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Rose of the Dragon

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Jess contiued to scan the sky when she felt a sudden shot of pain rushing through her mind. she snap her mind back within the safety of her own mind till she was sure the pain had gone. she twisted her head around and rammed on the breaks when she saw what had happened down below.

where the female Crystal had laid was now covered by a sliver dragon who shivered with pain, 'she must have been the one I felt the pain coming from' she thought and staled in the air. she noticed Njoine nosing the poor creature to see if she was alright. Jess scented the air once more and then decended. the dragon's scent was stale in the air. he was long gone who ever he was. she hovered a little ways above them still on guard.

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Silvia frowned as she looked to Njoine and thought about her words, but she would soon shake her head a little before she just gave a small smile. "Just because you say you are loyal to her does not make it true. My mother claimed she was loyal to the Leon Clan of the Rebels, but she really hated being apart of the group and their war. You say you are, but how do I know it is the truth?", she had before she looked back to Crystal and Artorious. She vaguely processed that the wolf had turned and flew into the air, but she was to focused now on her two friends in worry to really care what she was doing.


Being so focused on her friends, she had caught onto the change with the scent first and then the growing wings. Stumbling back in fright she would watch her friend turn into a dragon, but once she seen her shiver in pain she would quickly step up to Crystal's snout. Laying a hand there she would rub small circles as if that would calm the pain, but she also wanted her friend to know it was alright. Looking to Artorious with a small frown she would wonder if he knew what just happened to Crystal, but she was sure she was about to be told anyways by someone else asking.




Morana would frown as she looked to the front desk of the hotel and asked the women where the stairs were as she did not want to go up the elevator where she would have no where to run if anything went wrong. Once she got where it was she would walk to the door and start up to the second floor as quietly as she could manage in her human form and a small limp. Once to the door she would lean against the wall beside it as she tried to listen as much as she could through the door, but of course she could not hear all the much with her dulled hearing. Casting caution to the wind Morana would open the door slightly and jamming the door so it would not close back. With this done she would shift into her panther form so that she could stalk the vampire better and find where Kiro was. "Alright I am up on the second floor, but I do not see that vampire so far. Where are you up here?, Morana told Kiro mentally as she also sent him an image of the hall she was walking down.

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"True enough, little one. Lady Crystal is lucky to have a wise friend in you." Njoine winced in understanding of Silvia's words. Truthfully, Njoine had expected something similar to be said. Hadn't her own father sworn to be eternally loyal and then crushed that loyalty and changed sides? Njoine wanted to run and hide from the words that Silvia had said, but more then that she wante to tear into the Rebels for jading a child. She laid on her belly and set herself to listening to the beat of Crystal's heart for comfort, her head as close to Crystal's own as she dared. She glanced at Lydon and Brontes to check on them. When she saw they were doing okay, Njoine began to purr in offer of her own comfort to Crystal. Edited by Mijikoi

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she noticed the group below were settling down but Jess was worried. the once bright yellow sun had started its low decent towards the mountains. its now dying red glow cast errie shadows across the landscape. the last thing she wanted was a group of people out here in the middle of the night with possible Rebels nearby. she landed with a thud near them and turned human leaving her wings intacted.

'Njoine..' she mumbled low that only she could hear her 'we have to get to a safer place. being out in the middle of the woods is unsafe unless we have a place to stay. we are too exposed out here' she hissed the last sentence through her teeth. she stared at the silver dragon that had fallen silent laying there. she turned to face Njoine once more.

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Isabelle had shifted dragon with Crystal and now looked at her leader in unsurpressed awe. "Crystal?" she managed to breath. "How?" she asked herself mainly. She then looked back at Jess vaugely remembering what she said. "He's okay now." she said and took a few massive steps backwards to where Raktagh was and laid down beside him quite unsure of what to do.


Aro jumped up and slid onto Vuelasor's back and waited for her to take off. "Hurry we have to get Alex!" he said and tried to calm his fire down but it wasn't working as well as he had hoped.


Ekwueme stepped forward to Crystal's side and held her head in his hands. He looked at her recognizing the strain of Dracona Rosella in her and started to cool her warm body with chilled water. "Crystal? Are you alright?" he asked her gently knowing the answer would more than likely be a no.

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A part of Njoine wanted to snarl at Jess, but she knew Jess was right. The problem is Njoine wasn't in charge, Kiro was and Njoine didn't know who his second was. Njoine shifted to her humaniod form and stood. She decided to find out who they were to listen to until either of Crystal or Kiro could issue an order."I know, but until Lady Crystal wakes and gives a command or Sir Kiro tells me where to hide her, I don't know where we can go. There are plenty of people to watch her here, but that blasted Rebel could know she's here. Blood of the First's Bride. Artorious, Do you know of somewhere we can hide? Or who Sir Kiro put in charge until he returns?"


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'I'm sorry, no. I've been living on the streets or in the forest for a while. I have no home. I haven't got a clue' she whined sadly, anger that she couldn't help. she had a thought.

'well, ye had to stay in a place before this right? why not bring her back there. if you want I can go and make sure its safe again' she questioned. Jess got the impression that this Crystal one was very important, by the way everyone jumped to her every command and whine. 'mabye she is the one?' Jess thought staring at her.

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Crystal lifted her head and looked around. Silvia was there in front of her and the slow circles being made were helping to ease the pain. Ekwueme was there as well. "Yeah, I'm just... different." She couldn't figure out what word she was looking for, but different would do. She heard Njoine beside her and she could feel Artorious standing behind her. "No, but we will find a place." He was slowly coming back around as well. He stepped forward and lowered his head down to hers. “Time to stand up and get used to your new body.” He said as he nudged her neck a bit. Crystal slowly lifted herself from the ground. She looked down at her silver claws and flexed them. Yep, they were hers. She then realized that she was just as big as Artorious was and exactly the same creature. She looked around at everyone, realizing that this was why she was so special. She wasn’t human, had never been human. She was this DraconaRosella descendant that everyone said she was.


((I gots ninja.gif 'd))

Edited by RavynWolf

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"Sir Kiro never would have sent her here if she was safe there." Njoine glanced to Lydon for comfirmation. He nodded and recounted what had happened when Kiro had sent them away. He explained that Kiro had felt a bad presence. Njoine swore in a rush of Italian and refrained from hitting something. She kept an ear out for Artorious's response and a careful eye on Crystal as she stood, but apologized to Jess. "It's not your fault. It's just that nothing goes to plan and I'm tired so I'm a bit cranky. I'm sorry, if I'm taking it out on you. I truely don't mean too." Edited by Mijikoi

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John was at the hotel and looked at Kiro as he smelt the presence of another vampire as well. "What do we do Kiro?" he asked fighting the urge to go and tear the insides out of the vampire for daring to tresspass on Dracona Rosella land.


Ekwueme stood back as Isabelle stood up beside him. She was just as large as the other two but was till in her adolescent state of dragonhood. "Crystal, is there anything we can do for you?" she asked keeping her attention on Crystal but also focused on the things around them.

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Alex was on Rebel land now and she was a good two to three acres away from the castle. She was dragging her paws on the ground now and looked up at the enormous structure, and she half hoped some one would see her and come help. But she learned not to get her hopes up, because she had had them crushed to many times. "Finally." she breathed and collapsed in front of the great doors.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Kiro held his ground. "Nothing until she makes her move." He saw where Morana was and showed her that they were around the corner.


Crystal shook her head “No, I’ll be ok.” She did feel thirsty, but she had heard the conversation and knew that they had to move soon. She stretched out her wings and looked at Artorious then back at Silvia and the others. They were all in danger of being captured. They needed to find were the elders were and get to them soon. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment. They needed to get Kiro, John and Morana so that they could all get to the elders together. "We will find a place deeper in the woods. Then we need to wait for Kiro and the others to get out here. We will fight any Rebels that might find us and kill them before they get word to the others." She said this and leaned against Artorious for support. The black and silver dragons then walked forward to try and get deeper into the forest. Artorious made a note to himself to find a good drinking hole soon while they searched for their hiding place.



The little white fox bounded into the throne room. "She's here!" said the girl after shifting to her human form. Mr. Rawver stood and walked forward to the girl. "Then lets go meet our guest." They walked through the halls with Christopher at their side. The bear shifter was almost as big and burly in his human form as he was in his bear form. The gates opened and the girl ran out to pick up the black fox on the other side. She then walked back to Mr. Rawver's side and they headed back to the inner portion of the castle. They walked into one of the open rooms and lay the fox on the bed. "You all right Alex?" said the girl.

Edited by RavynWolf

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Jess listened to the orders and agreed....but disagreed. waiting for the others would be too dangerous as they too may led Rebels to the camp. she thought this over and noticed they were all leaving. she had a thought.

'Njoine, if your friend had a bad feeling about the place than how do we know they are safe? they could need help! if you want I will go back and find them. the Rebels will not know me for I'm not from these parts. if anyone could get past them it would be me' she thought to Njoine, she hoped she would see the sense the was telling.

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Vuelasor flapped her wings and soared into the sky over the group, her white scales making her look like a cloud. She twisted her head around to look at him with one silver slitted pupil and purple iris. Oh young one. She shook her head in dismay. She can't hold her breath that long... She looked back to where they were heading and sped over the trees.

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Crystal looked back at Jess. "They don't know you, but if you shift into a dragon they will kill you on site. The dragon shifter blood is the DraconaRosella blood. That is what they want to destroy, so that they may take the throne. If you go then head my warning." She turned back forward to walk on. Artorious walked beside her as they leaned on each other. Crystal knew she had to stay alive at least long enough to produce a descendant, whether it was chosen or born. She thought about who would be a good choice if she died today. Kiro was her top choice. He was a good leader, and he had a mate in Morana if she would take him. They would make a nice King and Queen.

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Njoine had bowed to Crystal in acceptance of her wishes. She listened to Jess and nodded. She debated with herself. She didn't honestly have the right to deny Crystal nor was she able to approve of her plan. She was also uncertian why Jess would seek her approval. After all the plan was sound until Crystal pointed out the major flaw. TWO descendants. It was a stunning but welcome turn of events. It would definitely end badly if Jess went. She'd go, as she'd said earlier sleep can wait till she's dead.


She spoke up from where she stood. "I can go, Lady Crystal. If it proves neccessary I can provide a destraction to help Sir Kiro. As a contact to the Elders, yoou need him more so then myself. The Rebels only know me as nuetral and the ones that don't aren't anywhere near here anymore."

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she was disappointed that Njoine went insteed. she didn't want to see Njoine get hurt, she the first friend she had made in ages. she listened to Crystal but since she wasn't too sure who she was, she didn't know that her orders were the orders. sighing, she went wolfy and padded towards the back of the group unsure of what to do next. she was torn.

if she went with this group than that would mean she had chosen her side and that was that. it seemed that since she was a dragon shape-shifter it meant the Rebels would kill her


she could turn her back on this whole thing and contue her journey but then it would be worthless, for she had already founf the people she was searching for.

she went with her first plan and stayed with the group.

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Silvia would keep quite, but seeing as they were talking about who should go back to the place the others were she decided to speak up. "I can go if you want me to? Morana already went back to go see what was wrong and help...I know I can't do much seeing as I am just a cub, but I am the weakest of the group Njoine. Losing me will not be as bad as losing one like you whom knows how to handle yourself in a fight.", Silvia would say softly as she looked to the ground. She just really wanted to get back to Morana, but logic also told her that her words were smart at lest in her own mind. The Rebels would have sent her any day for these same reasons and she hoped that Crystal and the others would agree with her thoughts. Even if she knew in her heart that this would only make the group either angry or upset as she thought of herself as 'disposable'. Shifting back into her small werecat form she would look up at the others to await their decision.




Morana would emit a soft growl as she slowly made her way to the where Kiro was and from the smell another of Kiro's little group. Turning the corner where she knew they lay caused her to relax her defensive stand slightly as she knew they were safe now and, from the looks of things, unharmed. "Glad to know you are alright Kiro.", Morana said to him before she would look to the other beside him with a questioning look. "And who might you be wolf?, Morana said with a small growl in her voice to warn that she was not in the mood for long introductions. Even after she asked she would look away like she did not really care, but it was more to look and make sure this vampire had not followed her to the others.


Morana's body would lower as she moved herself where she could peak around the corner she had just taken to watch down the hallway. She knew her frame and body language reeked of an animal stalking their pray, but she knew it was not she who was stalking this time. 'Well will have to get out of here soon. Getting back to the others is the first thing that needs to be done, but making sure this vampire does not follow is wise also..., she thought to herself as her ears would flatten upon her head in thought. For only a brief second she would look back to Kiro and made up her mind on what she thought would be the best idea for now, but she was sure Kiro would be fighting with her decision the whole way. "Kiro....you and your friend get back to others. Make sure Crystal and the cub are fine with the others and get them to a safer spot. I will be making sure this vampire does not follow you guys and be drawing it away from this place if I can. I will follow as soon as I think it is safe to do so., Morana said in a hardened tone of voice showing she would put up a fight if he disagreed.

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Crystal listened to Njoine's statement. "I'm sure that Kiro, John, and Morana can escape against one creature. Kiro had a bad feeling,but it didn't seem to be bad enough to leave by roof with us." she was quiet for a moment. "They will be fine. They will let us know if there are any problems." She looked at Artorious who linked to Kiro momentarily. He nodded when he had recieved what was needed and locked the information away in the vault of his mind.

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Njoine bristled at the thought of Silvia going by herself to aid Kiro. Njoine refused to place a child in danger, but she fell quiet before she could complete a though of protest. She wanted to protest and go anyway, but she'd not disobey Crystal. "As you desire, m'Lady."


With a sigh, Njoine slid into her leopard form and fell back to walk with Jess and near Ekwueme. She kept an eye on Silia in case the little lion cub had trouble keeping up. She was prepared to carry the cub or place her on Artorious' back. Njoine pressed against Lydon as she walked by him and gave a nuzzle to Brontes in her form of a feline hug.

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Raktagh walked next to Isabelle holding her hand and tried not to limp as much. It didn't hurt that badly but was still an injury. His hand went back up to the scratch Alex made on his neck, it was raised and already scared. He sighed, it wasn't something that could be healed with magic or medicine. It would haunt him forever.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Jess heard the cub wanting to go but even she would out her paw down there. There was no-way she would let a cub go on her own into a wild forest without potection, orders or not.

Njoine had fallen into step beside her in her leopard form.

she heard someone ask her who she was, 'I'm Jess, shape-shifter. I can shift into a wolf or dragon, and who are you?' she questioned back padding along on the soft forest floor.

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((Im off dont have time to post, but just tolet you know shadow that they came to the gate and picked her up. Its back a couple of posts.))

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Silvia would flatten her ears as she looked back behind her toward the town they were leaving behind. Pausing in her walking now and then as she just thought about making a dash to the town so that she could make the two other people she trusted to come along now and not be left behind. Of course she knew that they could take care of themselves like Crystal had said, but that did not stop the feelings of wanting to be with Morana right now. In a way she knew that she had adopted Morana as her mother figure in her mind even if she knew that she would never truly be her cub by blood, but perhaps one day they could be in spirit. Looking back to the others she could tell they had disliked her idea, but still she thought it was the most wise seeing as she was the lest valuable in the group.


Emitting a soft growl she would stop and look back towards the town once more before she would just sit down. If she would not be allowed to go down in the town then at lest she should have the right to stay where she was then and wait. Ears would flatted as she kept her gaze steady on the town and where she thought the place was that Morana had ran to. 'I know I am being a stubborn brat, but I don't want to leave. Surly they can understand that?', Silvia thought to herself as she looked to the others for a second before focusing her gaze back to the town.


((I am all of a sudden making her into a brat I guess, but thought it would fit really. If she was in a den about all her life and around the Leon Clan then she would see herself as the more 'disposable' in the group and so the one who would be less watched over and worried about. She would not understand their want to keep her safe I guess?))

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Jess stopped when the cub and another one had stopped walking. she walked on one or two steps before stopping too. 'what are these lot up too?' she thought and walked back to them

'what are ye doing?' she questioned, and glancing back at the others. they haddn't seen them stop and had kept walking on.

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