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Rose of the Dragon

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Njoine grinned broadly. She gave a gesture to the cantine that Lydon had placed at her side with her bag.No, thank you. I'm not much one for drinking water. And she is. She's actually the clan mother. Oh, I'll be sure to let her know you think that of her. It's her favorite evening gown to this day. And yes, we have birthdays. We just don't always celebrate them. They're more an escuse for gatherings. I my self only really celebrate them at my children behest. At this point I'd set the whole cake on fire if I kept up with my age."

Njoine pondered on if she was thirsty enough to drink from her cantine or not. With a shrug she took a swig from it and winced at the luke warm flavor. Truely it tasted better hot. My gown was a gift from my Mentor. He likes to blend in with the times. Me, I'm rather stuck in the Renaissance Era. I would were corsets but there cumbersome sometimes. And Kristina has yet to get me into pants. Especially, those jean contraptions.

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Vuelasor's dragon eyes picked up a flare of light on the north shore to her right. "By Earth's skys, what is that?" she said to herself. The phoenix creature lit up that side of the lake with a fiery flare. She hopped twice and jumped into the air, a dragons eye view might help her to better see it. She darted like a white star above the lake, diving up and down to throw off the creatures sight if it caught her. Tilt left, dive, pull up and twist to face the other direction. Her eyes always stayed on the creature, and easily caught its slightest movement. She prodded at its mind to see if she could comunicate with it, but it was a familiar feel. She stopped her acrobatics and landed twenty or so feet away from it. "Aro?" she asked mainly herself. "This is a knew look for you." she said in an amused tone. She smiled a tooth-filled grin and chuckled at her stupid and cheesey joke.

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((Sorry guys, but I cannot post until Friday or Saturday so Mijikoi you can control Silvia until then if you need to. As for Morana....well I don't anything is going to happen anytime soon on that end, but Ravyn or Mijikoi can control her until then if it does? Got to study like crazy for a test that my teacher is letting me take early to see if I will make a good grade and if not then I got to drop out of that class. Got to hate college and their 'last day of dropping' with nothing going against you. >.<))

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((Great luck to you!! When I'm gone I'll just skim over the other posts and post like usual. Love you can play Vuelasor and Raktagh if you want, no one touch Alex. Even if Ravyn replys....it's a me thing....not you guys, I already have something planed out according to what Ravyn posts....))

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Ekwueme smiled widely. Isabelle had to beg me to stop wearing what she called skirts. It's normal dress in Africa and to be honest, jeans aren't as comfertable but they'll do. he laughed lightly and drank some more of the cooled water.


Aro turned off the phoenix immediantly but the unfortunate thng was that his clothes had burned off. "Uh...uhm." he dashed over to a bush and poked his head out. "you weren't supposed to see that.." he grumbled. "no one was supposed to know."

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((Oakie-oak. But I'm going to have Njoine acknowledge she fell asleep, because I might mess up.>.>))


Njoine giggled back to Ekwueme. She felt Silvia shift a bit in her lap and looked down at where Silvia's head rested against her shoulder to see the child sleeping. She smiled at the sight and aranged her crossed legs to help Silvia get more comfortable. The last time I was in Africa I didn't really make it past Eygpt. I spent to much time trying to learn about the pyramids and then had to get back home. I'll admit, thick fur and the desert, they don't mix so well. 'Specially since, technically, I shouldn't leave the moutians and I am a snow leopard. How about you, you ever been to Matera?

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Ekwueme laughed lightly at the comment about thick fur. Well, I can't say that I have been there. What is it like? he asked with a high peak of curiosity


isabelle looked down at Raktagh and stroked his hair gently before setling down beside him. her heart ached with the surprise and stress from that afternoon and she didn't want to think about it to much, but try as she might, it wouldn't leave her mind.

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((This is the picture Njoine showed Ekwueme:Matera.))


Njoine's eyes lit up as she thought over her home. She showed him an image of Matera with the lights of the Sassi sparkling and the dark blue sky in the background. It's gorgeous, particually at night when the lights come on. For the most part it looks fairly old fashioned on the outside. Inside, it varies depending on where you are. My Sassi, er my second home in Matera, was inherited from an old friend when he died without children. Oh, a Sassi is a cavern house carved into the rock.

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((*sigh* still waiting on Ravyn. But my RP Was approved!))


She gave him a puzzled look. "Know what? That you went skinny dipping?" she said letting him no his secret was safe. "Alex wouldn't approve, by the way." she said trying to get on another subject, but in the process reminding herself of Alex. She drooped her head and let out a small whine.


Raktagh never wanted to leave Isabelle, but for some reason she wasn't safe around him. He felt it, something nagging at the back of his mind. He unthinkingly reached up to his neck and felt the scar. Gilderox stired where he was laying beside him and mentally linked with Raktagh. "You know what you must do brother. So why are you saddened by it?" Raktagh didn't look at the wolf but answered nonetheless. "I love her. How can I leave her if I hurt everyday?" he said. "Do not be sad that you are keeping her safe." was all the young hybrid said.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Isabelle looked at Raktagh and sighed. Her life with Crystal might take her away from him or draw them closer. She didn't know. She brushed her mind against Raktagh's gently showing him her love and hiding her worry about his safety.


Aro snickered at Vuelasor's comment then pulled some clothes out of his backpack and walked over to her. "It's alright V" he said and stroked her broad head gently with hands that had seen much battle and given much kindness.


Ekwueme smiled at the image. Your homes seem many but this Matera seems to be your favorite. Those carved houses look comfortable and nice. Once things are over here, i shall wish to see them. he said kindly and relished the image.


((that pic looks more like Jerusalem than anywhere else....I should know!))

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Isabelle looked at Raktagh and sighed. Her life with Crystal might take her away from him or draw them closer. She didn't know. She brushed her mind against Raktagh's gently showing him her love and hiding her worry about his safety.


Aro snickered at Vuelasor's comment then pulled some clothes out of his backpack and walked over to her. "It's alright V" he said and stroked her broad head gently with hands that had seen much battle and given much kindness.


Ekwueme smiled at the image. Your homes seem many but this Matera seems to be your favorite. Those carved houses look comfortable and nice. Once things are over here, i shall wish to see them. he said kindly and relished the image.


((that pic looks more like Jerusalem than anywhere else....I should know!))

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They are. In Matera the people can claim they live in the homes of they're ancesters from a few thousand years ago and be telling the truth. On top of that not many vampires bother me there. Njoine smiled as she thought of her home and neighbors. It was peaceful for the most part, except when the tourists came through. I can't complain. It's actually where Mentor moved Micheal and I to. How about you, Ekwueme? Where's your favorite home?


((Might be, but Wiki said it was a pick of Matera so I used it.>.> Honestly I've never been there.))

Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme thought back to when he was a child and where he had met a young man named Lawrence. The young man was rough around the edges but smart and kind. My favorite home would have to in Kenya, the Capital actually. I met a young man there that I have since lost contact with, but he dated my friends sister until he found out that she was the African princess of that region.


((unfortunately, my dad doesn't have any pics of where he lived in Nairobi...but he always talks of it like a magical place when he was there.))

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I'm most definitely going to have to travel around Africa. Njoine intoned to herself. She'd been all around Europe and North America and a few parts of South America, but not much of Africa nor Asia. What was your favorite part about it there, aside from having a good friend?


((Ah. I wish I could tour Italy.))

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Ekwueme had to think for a moment about this. I thik it was having to fight to live. The thrill of waking up every morning and having to work to live and eat and to take care of those around you. I know it sounds odd, but I enjoyed work. he looked over at her wondering what she would think.

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Hm, I don't think I've ever had to do that. I mean, I had to teach the children how, but I couldn't cook to save their lives. Mentor always had to teach them that. He said it's because I never had to cook, so it would always be lost on me. Njoine gave Ekwueme a sheepish grin. And you know my food source. It's fairly easy to, ah, eat when you have twice the strength of your dinner. And actually that sounds fairly normal.

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Ekwueme laughed a little bit at what Njoine said. Cooking is a form of relaxation for me. It always seems to clam me down when i am thinking...especially after a particularly hard night or day. he said with a cheeky grin.

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Njoine grinned back at Ekwueme even as she tugged out her white cotton shawl to wrap around Silvia. It wouldn't do for the child to get cold. Maybe you could teach Lydon a few things. all he really knows how to do is make jerky. The only time he gets a decent meal is when I take us to human cities or we visit Matera. first knows he could use the weight.

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Ekwueme looked over at Lydon. He does seem a little thin... i will try and teach him some things about the herbs in each area so he can make things for himself that will be good for him and not have so much salt in it so that he can avoid getting salt poisoning. he said while stroking the start of a beard that he hadn't had time to shave off.

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That would be very kind of you. Njoine looked over there group. While talking with Ekwueme had taken her mind off of some problems, she found herself worrying over John, Kiro, and whom ever had remained with the two. She knew they'd need to move soon, but she had no idea where they were heading. Do you think the others are alright?

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Ekwueme linked to john for a moment and he smiled. John has made a new friend. They seem to be alright since...Manora? I can't really read her name correctly but her, John and Kiro are all inspecting the appearance of another vampire that seems to be against Crystal. I doubt the poor thing will survive long with all three of them there. He said his voice taking on a slight edge of anger towards anyone that would hurt his new ruler.

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Njoine felt a growl pass her lips as she joined Ekwueme in his anger. Her lip curled visciously at the knowledge of a Rebel having gotten so close to Crystal twice in a day. She was pleased that John and the other two were alright. We'll have to hurry soon. Two Rebel attacks so close together is very troublesome and not a pleasant thought.

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Ekwueme's face hardened. Aro wasn't a rebel until that attack. He stood up and dusted off his rear and looked to where Isaelle and Raktagh were. "things are changing and it is hard even on me...but i agree we should hurry."

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"If he was the male, he's not the one I meant. I meant the female that reeked of my father. Her and the vampire facing John and Sir Kiro."Njoine had winced when she realised her words had been taken as an offence. She remained seated until Lydon lifted Silvia from her arms. She hadn't needed the help but was grateful for it. Once she was standing Njoine let Lydon keep Silvia in his arms. She placed a hand on Ekwueme's arm. "I didn't mean to offend or upset you Ekwueme." Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme patted Njoine's hand and smiled down at her. "Njoine, your words were not offensive...just reminding me of another who did offend me, and the ones i protect." He said suddenly sounding his age his voice carrying into the hearts of the trees and making them rustle. Water formed in thin swirls around him while the birds ceased speaking to listen to a voice of ages.

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