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Kingdom Hearts.

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I use magic to cure and do white mushrooms, never any where else (unless it is needed). Or at least not that can remember.

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Ohgod Pride Rock. xd.png I had fun spamming against all the little fishes. I tried to grind there but it wasn't giving enough exp.

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I don't remember where I level grinded in two.. a little bit in each world, but not too much. I did however spend a LOT of time in the Castle That Never Was to level up all my drive forms.

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Ohgod Pride Rock. xd.png I had fun spamming against all the little fishes. I tried to grind there but it wasn't giving enough exp.

I have insane (God-like?) patience... I levelled pretty high at Pride Rock... but I find it great fun to kill all the little fishies... and they drop MP bubbles, so it's not too easy to run out of MP... (does happen sometimes, though...)

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They're through the cave where Nala (♥) is... I'm not even sure there's a point to going there except for fighting the fishies... but there are many... it seems never-ending, but it does end eventually... (Then, you just run back to the save point in Rafiki's cave, save, and repeat!)

Oh, and WTNW is epic... I want to live there soooooo bad!!!

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The little fishes were annoying, but I spent a lot a LOOOOT of time running around TWTNW fighting everything I could.

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I loves me some little fishies... Just spam Magnega fifty thousand times and you should be good... Until your MP disappears... Then you run for your life!

Seriously, though, I got to, like, level 96 or something there...

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Rofl, I don't remember Magnega, but I do remember waiting five-ten minutes for all those little basterds to float down to range every time.


I has a question for ya nekoinu: What's your KH OTP?

Edited by NixAyum

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What does OTP stand for? I've heard it used a lot and know pretty much what it means, but I can never remember exactly what it stands for..


Edited by Shaddowwarrior

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*pets shadow*


It means "one true pair". You can have more than one OTP, but pretty much just one for every separate anime/game/etc., hence why I specified KH OTP.

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I thought it meant 'original topic poster' D:


The Lion King level was one of my favourite story lines happy.gif I can't remember my best leveling spot. I remember spending ages at Halloween Town hunting for items though, so I leveled pretty fast there.

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That's OP I believe.. Original Poster.


I sometimes wonder what percentage of people using internet acronyms actually know what they mean. xd.png

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/usually knows what they mean


I hated chasing the damn hyenas in the elephant graveyard. And my jaw hurts thinking about Sora wielding the KB in his mouth like that.

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Sorry, got distracted by the Scary Thread...

OTP... Hmm.... Sora/Riku? I'm a huuuuuge Sora/Riku fan...

-goes off to be emo now-

(I just talked to my ex... I tend to get emo after we talk... Bleh, it sucks...)

GAH!!! Why must we be talking about Lion Form Sora?! (Again, ex-gf stuff... I can't think of or talk about anything anymore because it all relates back to her...)

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(ex is an artist...)

lol, though, I'm really not too depressed right now... (too hot... gods, why does summer have to be so HOT! >.<)

This is why I want to live in TWTNW... No sun... no heat...

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O.O RATS!!! (She had a pet rat! I called him Yuki, but his name was Ben... He bit her butt once... That was a fun day...)


Heat sucks... >.< We should get Vexen to make a giant ice sheet above us!!! That would cool things off a bit... Until the ice melted...

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/so much a cryo


OTP... Hmm.... Sora/Riku? I'm a huuuuuge Sora/Riku fan...


In the words of the amazing Gir:


AH LOOOOOOOOOVES YOU! :D *glomps and shares sea-salt ice cream with*

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Oh but you think your hot? Well(I personally don't feel hot but I should)I wear sweaters in 110 degree heat, I am proud of this, and was not sweating a drop. biggrin.gif

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Oh but you think your hot? Well(I personally don't feel hot but I should)I wear sweaters in 110 degree heat, I am proud of this, and was not sweating a drop. biggrin.gif

Not sweating in heat is a symptom is heat stroke.

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/so much a cryo




In the words of the amazing Gir:


AH LOOOOOOOOOVES YOU! biggrin.gif *glomps and shares sea-salt ice cream with*

-glomps- ((If we both glomped each other... what happens to us?)) IIIIIICEEEEEEE!!!!! ♥♥♥



sea-salt ice cream!!!! -noms-

Sora/Riku is an epic pairing... (that me and my ex used to roleplay... I serioulsy can't even talk about anything without her coming up... but, really, it's okay... we're still really close friends... So, no worries, Shaddow! ♥)


A couple people have actually attempted to make sea-salt ice cream before... I've never had any, though... -wants to-

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