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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I managed to grab everything except the Hard shelled pine one... *sighs*

If it helps, no one has that yet.


It's been raining on and off all day. So nice to have nowhere to go, and books to read.

I also shifted a bunch more dragons, finally.

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cats rule everything,  and we're their slaves. 


I have 2 of eash of the eggs that can be found in the cave. I need to influence them when I'm home..... church this morning and work now (2-7)

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The rain's finally stopped, for now.

Ollie is barking at people across the canal.

Silly boy.


@trystan, have you ever read They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera?

I'm enjoying it so far.

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3 hours ago, Lagie said:

@trystan, have you ever read They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera?

I'm enjoying it so far.

i have not... but many years ago i read John Dies at the End by David Wong. i don't remember much, only that John didn't die at the end. XD 

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10 hours ago, trystan said:

i have not... but many years ago i read John Dies at the End by David Wong. i don't remember much, only that John didn't die at the end. XD 


Well, I'm not at the end of this one yet, so anything's possible!


Good morning, CPA! B)

Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny. I have to venture out for a newspaper at some point, but otherwise have no plans for the day. Ollie is being stubborn about not wanting to go outside. He'll move when he's ready, I guess. Silly boy.

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Hi all!


Managed to finish this bad boy today! 





I can't find the thread for the one I wanted to work on next... I know I had it. I started the darn thing. 

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2 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Managed to finish this bad boy today! 


Beautiful day here today. Cooler with low humidity. The rest of the week will not be like that, so we are thankful for this day to give us a break.

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It's still rather warm here unfortunately. Like... 90 F. I'm hot. lol


It is partly sunny though, so that's a thing. I guess? I dunno. 

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3 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Managed to finish this bad boy today! 

oh awesome!


58 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Beautiful day here today. Cooler with low humidity.

yep, same here.


i'm having issues with that ruling that happened earlier in the day.

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31 minutes ago, trystan said:

i'm having issues with that ruling that happened earlier in the day.

*sigh* You are not the only one. It is insane. But sadly, not surprising.

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1 minute ago, purplehaze said:

sadly, not surprising.

agreed.  anyone who knows anything about storytelling knew this was how it would happen.

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I'm so sorry for you guys having to live through all that. :(


My bright sun turned to storms and rain. The dog hardly went out today.

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On 6/30/2024 at 5:54 PM, trystan said:

i have not... but many years ago i read John Dies at the End by David Wong. i don't remember much, only that John didn't die at the end. XD 

*le gasp* spoilers much (but kinda predictable XP)

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5 minutes ago, WaterScorpion said:

*le gasp* spoilers much (but kinda predictable XP)

well, i read it many years ago, while i was getting cynical with one of my fandoms.... where someone, when i posted the name of the episode that was airing that night, told me she didn't want to be spoiled.  yeesh, yikes, and smh.  so i made a point to read that book, and post the title and see what kind of a reaction i'd get from the fandom (hint: nothing. *sigh*)

a lot of that fandom didn't understand most of why things were done on that show, they didn't like the set-ups and new characters.  they just wanted to watch their eye candy.  it's no wonder that a LOT of the fanfic was pwp, porn, and smut.  i got myself out of that fandom, and i felt much better afterwards.

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Well, my book was good. So you can add it to your very long list! :P

Edited by Lagie

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2 hours ago, trystan said:

well, i read it many years ago, while i was getting cynical with one of my fandoms.... where someone, when i posted the name of the episode that was airing that night, told me she didn't want to be spoiled.  yeesh, yikes, and smh.  so i made a point to read that book, and post the title and see what kind of a reaction i'd get from the fandom (hint: nothing. *sigh*)

a lot of that fandom didn't understand most of why things were done on that show, they didn't like the set-ups and new characters.  they just wanted to watch their eye candy.  it's no wonder that a LOT of the fanfic was pwp, porn, and smut.  i got myself out of that fandom, and i felt much better afterwards.

Ugh. Sounds like Bridgerton... I liked the books. I like the show... But the fandom is terrible. 

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oh i know. 

also, i just finished with the most recent Doctor Who episode, and i have my usual question at the end of every season: when's the next one? XD (I'm being silly, of course XD)

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Cloudy and grey. There's a thunderstorm in the distance. Ollie finally cooperated and went outside and did his business. :P


6 hours ago, trystan said:

when's the next one?

XD Depends. Did you see the final one? Then the answer's Christmas. If it wasn't the last one, you can see the next one any time as this season's episodes have all come out now.


I ordered the complete set of Jodie Whittaker episodes on DVD. (Well, a friend did. He has one of those U.S. mailboxes that uses a shipping company to get stuff here. We ordered supplies for my shop, too, and a small LEGO set. :P )

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4 hours ago, Lagie said:

XD Depends. Did you see the final one? Then the answer's Christmas. If it wasn't the last one, you can see the next one any time as this season's episodes have all come out now.

yes, i saw the last one, but i guess i didn't see it pop up that the next one is xmas. yay!


i want to see Rogue again.


4 hours ago, Lagie said:

I ordered the complete set of Jodie Whittaker episodes on DVD.



my NR eggies hatched! :D

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