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*dances with* And loyal. And protective.


Sora's a puppy. D'aawww.

Edited by NixAyum

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and you know what they say about guys with big feet, right?

(yeah, I have a dirty mind... but I like it! ♥)

Is that why Sora has such big pants...?

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Is that why Sora has such big pants...?

That is exactly why he has big pants! ♥


I love this thread so much right now! Heck, I love the DC Forum so much right now! ♥♥♥

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Is that why Sora has such big pants...?

Same with Riku. ;D


...Fortune, RR is in tights. His innuendo can be the skirt. xd.png

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Same with Riku. ;D


...Fortune, RR is in tights. His innuendo can be the skirt. xd.png

I can kind of hear him saying 'It's NOT a skirt'...

We all know it is, though...

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What's the thing that looks like a skirt but technically isn't, is that called a sarong? It might be that.


Or it's totally a grass skirt made out of darkness. :D

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It doesn't have a front bit though, so it's not really a skirt or a kilt. I think that it's called a waist cloak.

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Okay, waist cloak it is. But we can still tease him and call it a skirt... Cause that's what we do...

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Okay, waist cloak it is. But we can still tease him and call it a skirt... Cause that's what we do...

If you want to tease someone with a giant sword/key and uses dark magic be my guest.


I'll be behind the sofa...

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I'll just call Sora for protection!

(Oh yeah, that'd be something to see... He's like, 4-5 years younger than me!)

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...sexy belts are sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. xd.png Awesome placement.


I want those boots, they almost look like toe socks with a platform heel.

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I don't know if it is intentional, but the Riku Replica's / Riku's dark suit looks like muscle, kinda like he has had his skin ripped off.

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I don't know if it is intentional, but the Riku Replica's / Riku's dark suit looks like muscle, kinda like he has had his skin ripped off.

I always thought that... Perhaps it is intentional to make him seem creepier? -shrugs- The world may never know...

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OK so I just started watching KH RE:CoM again. Trying not to get bored and stop again. I am at the first fight with riku. If you put the events of this game on a timeline would this be closer to the begining, middle, or end of the game?


EDIT:After the seconed riku fight now.

EDITAGAIN:Vexen just got told xd.png

EDITAGAIN:Vexen just got pwned by sora


EDITAGAIN:Beat up on riku again




Edited by crazywargod

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It doesn't have a front bit though, so it's not really a skirt or a kilt. I think that it's called a waist cloak.

Actually, it's a showgirl skirt.

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OK so I just started watching KH RE:CoM again. Trying not to get bored and stop again. I am at the first fight with riku. If you put the events of this game on a timeline would this be closer to the begining, middle, or end of the game?


EDIT:After the seconed riku fight now.

EDITAGAIN:Vexen just got told xd.png

EDITAGAIN:Vexen just got pwned by sora


EDITAGAIN:Beat up on riku again




Er, you've played KH1 and 2, right? There's no FF characters in CoM that aren't present in their roles in 1 and 2.

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Of course but because they were kids it didn't really hit home. I had just been thinking about FF when I saw them an it hit me. HOLY CHIT THOSE ARE FF CHARACTERS!!! I thought they were made up like sora and riku and kairi and...............

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Surprisingly, in the first KH there are only four original characters.

If you don't count the multiple hordes of heartless, right?


And lol'd

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What I like most about KH is how original it is. I mean games always have original characters but after a few years their really is NO true originals. KH though even with all it's many characters was used in an original way. Plus props for doing it with DISNEY of all choices.

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I was using the term Original Charcter to describe how many characters are unique to the Kingdom Hearts universe itself -- not Disney or Final Fantasy related. Not to describe their originality as characters themselves.

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I know what you meant. You were saying sora, riku, kairi, and (axum?) were the only characters to previously exist before the KH games.




Okay so I figured it out in the very beginning that it was naminé who was behind the memory loss. I then figured out why they went to sleep. It was simple that in order to recover all the memories she put them to sleep. So I could have stopped after first seeing naminé but I didn't because I thought that their might be something else but there wasn't. So why did I have to go through the whole game?

Edited by crazywargod

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