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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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I'd call you young too, Kitten. he said. I'd call Seth mature he thought. Seth was a full adult, much older than Albel. He'd seen what humans do, but he still loved them. Albel could only think that he knew humans weren't perfect. Each one was different from the other. Some were bad, some were good. And even in the bad ones, there was good. He got up and went into the library, lying on the couch so she'd sleep.

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Slytha grumbled quietly. What would you know anyway. My breed matures fast and females mature faster than males aswell. So I am more mature hands down. She closed her eyes tightly. She fell asleep quickly.


A few hours later...


Slytha sat up quickly, breaking out in a cold sweat. Albel. Are you still there? She winced, she had forgotten she wasn't suppose to sit up.


((lolz, timeskip xd.png ..))

Edited by snowdragon10

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(( :3 ))


I can tell Albel thought, laughing aloud. Her temper tantrum wasn't proving that any.


Albel yawned. I'll always be here, quit asking he muttered. She always seemed to ask that and then argue.

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Slytha shivered. I had the most horrible nightmare. She closed her eyes. I don't know if I'll be able to get back to sleep after that. She winced and put a hand to her forehead.

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Albel dulled his eyes. Fascinating he muttered. Anything else? he asked. Albel never really had dreams per say, just nightmares. Eventually, the nightmares just became his dreams and the dreams his nightmares.

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I should have know you wouldn't care. Why would you? I am nothing after all. She sighed sadly, rememberig when he had said that. In the back of her mind she knew she was being foolish, but she was still a bit shaken up over her nightmare. Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel rolled his eyes. What? Do you want me to come in and give you a hug? It's a dream, it's not real. You were just rambling about being mature, weren't you? he muttered. Albel paused, he knew it was a bit harsh but sometimes he spoke his mind all too well.

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Slytha growled softly. Fine. Forget it. She shivered. If I die of shock then you'll have no one to blame but yourself. Her head started to droop, but she shook her head. She didn't want to fall asleep if she had a chance of having that dream again.

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Albel rolled his eyes again. He stood up and walked to the bedroom door, muttering. He opened the door and stuck his head in. "What?" he grumbled. She didn't seem to get loopy when she was sick, but actually grouchy.

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(( lolz... best joke ever...


Didzo: If I owned both Texas and Hell, I'd live in Hell and rent out Texas.

Snowdragon10: You'd probally fit in better there anyway...

... lolz))


Slytha looked to the side. "Nothing. I-i'm fine." She didn't want to seem even weaker than she was. "Sorry to wake you."

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((Lol, that's cold!))


Albel noticed she was looking a little clammy. He disappeared from the door for a moment and then returned with a wet rag. He moved over to her and folded the rag, placing it on her forehead. "Just go back to sleep" he murmured.

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((no one makes fun of texas!))


"I don't want to go back to sleep. In case I have that nightmare again. I don't think I could." She winced. "Thanks anyway."


((brb, g2g eat))

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((Hehe, don't tempt me))


"It's just a dream. It can't harm you. If you have a strong enough will, you can remember that even when you are dreaming you can stop the dream." he said blandly. "It can't be all that bad."

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Slytha sighed. Saying I'm an idiot sure makes me feel a lot better. "And it was 'that bad'." She looked to the side. You really aren't any good at making people feel better.

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"I don't recall calling you an idiot" he murmured. Albel cocked his head to the side. "True, I'm probably more along the lines of a demon than an angel." he said, extending his claws for show. "But a dream is a dream and as I said before, it can't harm you" he retracted his claws.

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"You said 'if you have strong will, you can remember you are dreaming and stop the dream' and sinse I didn't, you were implying that I don't have strong will." She shook her head. "Do I look unharmed?" I don't think you are a demon. An angel no, but not a demon.

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"Your will and your intelligence are two completely different things." he rolled his eyes at her. Albel shifted his eyes towards Slytha. "You look fine, I don't see any cuts, bruises, nothing. Don't let your fear control you." he rambled, looking at the window. "I am definitely a demon. I kill, I'm vicious, and I have red eyes, what more proof do you need?" he made a bark of laughter.

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You aren't the one that had the dream, so you wouldn't know. She rolled her eyes. "So then, are you suggesting that *I* am a demon?" Slytha glanced at him. "You still couldn't kill me even though you tried, and you have emotions. That is what makes you not a demon."

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"Hmph, who says a demon doesn't have emotion. Didn't say I was a Reaper" he shrugged. "You're not a demon, you're just cranky." he laughed aloud. "As for the dream, what do you want me to say? Sorry you saw the Boogie Man?" he smirked.

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((nmnmnlmnnm!! Albel has red eyes! He's a vampire!!! xd.png))


Slytha grumbled quietly. "Your not. You can be kind when you want to, so thats why you aren't a demon. Demons can't be kind. Maybe *your* gust cranky." She looked away from him. "And it wasn't that kind of dream. I wasn't scared of anything just-" She paused.

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((Eh, -.- I'm going to kill Ed in the most terrible way and no one will find the body....


T^T don't ever relate Albel to a vampire xd.png))


"And when have I ever been kind?" he asked. He didn't care about the idea of a demon. He almost felt justified for the killings when he thought of it. Of course, he was just using a figure of speech. Albel yawned, "Memories? Heh, nothing special either. Can't change the past"

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(( Ed stands for edward cullen right?))


"Well, you have saved my life on many occasions, despite how I act sometimes." I'm sorry about most of those times, of course. "And right now, even though you aren't really helping." My dream was a combination of memories of my friends and sister's death and... someone else's, who is still alive.

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((Yeah...*cracks knuckles*))


"I have my own reasons. I do more bad than good anyways" he smiled oddly and shrugged. Albel looked off to the side. "Don't dwell on pointless things. Don't get paranoid over things that won't happen." he grumbled.

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((You wouldn't be the first to try... and fail xd.png ))


"Fine then." Slytha growled softly. You have a dream about every past friend dieing. Then when you don't think it can get any worse, the dream turns into my death. You just stand there and I ask from help as I bleed to death. See if your still laughing, because that was my dream, except you were the one bleeding to death. She looked down at the blanket and closed her eyes tightly.

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((Hey, I know a vampire's weakness. I've watched Dracula dammit >:3


plus I've rped with a vampire character er...someone else was the vampire but you learn 'bout em ^^''))


Albel raised a brow. He looked down a himself. "Hmm, I don't appear to be bleeding to death. Are we all clear on that?" he asked, snickering. "Though I guess I appreciate you worrying for me"

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