them away. "Thanks Njoine." she said and hugged the woman again grateful for the mothering care that she gave no matter how big or small...it was mothering none the less and she hadn't had a mother for many years.

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"It's no trouble at all." Njoine returned the hug with a smile, pleased to hear the laugh. Njoine pulled Kouki from where he'd gone to her neck. She watched him curl around her wrist and showed him to Isabelle as a distraction. She had full confidence in Ekwueme to do his best, so a short distraction should help until the elemental could drag the wolf back. At least if he was successful. "Isabelle meet Kouki. Kouki meet Isabelle. Don't worry he's not poisonous, nor is he mean. Actually for a snake, he's rather like a cat. Lazy and loves attention."

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Isabelle nearly screamed at the sight of the snake but since it curled around Njoine's wrist so pleasantly, she didn't seem to need to be afraid of the animal. "Well hello there kouki." she said and stroked the snake's head softly knowing that he wouldn't be slimey because she was part reptile herself.

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Njoine grinned as she watched Kouki further prove he had to have a cat relative. His preening made Njoine roll her eyes. The white snake hissed in pleasure. "He's been with me for a long time. I imagine I'll have to find him a mate before he gets too old but that involves either hours searching the forest or breaking into a zoo. Ooh, that last one sounds like fun."

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Alex nodded "I know you don't care but either way you had to think I was dead." she said. Vuelasor wrapped her tail around Alex, she wasn't going to let her go till she had too. Alex looked him in the eyes and grinned evily, by the time he knew why she smiled he would be hanging upside down, his foot gently stuck in Vuelasor's teeth.


Raktagh looked up slowly and then sunk himself into the ground hiding in his self made cave. He didn't want to fight but he didn't feel good enough with himself to run either. Gilderox was pulled down too and he yelped slightly.

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((And again sorry....they dumped work on me again and still need to do some so can't read it right now. Someone give me a summery of what happened I guess? Might be able to post then, if I have to, go back and read everything before editing my post. Hope to be free after class Friday, but that is up in the air too. I am so sorry guys....trying to get caught up on some of my other RPs too. Only need to in this one and one other that I am asking for what happened. To many pages to read today. xd.png))

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((you really haven't missed anything. John is still with Manora and Kiro and the Silvia is still with Njoine but she is in Lydon's lap at the mo...Alex, Aro and Vuelasor are at the Rebel headquaters))


Aro growled and without thinking twice he shifted to his phoenix form scalding Vuelasor's mouth with his growing heat that surmounted the heat of her fire. "Thanks V for doing that....now she knows." he said while growling. He turned on his heel and walked out of the room while still entirely engulfed with flames.


Ekwueme grinned. "That wont help you." he said and caused a gyser to push Raktagh through the cave and completely destroy it. Then he enveloped Raktagh in a sealed water bubble that had air in it but only a limited supply. "Why?" he asked knowing darn good and well that Raktagh knew what he meant.

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Alex stood there in shock. What just happened? Did he just? No.... But? "And you knew." she said out loud. Vuelasor's crest laid flat against her head and neck and knew not to take it personaly. But she still couldn't help feeling it was her fault, it was partly because she couldn't control her giddyness.


Raktagh sat there. "Fine, I'll run out of air it'll save me actually." he said. Gilderox growled at him. "No you won't" he said. Raktagh sighed, his brother was right. He looked at the water elemental and shook his head. "Just kill me now." he said. Gilderox growled again this time threateningly.

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Jess unwrapped her legs and yawned. Her nap away from the group had refresh both herself and her mind somewhat but confusion still swurled around her mind. the world she had once known had been changed forever and she was just meant to go with the flow. she had always been independent and didn't like relying on others to do the work. stuffing her hands into her pockets, she started to walk back to the group slowly in no great hurry. she knew they were still there as she heard the mumer of their thoughts. the mid-night sky was giving way to the powerful sun that blasted away the darkness with its light. she stood for a mintue on a tall rock and just watched it. such joy radiated through her that she found great diffcultly to keep a pleasure howl from erupting from her throat. that was another thing she disliked about being part of this group or any group for that matter. you had to follow rules and stay unnoticed. not being able to do what she felt like doing put a slight damper on her spirit but all the same wandered back into camp.

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((Alright then, guess I will not have to read everything cause nothing happened with Morana since the last post and Silvia is asleep? Plus don't think Silvia would hear them then if she was asleep so stuff might flow over my head on her I guess? Anyways, I have bad new though about being in this RP. I might have to drop a character (That being Silvia) because come fall semester in college I am taking 4 on campus (8-1:15pm on almost all days) and then two online. So not sure if I would have the type to post for two people....already going to drop out of another one already because my character not a big part in it. So bare with me on fall I suppose on Morana?))


Silvia shifted slightly in what she guessed to be someone's hold as she drifted in and out of deep sleep. The talking around her was only mumbling to her mind as it would not processes what was being said or even really listening to the words. Her eyes would crack open as her hands would move to grip whoever held her, but she even in her sleep riddled mind she could tell it was not her mother or someone who held her from before. Slight fear would come to her before she remembered being in Nijoine's hold before and surely she would not let just anyone take her. "Wha?", Silvia mumbled as her grip tightened slightly on the person who held her as she had yet to look at their face.

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"Ah, Njoine! I think the kid's waking up," Lydon called out to Njoine when he heard Silvia mumble and felt her move. Once he had Njoine's attetion he passed Silvia up to Njoine, who settled Slivia in her lap and crooned softly to the girl. Njoine arranged her legs on the branch so that she was once again cross-legged.

"Thank you, Lydon. Good morning, little one. Did you have a nice nap?" Njoine gave Jess a nod in greeting and a bright smile. One of her hands held Isabelle's to give the young woman comfort still.

Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme grinned and had a few pirahnas dump into the water. "I won't kill you, just torture you until you tell me why you left her." he said seeming as defensive as a father could be to his daughter...but he was far more powerful than any human. He filled the bubble to around halfway up so that the deadly fish would have plenty to eat on. His eyes held no emotion as he did so other than anger.


Aro walked along the halls and then was outside. He made a few turns and was soon in the mountains. He stood in the middle of them and screamed as loud and long as he could to try and vent the frustration that he felt. "WHY?!" he screamed and them started to pick up rocks and throw them at the mountains. He only suceeded in making a molten pile of rock against the mountainside, but he didn't relent.


Isabelle was smiling at the snake and then turned to the small white lioness and s\grinned even wider.

Edited by LoveLost

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His eyes widened when Raktagh realized he was serious. Gilderox growled at Ekwueme but made no move to attack him. "I just want her to be safe." he said, his voice cracking. He didn't trust himself to explain anything, for fear of saying the wrong thing.


Vuelasor nudged Alex onto her back and before she leaped through the hallways, Alex said. "If you will excuse me Master, I fear my dragon will not wait any longer." she said. Vuelasor roared as she rocketed upward. Alex didn't feel the joy of flying, unlike the first time, she was to worried about Aro. She didn't like to upset him in this way...

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Aro still couldn't understand his anger as he stood there in the clearing his fire growing larger, and hotter every second. His fists were clenched at his sides and his yellow eyes seemed to burn even brighter than the fire around him. The trees started to bedn away from the fire as the sap within them crackled against the heat. All around him the grass was singed even as he unconsciously caused it to grow back.


Ekwueme smiled. "Now we are getting somewhere. She is safe with me, John, Njoine, Lydon, Kiro, Morana, Silvia and you...and Gilderox of course." he said nodding at the young wolf dragon. "Why do you break her heart for the sake of her safety? in all honesty it will cause her to do rash things." he said and emptied the water slightly but kept the piranhas there although he kept them at bay...for now.

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((Raktagh's going to get eated by fisheys! Maybe he can shish-kabob them...))


Raktagh slipped his dagger from his pocket and sliced at the fish. One bit him on the wrist and he cursed, he killed it and it let go. He grabbed his wrist and held it to his chest. He gave up and looked the elemental in the eyes "Alex. She's going to find me and bring the rest of the rebels. She won't loose a third time, I promise. She won't stop, and I won't endanger Isabelle when I know I can keep her safe. I won't let her die because of my mistake." he said his voice cracking.

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Ekwueme smiled again a look of understanding coming over his face. He let Raktagh down the ground gently and took his wrist in his old and weathered hands that had seen many battles and killed many people. "You do realize that Isabelle is guardian dragon, and that she has been trained to fight by Aro and I. Aro was a SEAL for some time before joining our little group and then John was in the marines. She knows how to fight and has no trouble killing. Alex and Aro are now both against us, but in our group, they would die and so would most of the rebels before they even touched our queen, yes?" he asked while placing his hand of Raktagh's wrist and a gentle blue light emanated from his hand.

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"I'll be back in a bit."Njoine glanced down to Lydon before looking to where she heard a decent sized animal. With a sigh, she placed Silvia in Isabelle's lap and dropped to the ground. She walked until she was well passed the tree line before taking off at a sprint. It wasn't long until she was close enough to see the bear. She slowed her pace to a quiet jog, leaving the bear aware of her presence but unaware that it was something hunting it. Finally she stopped and stripped her boots off her feet to lessen the noise she made as she circled her next meal.


Back at the camp, Lydon smiled in apology to Silvia and Isabelle. With a sigh he took a seat at the base of the tree. "Sorry, she get's hungry sometimes, but she'll bring back some meat after she skins her dinner."

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((I got bored with Alex waiting for something to happen...))


Raktagh watched Ekwueme heal his hand. He knew that they could all fight very well, and he didn't want to bring up his other reason. That he wanted to leave Isabelle of his own accord and try to stop Alex when he decided, that way he wouldn't be taken by surprise and killed while they were all sleeping. He looked up at the old elemental nodded. "Yes." he agreed.


Alex and Vuelasor landed by an old abandon farm. Vuelasor stuck her head in the barn to see if there was any food, but it fell on top of her. She flicked her tail in annoyance and tried to stand. Alexdria laughed and fell over but she stopped when Vuelasor said. "I'm stuck and the weight is pushing me into the soft loose earth." Alex tried to lift some of the pieces but they were to heavy, she tried harder but she couldn't do it. "I'll burn the wood then you can shake of the ash and get out!" she suggested. The dragon thumped her tail in an 'ok'. Alex made a fire ball in her hand but it went out and she couldn't sustain a flame. "No no no. Not now!" she said starting to panic. She couldn't even make a small fire. No.... she thought with bitter sadness. She was still fatigued after her run, so she didn't have enough energy to fuel her fire. She dropped to her knees and just wanted to run away from everything, to leave this behind and live in the forest again. She wouldn't have to worry about winning for the rebels or her half brother or the Dracona or anything else. She wouldn't have to worry about loosing control over her fire...

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((Oops... my internet screwed up so I kept refreshing the page... I then gave up. Now I'm on my phone and I see it did post.. YAY!!! Big storm HUGE, it caused 32 tornadoes before it came all the way to us... I will survive for the sake of RPing with everyone! That and I need to edit my Zootycoon game.))

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Ekwueme, much as a father would to his beloved son, placed his hand on Raktagh's shoulder. "There is more to this story isn't their Raktagh?" he said his voice slightly admonishing to the young man but kind enough to show that Raktagh could trust him at all times.


Isabelle stroked Silvia's head with a slight motherly look at the young animal. "No reason to be sorry...at least she goes to get it instead of being all messy like some of the vampires I have been around." she said with a bright smile.


Aro listened hard for a moment and could hear the panic somewhere. He shifted to his wolf form and ran in the direction of the panic. He shifted to his phoenix human form and looked at what was going on. Alex was on her knees seeming to be crying and V was stuck underneath a barn. "Great time to lose your powers Alex." he said angrily and cooled down his hands and shifted most of the larger debris so that V would be able to back out quickly once he scorched most of the surface stuff. "Hey V? Back up as soon as you start to feel the heat alright?" he called and formed a rather large stream of fire with an experimental snap of his fingers and then directed the flame towards the debris.

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(( I have plans for the silver in Raktagh's pocket.


Wait for the opportune moment... -Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean.))


Raktagh's eyes shadowed to hide his secret, he wasn't an ordinary were-wolf. He had another reason than being kidnapped again. "I don't want Isabelle to feel at fault if Alex captured me, again." he said hoping the elemental wouldn't see the other reason. He would not even tell Isabelle this secret. He put his hand in his pocket and shaped the silver to distract himself. He couldn't decide if it should be a necklace or a bracelet, it was important he get it right. But would she even forgive him? He was trying to protect her... but how would she see it? He sighed and looked at Ekwueme. "Will she forgive me? I sort of have something to ask her..." he said wondering if he would catch on.



The dragon thumped her tail in an 'ok' to Aro, then whined when her riders feelings filled her own. Anger, frustration, sadness...a feeling of failure and hopelessness filled Vuelasor. Alex didn't let a lot of insults bother her, but she was touchy with her powers, and she wouldn't let anyone get away with it. Aro in particular. Vuelasor wriggled around and was out in time to see Alex's fire engulf her and go white hot. Fire swirled around her like wisps. "You know why I can't control my fire?" she said with a breaking voice. "Why I screw up all the time?" she continued. "My mother was a water elemental...and I'm a mix of fire and water... chaos. I can't fight with my powers. I can't choose when I use them or when I don't want to!" Tears rolled down her cheeks, they didn't turn to steam but dripped to the ground. "It's not fair..." she whispered. Her black eyes shimmered with tears as she took off into the forest, she didn't burn the trees or the grass as she ran. She stopped by a big tree and lay down on the huge roots, she stayed made of fire on purpose, for she didn't wear fire proof clothes today.

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Aro rolled his eyes but made no move to follow Alex as he burnt the debris and helped Vuelasor out of the barn. He then rumaged around the building near it and found some jeans and ashirt that fit enough to cover himself up.


Ekwueme nodded and looked down at the ground. "She doesn't tolerate secrets Raktagh....never. And if you hold from her, what you are holding from me, she won't forgive you. But for this, she will." Ekwueme rolled his shoulders back slightly and looked at Raktagh carefully. "She didn't feel bad for Alex capturing you, she was worried..."

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"Just once I'd like to not get injured for catching a meal." Njoine winced at the new tear in her outfit and the three scratches made in her flesh. While they were deep they were bothersome. Using the knife she kept holstered on her right forearm, Njoine cut a strip for a makeshift bandage and used it to wrap the wound. Once that was taken care of she set about skining the bear and stripping the meat from the bones. The proccess was messy and Njoine was pleased that she'd be able to wash the blood off of herself in the stream. She'd be soaked but it was better then offending anyone in their group. Njoine piled the meat in to the fur skin using it as a sack before going to grab her boots. She walked at a sedate pace toward the running water downstrem of the others. She was humming as she reached the stream and dropped the meat and her boots. Once her hands were free, Njoine looked for the deepest part of the stream and stepped in. She stripped her dress over her head before submerging it in the stream water. It took her several minutes to clean herself and her dress of the bears and her own blood.


Lydon looked up to where he saw Njoine enter the camp. She was soaked from head to toe and had a bear skin slung over her shoulder. The skin was handed to Lydon, who proceeded to get a fire ready to cook the ham. Njoine after handing the meat to Lydon rejoined Isabelle and Silvia with a bright smile. "Sorry, I forgot to ask for preferences and the bear was closer. Um, Isabelle. You think you can hold the little one until I'm dry?"

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