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How do we trade? I know I saw something about needing Teleport from the dragon Magi, but I do not know where to find "said" dragon. Are they usually in the cave if so? It did not really say were to find the dragon at, thanks! Even though I joined in 2014, it was never one of the things I could figure out. 

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Magi dragons can be found in any biome in the cave, with the description:


This egg has an orange aura radiating from it.

 They can also be found easily in the AP as people often breed them--look for the bright orange eggs and if they have that description, it's a magi! Once it's an adult, you can use the "Create New Teleport" link in Trading to make a trade. One magi can only make one trade and the cooldown is 2 days, so I'd suggest getting at least 5 to 10. You can still offer on public trades even if you don't have a Magi dragon (click on the trade and use the checkboxes to select the eggs and/or hatchlings you'd like to offer).

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Also this thread:

is where users giveaway dragons with Breed Specific Actions for new scrolls (people who don't have that many yet) - Magi dragons (pictured above) are BSA dragons because they have the BSA teleport, so if you keep an eye on that thread you might see someone giving some away!


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