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Rose of the Dragon

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Njoine was enraptured with, what felt to her, a call to nature. She didn't attempt to describ it when Lydon asked her what she was listening to with her eyes closed and head tilted. She simply didn't have the words. She wasn't certian if it was Ekwueme or just the forest's silence. It was a sound she hadn't heard since that time she'd traveled with the gypsies and, like now, the forest had quietened and the world spoke. At least that's how Njoine had felt and she was no guru of magic or wise in the way of the Earth. She wondered if it was because Ekwueme spoke or if he'd simply conjured the feeling in her. It was rather hard to tell."Did you cause that Ekwueme?"

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((T.TYou haven't missed anything but Ekwueme and Njoine standing and speaking aloud. Oh and Isabelle did an emotional mind touch to Raktagh. That's it. Everything else was mostly just Ekwueme and Njoine mind speaking. Oh and Silvia's is asleep and wrapped in a shawl in Lydon's arms.))

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Ekwueme blushed as he realized what he had accidentally done. "Unfortunately yes." he said while controlling his voice the best he could but he could no longer conceal the age of his voice that commanded the listening of everything around him. He cursed himself mentally for letting himself go like that but looked at Njoine with a looked that begged forgiveness. He tried to command the swirls of water away but they only stayed there swirling around as if they were dancing to music.

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Njoine shook her head to try and dispel the feeling and had little luck. She found that she couldn't when she realised her inner cat was deep into the Listening. The call pushed the soul deep loneliness away and gave her a sense of belonging. She didn't want to stop the feeling, but she resented it to a degree. It was a feeling that she longed for and wasn't truely hers. When she found her voice, Njoine couldn't stop the pain that she felt from being reflected in it. She looked at Ekwueme with hazy eyes. "It's alright, Ekwueme. Just give me a moment to adjust. I had forgotten how much of myself belonged to the wild."

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Raktagh didn't return the mind brush, he sighed and rehearsed his plan. He didn't want to leave her but if it would keep her safe, he would do it. In fact it would most likely hurt him more, knowing the truth would hurt. "Come with me." he said as he stood up and offered her his hand.


The she-dragon looked up at the sky and shook her head. "Do you want to start early?" she said and lifted her right wing up and stuck her right leg forward to allow him easy accsess to her back.


Alex shifted as she waited for her master to answer. She let her mind wander outside to the grass and a white beacon called out to her. "I'm here my dragon" she thought. It reached Vuelasor as a whisper, but it was there.

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Aro crawled onto Vuelasor's back and settled in as he heard a slight whisper in the dragons' mind. "Did you hear that V?" he asked his voice barely a whisper. His heart raced as his mind wondered around the possibilities.


Isabelle stood up while grabbing his hand. "What is wrong?" she asked and followed him faithfully.


Ekwueme looked at Njoine wishing he could release her from the bonds that she had. "njoine..." he said begging that she wouldn't be hurt especially because of him.

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Vuelasor didn't answer him. She was already in the air going as fast as possible towards the voice. She was nearly there when she saw little people running towards where she was headed.


His heart ached at her tone and he almost turned and told her nothing, but that would ruin his plan, and it was also a lie. Once they were a good ways away he stopped and turned to her. "I have to leave you." He said, somehow keeping his voice steady.

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Isabelle seemed to disappear as her legs carried her deep into the forest. She knew it wasn't easy for him, but she couldn't bare to hear anymore. She didn't stop as she felt herself shift into her dragon form and take off into the air.


Aro held on tightly with his legs as he tried to find a shirt but it flew away in the pulsing air.

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Raktagh's heart crushed and he tried to stay standing, but it didn't work. He fell to his knees and shifted into a wolf. He ran off and wouldn't shift back into a human for a long time.


Vuelasor roared at the Rebels running from her. She just found out Alex was alive and she wasn't going to let the guys on her side stop them from going to each other. She landed and knocked open the door, she pushed her way through doors till she found Alex.


She jumped up and wrapped her arms around her neck as the dragon dipped her head to hug her. "Don't ever do that again, or I shall strap you to my back and never let you off." she said. "I love you too Vuelasor." Alex replied. "Then I shall bind you all the tighter." She said gently.

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"I'm okay. I..I jsut need a moment. It's been such a long time." Njoine shook her head resolutely. Internally, she wrestled to get herself under full control. Njoine let tears of joy and pain slide down her cheeks with a smile on her lips. She took a deep breath and swayed in a dance she'd learned from the gypsies."Please, believe me. It's not a bad feeling. It's just not mine to keep."

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((And I am back finally, but not going to post tonight cause I need sleep before I read all that you guys posted to get caught up. Though am going to post today! Sorry for the wait guys.))

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Ekwueme watched Njoine his eyes watching her every movement happy that she seemed happy but confused that she wouldn't be able to keep the feeling. "Why not?" he asked thoroughly confused.


Isabelle roared her anger and frustration to the sky. Now was the time that she started to grow to her fullest extent. She fell to the ground in a might glowing heap her wings covering her body as she shifted human. The wings didn't disappear and every few seconds she would shift into a dragon then back to human.


Aro slipped off of Vuelasor's back and growled at the people that got to close to him. The scar that spread across his muscular back was shining in the light drawing the attention of a few Rebels. He played with fire in his hands for a few moments then resigned himself to wait until the love fest was over.

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((Wb, Lilithachaos.))


"I don't really belong anywhere and when the Call sounds, I feel like I'm amongst family and that I'm a part of something. After all, everyone listens when they hear." Njoine inhaled deeply before wiping the tears from her cheeks. She slowly exhaled as she straightened. Inside, her inner cat settled restlessly but fell quiet."I'm very grateful for the feeling, but I don't get to keep it when the sun goes down."

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Ekwueme looked at the ground and finally was able to gain control over his voice. "My apologies for waking that..." he said still slightly confused.

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Alex glared at the other rebels. "Shoo. The lot of you!" she snapped at them. She let go of Vuelasor's head and looked at Aro. "About time you got here." she said trying not to smile. She failed, and a grin spread across her face.


Gilderox was following a ways behind his brother, he wanted to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.


Vuelasor was elated she found her bonded and didn't really notice anything else. Sadly she didn't even see that she stepped on Raver's foot....

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"Don't be. We all see things differently." Njoine gave Ekwueme a reassuring grin. She turned to Lydon and Silvia and double-checked on the pair's comfort. "Now, should we ask Crystal where we're going to move to or go scout out a suitable place and then tell her about it?" Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme smiled and then turned to where Crystal was. "She has been silent since her change...I hope she is alright." he said while watching the drinking movements she made. He turned back to Njoine with a foolish grin on his face as he remembered a childhood memory of drinking at river but it was soon gone.


Aro watched as the Rebel's obeyed her commands then turned to Alex his face a mask of anger. "Why did you do that?" he asked not meaning her shooing but not telling them that she was safe. He would never admit to her that he was indeed concerned.


Isabelle awoke several minutes later and stood up. She was in her dragon form and could feel that, but why were the tips of the trees so close? She wondered but then looked at the ground. The hole where she had fallen was covered over halfway by a single hoof...she was massive!

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Njoine nodded, following Ekwueme's gaze to Crystal. Beside Njoine Lydon simply stared between the two at a complete loss. Njoine had been very talkative tonight and there was no telling what the two had been doing with the silent conversations. Njoine pulled Lydon away from his musings. "She will be. She has to be."

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Ekwueme sighed. "I have no doubt she will be..." he said keeping his voice steady and trying not to show his doubts. He fiddled with the edge of a necklace that just peeked outside of his shirt but still stayed hidden. From the looks of it, it was some sort of locket contraption.

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Njoine eyed Ekwueme before picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She watched his hands and gave a shrug, but otherwise let the gesture be. She gave Lydon a sharp look when he opened his mouth to ask. The way Njoine figured it, Ekwueme would explain if he wanted to. "Alright, then. I'm going to go hunt something to for Lydon to eat. If yoolu want you can join me or stay here. I'll try not to be too long."

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Alex looked him in the eyes and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I needed to make sure you thought I was dead. If someone were to read your feelings and see that you weren't even mildly upset, then they would have their doubts that I was dead." She watched his exspresion with darting eyes and hoped he would understand.


Raktagh was sitting at the edge of a lake letting his legs dangle into the cool water. He fiddled with the silver in his pocket and shaped it into a fine chain. He added a place to set a stone when he found one. He stared unblinkingly into the water and he hoped Ekuweme wouldn't kill him when he found out.

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(Raktagh is gonna DIEEEE!!!! lollol!))


"As long as you don't mind going with a water wolf." he said with a grin. He was able to go into his water form since there was anough moisture around them from the Lakes. With a little bit of effort, he would be able to change his human water form into a wolf water form.


Isabelle shhifted human frightened at her own bulk. She ran back to the camp and into Ekwueme and was soon being held in his strong arms as he tried to soothe her shaking body and sobbing. "He's gone Ekwueme..." she said into his chest.


Ekwueme's eyes grew dark and angry almost as if he were going to kill a rebel. "Njoine, you go ahead and i will meet you." he said and sat Isabelle in a tree then shifted into his water form as he disappeared. Where he reappeard next, would have made anyone lose control of themselves for he appeared right in front of Raktagh as an angry Pure Elemental.




Aro growled again. "Emotions? What makes you think I care? Vuelasor was just moping and seemed sad enough that it was starting to get on my nerves." he said easily masking his true feelings with anger.



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Njoine blinked at Ekwueme and Isabelle and when Ekwueme had diappeared, Njoine went to Isabelle and pulled the woman into a hug. She really had no idea what was going on, but figured her time would be better spent helping Isabelle until Ekwueme fixed what ever was hurting the poor dear. Njoine picked up humming her mother's tune again, whispereing the words in a bid to comfort Isabelle.

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Isabelle started to sob again and held onto Njoine. "Why do people leave you?" she asked through the sobs thoroughly confused as to the reason that Raktagh left her. She pulled away from the hug slightly so that she could see Njoine's face and watch her expressions.

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