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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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Sure thing! 


Emma goes back to the vet on Wednesday! She has her fleas under control now, her eyes are all better, but Bestie's dad wants to get her poo checked for parasites one more time. 

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yeah, i get that.  better to get her checked and there is nothing than not get her checked.....

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Exactly. She did pee in the big kitty litter box earlier today, but it was just a tiny bit of pee. They should be safe enough. 


I forgot to mention that Emma's nickname is Taco; I used to fold her like a taco when she was a baby. Daisy's nickname is Nacho, because she looks like half her face and one front leg was dipped in nacho cheese. We amuse me. lol


Lucy's nickname is Lucifer, since she's a demon. Pippin is Poopin cuz he's smelly. Cat nicknames make me laugh. 

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all our cats have a nickname or two, and i call all of them by all their names at some point during the day XD 

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Daisy and Emma are the two I mix up now. lol. 


Especially when we call them by Taco and Nacho. 

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it's that the very definition of hyper? 

we have two kitties who have their psychotic moments XD 

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and bacon and eggs*


Bright and sunny. I'm house sitting the dog who has mobility issues and needs to be assisted in and out of the house (and he's not a small dog!).


10 hours ago, purplehaze said:


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I am watching these two fellows for the next 10 days.  They are really confused and upset right now because this is their third move in the last two months!

Dark one is Midnight and the orange one is Tommy.

Aww. They do look stressed. I'm sure you'll give them lots of calm loving.

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Morning all!


I am alive, just having a bad depressive episode and have been a lot less active this week. Hoping that dad's custom ttrpg game this afternoon and an event I'm running for my guild in guild wars 2 will help a bit.

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Aww. They do look stressed. I'm sure you'll give them lots of calm loving.

I'm trying, but all they want is to be out of the crate and it is not safe for me to let them out. I did give them scritches. At least they ate this morning, which they did not last evening.

50 minutes ago, Edenello said:

I am alive, just having a bad depressive episode and have been a lot less active this week.


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8 hours ago, purplehaze said:

At least they ate this morning, which they did not last evening.

Some progress!


Busyish shop day with, thankfully, not too many donations as compared to the rest of the week.

The month is now ended for us and we can change all our coding colours on Tuesday. XD

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19 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

The little girls are chasing one another. 

Bellatrix likes to try to vampire BethAnn XD 


11 hours ago, purplehaze said:

At least they ate this morning, which they did not last evening.

this is a good sign. :) 


12 hours ago, Edenello said:

I am alive,



i worked 10-2, and then my kitty sitter came for another visit for the insanity called kitty dinner time XD 

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24 minutes ago, trystan said:

the insanity called kitty dinner time



Frick (left) and Frack (right), also known as Ginger and Oreo




From June 27th.

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Frick (left) and Frack (right), also known as Ginger and Oreo

Pretty kitties!

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Here we have a wild kitten in her kitty prison. (Hoping she'll be freed on Wednesday if the vet stuff comes back better). She's sleeping half in a guinea pig bed that the piggies didn't like. Bestie thought she'd love it. Please note that the litter box was cleaned last night, she has water, and of course, we don't leave her in it all day long. 





And here we have a handsome prince cat, Pippin. He rules the house. 

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well... since we have four cats, somehow every single one of them seems to rule the world. 


Except Daisy tonight. She's in kitty prison for the night. lol

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Awwww cats!!!!


I’m stressed out.


Friend won’t be released back home.


Headed from hospital to a facility for three months observation before a final decision is made.


Family upset and hostile and sort of kind at the same time.


and it’s cold.


and wet with spiteful badly timed rain.


so tired.


minx cat comes next to my legs while I’m way too slow filling up her food bowl.


I am at great pains not to touch her as she’s clearly wild about that sort of thing.


it’s a longish drive there and I’m resenting the traffic and Puss is feeling neglected.


head injuries….




hope you are all doing well.

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream*


Cloudy. Not a good-looking day for an outdoor beachy day so I'm glad I didn't sign up. (Canadian Women's Club is celebrating Canada Day today at Clifton Heritage Park.)


3 hours ago, sithdragon said:

head injuries….



7 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Here we have a wild kitten in her kitty prison.



New eggs! Is everyone hunting?

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