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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((Yes, because there just isn't any other way to describe Albel. >:3 surely you noticed *that*.))


"Heh" Albel uttered, closing the door behind him. "Now go to bed." he grumbled. Albel sat outside the door and shut his eyes. He might as well get some shut eye before she woke up. She really gives you a workout... he thought.

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rolf xd.png))



Slytha growled softly. I'll sleep when I want too. She muttered. Goodnight. She pulled the covers over her and closed her eyes. She fell asleep quickly.


(you can timeskip if you want, I've gotta take a shower))

Edited by snowdragon10

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((Yes, I've seen them all >:3


told you it was funny *poke*


rofl Albel's face if Slytha ever said that to him *dies of laughter*))


"Yeah, right" Albel rolled his eyes. "And 5 seconds later she gos to sleep." he said quietly to himself. Albel yawned and shut his eyes. He never complained about the nightmares he had. They didn't even phase him anymore.

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(he'd probally just stand there and be like "what the f***?!?" xd.png and then he'd strangle her....)) (( look its Alble! /:3 .... bunny ears xd.png ))



Slytha coughed quietly and opened her eyes. Her throat felt a bit dry, so she drunk a bit of her water and sat up. She had slept for a few hours though it felt like she had slept for days. There is no way I'm going back to sleep without at least leaving this room. You hear that Albel? She yawned and attempted to get up. Even though she was a bit stronger than beore, she still only barely managed to stand.



Edited by snowdragon10

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((Only if she was lying or someone else was the father, I don't think he's *that* heartless))


Albel opened his eyes again. He sighed and stood up. Here we go.... he thought, dulling his eyes. Albel opened the door and stepped in. He close it behind him. "Oh, there it is." Albel uttered, seeing his katana on the dresser. He made the detour to grab it and sheath it. He cleared his throat. "Anyways, the sooner you sleep the sooner you can frolic in the sun and chase the butterflies." he teased.

Edited by Sai

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((................... YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! xd.png ......))((btw krissi, if you are reading this, she's not really pregnant, just a joke xd.png ))


Slytha rolled her eyes. "Hmp." She walked to the edge of the bed, leaning on it for support. "I'm going downstairs. Whether you agree or not." She glanced at him. "Understand?"

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel walked across the room to Slytha. "Bed, now. Must we do this again?" he grumbled. Albel wrestled her back to the bed with ease. He got on her again. "I'll sit here AGAIN if I have to." he said, laughing at how weak she was right now.

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Slytha growled. "I can't wait intill I'm strong enough to beat the heck out of you when you try that." She grumbled. "I need to use my legs or else when I'm better I'll have trouble walking. I would have thought you would realize that. " She rolled her eyes.

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"You heard Miko. You have to rest, that means no walking. And I know you don't have to go to the bathroom. What is it with you and that couch?" he asked, frowning. She seemed to like it....a little too much.

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Slytha rolled her eyes. "I said 'I'm going downstairs'. I never mentioned the couch. Actually, I wanted to get some fresh air. Is that to much to ask for?" She paused. "I don't enjoy staying in a human home."

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((Watch this video. It's when teh pup (you know the one) gets his spell necklace. I laugh every time I see it because it reminds me of Albel so much!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF7jv5XgYNM ))


"I thought you said you wouldn't run off in the woods alone anymore." he grumbled. Albel wanted her to stop whining. Though, he didn't want her to run off and die. "Forget it. You can get fresh air on the library balcony." he scolded.

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Slytha rolled her eyes. "Run off? Like I could make it halfway across the clearing. Besides, I wouldn't break my promise." She glanced up at him. "Are you going to let go of me so I can get up and walk there myself? Or are you just going to drag me there?"

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel just huffed. It was partly from being amused. He got of Slytha...again. He picked her up and left the room. Albel walked into the library and out onto the marble balcony. The railing was made of steel and glass connected from the railing to the ground for both safety and decoration.

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((dang... It reminded me of when Albel tried to kill Slytha, but missed and knocked her out xd.png ))


Slytha looked out into the forest and sighed. How could you choose some stupid human home over that? She motioned the the snowcapped mountains. The sun was just showing beween two of them and the sky was filled with the colors of sunrise. It was quite breath taking actually.

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((hehe, yeah, I told you- he's a real ******* in the first few episodes xd.png


*rubs hands together* must....get...Albel....one of those!!!!!!!!!!!


God forbid Slytha would abuse it...I can see it now. Every 5 seconds "SIT, BOY!"))


"I told you before. The humans are appealing to me." he said. Albel dulled his eyes. "Are you done? I don't want your eyes glossing over. Sick people get a little loopy, you know?" he teased.

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((yeah she would biggrin.gif his face would be flat real soon xd.png ))


Slytha growled softly, but otherwise ignored the first part of his statement. She didn't want *another* fight. "Correction, sick *humans* get loopy. Sinse I am dragon, it doesn't apply to me. And no, I am not done." She crossed her arms.

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Albel looked down at her. "You're a dragon, huh?" he asked. Albel ran his eyes along her body. "Could've fooled me." he mocked. He knew what she meant. However, since the incodent with Icefire, it was no longer relevant.

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Slytha narrowed her eyes and glared at him. "At least I'm not the one that looks like a human in a halloween costume." She growled. If you weren't so strong I would have killed you long ago. She grumbled and looked away from him.

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"And if you weren't sick..." he cut himself off there, restraining. He merely laughed, but it came off as sounding creepy. Albel looked down at her with an uncanny look. He went quiet, brushing his thoughts away. He wondered how long he'd have to stand there before she had enough air!

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If I wasn't sick you wouldn't do a thing. The only person your fooling is yourself.Slytha winced. "You laugh like some kind of pyscopath." She blinked. "You don't like *all* humans, Rika's the only exception, right?"

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"Are you sure. Due to past experience, I wouldn't say that." he murmured. "And in case you forgot, I *am* a psychopath." he winked. Albel ignored her last question. To him, that was a personal matter.

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"Due to past experience *IS* the reason I say that. I still haven't forgotten the time you forgot you did kill me. And you are not a psycopath, nor a demon. Slightly aggressive and bloodthirsty maybe, but not a demon or a psycopath." Slytha glanced up at him.

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Slightly aggressive and bloodthirsty maybe, but not a demon or a psycopath.



"I wasn't talking about hurting you." Albel said blandly. A smile crept across his face. He quietly carried her back to the room and set her on the bed. "That's enough fresh air for you." he said.

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((truth hurts, Albel xd.png ))


Slytha glanced at him, noticing his smile. She knew that most likely meant he was going to go hunting, and not for food. She grabbed his wrist before he could walk off. "As soon as you leave this room your not going to go try and kill somebody, right? Because if you are, I won't just be laying here while you are."

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Albel paused when she grabbed his wrist. "Did I say I was going for a walk?" he asked, laughing. She's more clueless than I thought. Albel thought, shaking his head slightly. He had meant it as a romance joke but of course, that wouldn't cross her mind for him. Afterall, he wasn't a gentlemen as she said before.

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