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Rose of the Dragon

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Very true, my friend, but this one is one I have lived with since I was a child. I do appreciate your concern, though. Njoine passed a grin to Ekwueme. She was grateful for the comfort that Silvia and Ekwueme offered her. She just wished she knew how to actually accept it.And it's not as bad as it is for some. I rather think I have it easier then some out there. My wound is far from the worst. I learned to accept the pain long ago and it's not often that it gets to me any more, but the mention of my sunshine, Micheal, reminded me of a painful time. It's not so bad anymore. Edited by Mijikoi

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Ekwueme sent a quizzical impression to Njoine not sure of who she meant but whoever he was, was obviously important to her. He leaned back against the tree and stretched out his right lg in front of himself while keeping his left bent. With a flowing movement much like the water he controlled, he placed his hands on his knee.

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He was my first human child. Actually, he was quite a bit like Lydon until that hunter killed him. I was nine when I found him and fifteen when i lost him. Told him of his family and woke to him telling me why I deserved to to die and what I truely was. Njoine gave a bitter laugh. She wanted to run from the past and yet she just couldn't escape it. the children she had failed flashed through her mind until she clutched mentally to Micheal's face, her first child, the mark of her second failure. Her mind drifted from her to the thought of that hunter when she'd killed him. Idly, she wondered if Kiro or Crystal would have her executed when they found out about him. It's how I discovered how much of a monster I could become and what I really was. That poor, stupid hunter. Died because he wanted to rescue a teenage girl from dying. He didn't deserve what I did. Well, maybe a little. But as it is in the past, I can't change what happened, right?

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Jess leaned her head against the tree and closed her eyes. she felt the cool breeze of the night blow against her gently. she sighed and relaxed for the first time in days and started to dream.....

She was back at home in her home town. Excitement welled within her as the thought of seeing her family again. she jumped the low gate that led her into her home. before she ripped open the door, she heard no noise. it was strange to hear nothing as she used to live on a farm. she stared around the fields, there was no horses or their dairy cows. there was nothing. she turned back to open the door but found it already open. her parents stood in the door way, her father with his shot-gun and her mother holding a phone. 'MUM! DAD!' she yelled but her father raised his gun, 'You are no daughter of mind' he snarled and pulled the trigger.

Jess eyes snapped open, breathing hard. sweat dripped down her brow but she didn't panic or fall out of the tree. a single tear slid down her cheek and she let it fall.

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Ekwueme looked at Njoine his heart saddened by what had happened to her. Your life is harder than I could have ever imagined. But the only thing I can say to this that may or may not be comforting, is these things; The actions of the past cannot be changed but we must use them to affect the future and then because of the past, you are who you are today. A kind woman who has more than enough room in her heart for every being younger than herself who enjoys taking care of them as she would her own children. Each word he said was said with much kindness and truancy. His calm, crystal blue eyes looked at her with a sort of gentle love and respect.

Edited by LoveLost

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Across from Njoine, Silvia and Ekwueme watched withcuriousity as Njoine looked up at Ewkwueme with a gobsmacked expression. Whatever the man had said, Njoine looked like he'd just told her the sun rose in the west. Lydon was just glad she didn't have that self-hating look she got when she had her dreams. It was why she always put him to sleep. She was afraid of waking him when she inevitably scream her self free from a nightmare. May traveling with this group wasn't so bad after all.


Njoine's wide eyes stared at Ekwueme in shock. She understood the cub would seek to comfort her and that Silvia had felt what she said was right, but that was the cub. Ekwueme was a being older then her, with a greater understanding of the world. She was confused as to how he thought her kind. To be quite honest he had struck her speechless. All though it let her understand a little bit as to how he and John were friends. Kouki hissed at Njoine to get her attention at her shoulder. She laughed as she was reminded that her father was still out there. I won't try to say otherwise. I've been proven that I won't win. But you might change your mind when I find my father.

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Ekwueme shook his head trying to think of a way to get her to understand what he was saying. Njoine, Kindness is not decided by what happens in instances, but what is in your heart. yes you may have hatred towards your father and towards the rebels, but who does not? They killed my family so why should I not hate them? My wife, my children, dead because of them, but John and Isabelle insist on calling me kind as I, do you.

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Ah, so you have encountered the curse of the young.Njoine's laugh was clear of the previous bitterness. In all things they see the good untill it can't be seen anymore. But I do understand what you mean. At least in my mind, I do. We all view our selves through rose tinted glass shudders.

Njoine gave Ekwueme a light grin. The young would always run to her in Matera. They all adored her as she did them and not one of them had flinched when she'd faced them covered in the blood of a vampire that had hoped to take her territory from her. To change the topic, Njoine sent Ekwueme a saucy wink.I'd bet you'd have some interesting drinking stories to tell.

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Jess watched the group slowly calming herself down. it was the same dream that kept happening all the time. she hadn't had it in a while and was hoping that it would stop but the fact that her parents ran her from her only home made it hard for her to get over it.

the cold had started to creep into her bones and make them stiff. she rounded her shoulders and stretched them. sleeping in a tree was a bad idea anyway.

she jumped down and landed with her knees slightly bent. she straightened up and out her hands into her pockets. she disappeared into the forest for a short walk. she needed to clear her head.

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Ekwueme laughed heartily at the comment. More than you could imagine. i guess I never really learned when I was younger...sometimes I guess i still haven't. he laughed again and sent her an image of a tall building with him standing at the top. He was in Hawaii and it was evident that he was drunk. With one massive leap, he was in the air shouting 'Cowabunga dude!' as a earth surfboard appeared underneath his feet and a sweeping wind brought a massive wave close to him. He landed on the water and spun out of control but was picked up by a whirlwind and then dried off by a laughing Fire Elemental. Out of nowhere a wind Elemental with long flowing hair appeared. Her eyes were a gorgeous green and she seemed to look much like Ekwueme with exotic black skin and the same tell-tale grin. "Ekky you idiot!" she said while laughing. An Earth Elemental appeared beside him and leaned on him while laughing so hard he was crying. The fire Elemental was rolling on the ground laughing as Ekwueme took another drink of his whisky. "Wha ur u guysh layfin hat?" he asked which only caused all of them to flow into another fit of laughter.

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Njoine echoed the laughter she heard in her mind. The image of Ekwueme shouting 'Cowabunga dude!' was vastly amusing to her. When she calmed her laughter, Njoine decide to share her favorite drunken memory with Ekwueme. She returned the favor by showing herself in a greena dn gold evening gown surrounded by rumpled British soldiers.That sounds incredibly fun and you have me beat. The best I can claim is that I streaked through London during the Queens birthday Parade. I was aressted for public indecency and then pardoned by the queen for making her laugh so hard as she watched her soldiers chase me around. It took them three hours to catch me and then they had to escort me to the queen's ball. I'd show you the chase, but a sense of modesty prevents me.

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Ekwueme started to snicker...and then to laugh like he had never done before. That...was you?! He said to her his eyes remembering the scene. I had no idea that that was you...he started to laugh even harder and gave her a vision of what he was doing. He was a freed man at the queen's party and when Njoine had started to run, he sensed something different about her and instead of chasing her, merely watched the spectacle from the roof tops.

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Yep. The queen and I became penpals because of that incident. It was a good thing she found me so funny.That's the one that was most recent. You should have seen my mentor's reaction when I told him she'd invited me to the ball. There he was holding my gown that I'd bought before running out of the store nekkers.Njoine grinned at Ekwueme and laughed with him. Her grin was full of teeth. She showed Ekwueme a picture of her mentor's pale face with his mouth hanging open and wide red eyes. Then she showed him lecturing her followed by her running in a crowd with a bull directly behind her. I was lectured on decorum and manners and etiquette by my mentor for hours after that. Took his wife three weeks to look at me with out laughing. The time before that I went bull-running in the middle of a Running of the Bulls in Spain. I think that was some time in the 1870s. Mentor told me I was to never drink alcohol, again. Obviously I didn't listen.

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EKwueme laughed again and then slolwy calmed down. I don't think that I will ever think of you the same way again. He said in a positive way. Although, I must ask...did you ever learn the etiquette part? he asked with a definite twinkle in his azure eyes.

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Ah, believe it or not, I can be the perfect Madonnawhen the situation calls for it. Mentor simply thinks that it's called for every moment I'm awake. I, however, agree with his wife, Kristina. Njoine showed him a image of a woman wearing a male aritocrate's outfit in blues and greys from the 1400s and a bottle of ale in one hand. She had shoulder length blonde hair red-black eyes and towered over Njoine by almost a foot. The woman was right beside Njoine as they fled the bulls. She would have been with me in London, but she was in France visiting her original clan. She laughed harder then the queen when I called her and told her what had happened.

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((I has no clue what to make him say....))

Raktagh stared into the fire and unconsciously felt for vibrations in the earth. He could feel everything, he delved deeper into the ground and felt a line of metal. He raised a piece up to his hand and saw it was silver. He put in his pocket and figured that he'd find something to do with it later. "What would you have done if you couldn't have saved me?" he asked Isabelle trying to start a conversation. He had a question and just blurted it out to get something to talk about.

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Isabelle was slightly shocked at the question but could understand where it was coming from. "More than likely, I would have had to have gone on to protect Crystal. But there would have always been a hole in my heart and a longing for you to be there." she said her mind obviously going to the extremes.


aro awoke with a jolt and gently removed himself from underneath Vuelasor's massive head. He was still shirtless from this mornings bath and the stars were high and bright this evening. He looked back at Vuelasor and decided to walk around a bit. With a quick skip in his step, he set off at a light jog. His mind raced with how they were to get to the leader of the Rebels and how Vuelasor would mourn over the loss of her bond mate.


Ekwueme snickered. They seem like wonderful people. I never had any mentor to be honest. Only Kagiso, Gregory and Brosef. They were slightly older than I was and taught me many things about the use of my powers and how to manipulate the water. But they also taught me how to keep a solid human form. He laughed at this while showing an image of the three. Kagiso was obviously a female Air Pure Elemental the one that called him an idiot. The fire Elemental, Gregory, had short cropped and spiked brown hair with fiery brown eyes. He was even taller than Ekwueme who was already 6'. Then there was Brosef. He had shaggy brown hair and a surfer's body. he was obviously of Hawaiian origin and was most definitely an Earth Elemental. This was defined because of his massively strong body but somehow short stature. His eyes were a gentle green and he was tanned beyond belief.

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Njoine nodded at studied each image to see if she'd seen any of them before. After a moment she decided she hadn't. She gave a soft smile as she looked at Silvia and resumed trailing fingers through Silvia's hair. I owe my mentor a lot. He took Micheal and I in after that he found us. Mentor claims we're even because I found Kristina for him. Really, that started out as a joke. They got married three days after he met her and they've been together ever since. Hm, if you don't mind my asking, where are they?

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Jess wandered away from the camp till she could only hear herself and the earths creatures that were in the forest. she breathened in deeply and exhaled. she walked over to a great tall tree that was in the middle of a group of trees. she sat down under it and closed her eyes. she listened to her surroundings and thought about what to do next. she wanted to see her parents again but she needed to stay with this group if she was to find out more about her powers. she thought she heard someone in the distance but it was too far away for now to bother her.

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They as in my mentors? Elizabeth died and so did Gregory. An image of the young woman dying in one arm and Gregory in the other faded in and out as he he tried to block the memory. But as for Brosef, as far as i know, he is still in Hawaii living like a king. He laughed sadly at the memory of how Brosef tried to save the two of them but instead Ekwueme had to put out the fire in San Francisco. I was to late to help them and so was Brosef, but with God's aid, we tried.

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((I've got to stop watching Star trek.>.>


I'm so sorry. I grieve with thee.Njoine placed a hand on Ekwueme's. She hadn't meant to bring up painful memories for him. She cursed her thoughtlessness. I wish I could have met them, but I can't imagine losing Mentor. He's been there for me for so long. Sometimes I think he's the oldest person I've ever met. I think though you'd like Kristina more. She's an intresting character, that one. She's only older then me by a few decades. I'll have to introduce you to her. She has stories that'd have your sides in stitches from laughter.

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He wondered if he shouldn't have said it but too late now, he would just have to deal with the consequencis. He didn't know what to say or what to do, so he just sat there with her, and that was good enough for him.


Vuelasor watched him go through an almost closed eye. She couldn't sleep after her dream, so she had been up thinking up things to do. When Aro left she was slightly relived, for now she could do something and not sit and think about things she shouldn't. She did something she knew she had to put her full atention on, this way she wouldn't think about her bonded one. She leaped into the air and flapped till she was high enough. Left wing pivot to spin. Right wing face up and flap to gain altitued. Tail move right to go left. And dive. She executed more manuvers and, an hour later, came down next to a lake to drink.

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Ekwueme held Njoine's hand for a moment then released it not wanting to make her nervous, but he enjoyed the comfort of it. The memories are painful yes, but things will be righted someday. And as for your mentor and his wife, it would be wonderful to meet them someday.


Aro ran until his sides were hurting so bad he couldn't breathe. "gah...I knew those alst 10 would kill me." he grumbled and walked to a lake. He looked around making sure that no one was around to see what he was going to do next. With a deep breath flames started to consume his body. this new form seemed to be some sort of phoenix form and created a light that illuminated the entire lake.

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Njoine gave Ekwueme a grin before withdrawing her hand. Yeah, Kristina would adore you, I think. Let's see, the first time I met Kritina she was in the middle of a bar fight. Didn't see her for about a year or so. Then the second time I saw her and actually met her, she and I were attending a vampiric ball. Someone's birthday or something.

Njoine waved a hand in dismissal of the actual cause of the party and gave Ekwueme an image of her and Kristina dressed in fancy gowns with corsets. Kritina was again in blues and greys. Njoine was in greens and lavenders. She was being pawed at by some male, and I walked up to her and pretented to be her handmaid fetching her for her husband. After that, she and I snuck out of the ball and went to a human mask festival. While we were there we were arrested for heckling the guards. That's when she and I planned a prank for Mentor that went kind of hinky when they fell in love.

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Ekwueme had to think for a moment. Vampires have birthdays? he thought and looked at Njoine with surprise then seemed blush slightly at the sight if her in a very attractive dress. You both looked stunning. She seems to be one he orders respect in a way. He thought with a laugh. with a slight twitch in his fingers, an orb of water appeared above his hand and he sipped lightly from it. Thirsty?

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