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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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59 minutes ago, trystan said:



We are raking in the moolah. :P

We do better in a day than many retail stores.

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oh! money. 

you strung it all together....and I thought 


"956 today. :) Hot and very humid."

so yeah 🤪

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Yeah. That would be just a leetle hot.


Stoopid fireworks. Poor dogs.

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I thought it was a typo XD it's all good now.


last night and tonight we saw older daughter and boyfriend......they're camping about 2 hours south of us. they came up last night for a late dinner and visit, we went to their campsite tonight for dinner. yummy!

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Fireworks displeased Pippin and Bestie. Loud noises and Bestie don't get along. lol


I've never enjoyed the Fourth... It's just not my thing. I'm not patriotic in the least. 

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so when i was in college and still living at home, one year i tried to fly a British flag outside my bedroom window XD my parents were not amused, but i certainly was XD 

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Hee. I like it. I like it a lot. 


I've just never felt like this nation is at its best? I guess? I dunno. 


What I do know is that the fireworks seem to have stopped~ I think... I do hear a few far off, but that's okay. At least they're not right outside. 

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this nation has never been at its best.  it tries.... and then some idjit messes it up.

we saw some fireworks from the highway on the way home tonight. but my town and surrounding ones did a firework event back on Saturday night 👍

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We haven't gone to look at any fireworks in years. Just not something anyone in this house enjoys. lol

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


Bright and sunny.


Vancouver used to do the Symphony of Fire, a fireworks display timed to music. It was beautiful but at the time my animal awareness wasn't as strong. I don't know if they still do it.

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Fireworks are okay for a few minutes, but after that it seems to get boring. When my parents still lived at their house, my dad did a bit of a firework display, he'd order fireworks from all over, that was kind of fun.


 Working 9 to 1, then going to the library for 2 more books......yay! (I already have 3 books checked out, but one I'm in the middle of reading XD)

Edited by trystan

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We have a fireworks store right next door pretty much, so... fun times. 


Went to Joann's today since I needed some floss for another cross stitch. It's going to be a cross with my dad's birthday and death date. I have the Aida, the floss, and now I need the motivation. lol.

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The ones last night had lots of blue in them, which I seem to recall seeing somewhere are the most expensive colour of the big fireworks.


Another busy day. 921. I'm bushed.


Have fun with it, @AsymDoll13, but don't rush into it if you're not yet ready.

Edited by Lagie

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24 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

now I need the motivation. lol.

take your time.  and i agree with Lagie too.


10 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Another busy day. 921. I'm bushed.


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1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

It's going to be a cross with my dad's birthday and death date. I have the Aida, the floss, and now I need the motivation. lol.

Nice project in his honor. But most likely an emotional one, too, so it may take a while.


We could see a few fireworks from here last night and sure enough heard them going off all over the place!

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Have been run off my feet.


Sleeping a lot.


Think I’m swirling the top of the super slide of depression.


if it gets me it’s a twisty slide down with an unknown splash of a landing


don’t want it to get me.


it won’t help anything.


bad things happen.


you deal.


head injuries.


was watching a show and a thundering punch was given. I felt sick and stopped watching. James Kirk at the bar in the Star Trek reboot. Lots of punches to the head…..



I have things to do.


heading for the hospital soon.




minx cat chirps.


doesn’t really meow.


I’m charmed.


Don’t tell Puss.

book 20 of 26 books with book 27 taunted for later this year.


I have to know.


*waves at everyone*

*pounces on the croissants but dreams they are crumpets*

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I think I'll be okay. 


Cross stitching helps me put my thoughts in order and that sort of thing. It will be hard, especially his name and that sort of thing, but... I'll do it for my mom. It's for her to hang on the wall. And it's quite a pretty project, even if I'm not a religious person. 

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whatever gives you comfort


eh, yeah, I sorta grew out of fireworks; don't really get into it even for new year's anymore. I just get annoyed when people do it on any other day that's not the holiday. like, people are trying to do things and live their lives, they don't gotta be hearing fireworks go off willy nilly at god knows what hour of the day.

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I heard a few tonight... Right outside the trailer too... Which is silly. But alright. 


The cats did not approve. lol

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and bacon and eggs*


It's bright and sunny where I am but there are big grey clouds off in the distance.

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working 10 to 2 today.

cat sitter is coming this evening again...she's going to try feeding them on her own (with me nearby) 👍

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3 hours ago, trystan said:

working 10 to 2 today.

cat sitter is coming this evening again...she's going to try feeding them on her own (with me nearby) 👍

Hope that goes well!


1,423 today. *collapses in exhaustion*

It's also extremely hot here which makes thinking and maths tricky.

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3 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Hope that goes well!

1,423 today. *collapses in exhaustion*

It's also extremely hot here which makes thinking and maths tricky.

i'm sure it will.... hubby and i will be here.  unless she isn't able to come today, but tomorrow instead.  then it'll just be hubby


and yes.

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Alright. Things went well. Now I'm tired. My face hurts from crying. My little brother and Bestie spoke at the memorial/funeral. It was hard, but now... I feel some peace about it. 

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