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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, Lagie said:
16 hours ago, trystan said:

We also can't touch their credit cards,

Wow. That's not protocol here, though generally I don't handle the cards.

personal property. 

 Also our registers are all computerized, and the programming on them is brilliant, we don't even count the money until the morning shifts I think. And it automatically totals up any card transactions, the self checkouts only take card transactions, so it's all automatically done, we don't even have to print out reports.


2 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Dad passed away this morning. 

oh no, I'm so sorry :mellow: {{hugs}}

Edited by trystan

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30 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Dad passed away this morning. 

I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs*


29 minutes ago, trystan said:

Also our registers are all computerized, and the programming on them is brilliant, we don't even count the money until the morning shifts I think. And it automatically totals up any card transactions, the self checkouts only take card transactions, so it's all automatically done, we don't even have to print out reports.


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2 minutes ago, Lagie said:


I've always thought so.

 I've had jobs where I'm responsible for the money that goes into my drawer, and at the end of my shift I would have to take it back to a cash office where they would count it, subtract out what I started with, and if the numbers didn't match I could get written up by depending on how off they were.  That was the early 90s,  I'm pretty sure they don't do it that way anymore.

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Thank you guys. He would have loved y'all. 

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43 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Dad passed away this morning. 

So sorry to hear the news. Glad you at least had a good day with him yesterday.

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if you need to talk, my dms are always open {{hugs}}

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

I've always thought so.

 I've had jobs where I'm responsible for the money that goes into my drawer, and at the end of my shift I would have to take it back to a cash office where they would count it, subtract out what I started with, and if the numbers didn't match I could get written up by depending on how off they were.  That was the early 90s,  I'm pretty sure they don't do it that way anymore.

Oh... some places do. Like my shelter... (we've had employees who 'forget' to ring up the sale, then keep the cash).



45 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Me too. It just feels so surreal.

It will for a while, I'm sure. Glad you were able to spend so much time with him lately.

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12 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Oh... some places do. Like my shelter... (we've had employees who 'forget' to ring up the sale, then keep the cash).

oof, that's not good.

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36 minutes ago, trystan said:

oof, that's not good.

Indeed. There are cameras now, and the main culprit's been fired. The other somehow still works for us. Crazy place.


It's raining! Good thing I got those books done.

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Man... I'm sleepy... 


My egg has an amusing code though to me anyway...




I also finally remembered to breed a Twinklecape again last night, so I guess that's good. 

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Indeed. There are cameras now, and the main culprit's been fired. The other somehow still works for us. Crazy place.

yeah, that is crazy.


we had rain twice - opened up and poured.  and then stopped not even a minute later.  it did that twice.


1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Man... I'm sleepy... 


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Posted (edited)

Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Raining here. I seem to have acquired three new cats. The tabby I've never seen before. Frick and Frack belong to people in the 600 block and I wonder if they're away as I've not seen their kids for a few days.


Hope you got some sleep, @AsymDoll13.


Project for @trystan! ;)


Edited by Lagie
Adding image

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17 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Dad passed away this morning. 

My sincerest condolences.


that was hard to read.




My Mum passed away unexpectedly. No chance to say goodbye or……


Years later I still feel a sense of unreality.


Please take care of yourself.


I’m struggling with what happened to my friend.


Their family seems mad at me for my involvement. Like I took something from them by being the one who found them and got things ambulancing to hospital.


I heard second hand that if my friend shows no improvement by the end of this week they will not be going home but will be put into care.


Head injuries people.


Feline circling me like a suspicious mother in law.


comes close when I feed her now but let’s me know I will be judged.


Don’t tell Puss.


want to cry.


this month of June has distinguished itself in acts of outrageous vexations all around and has really annoyed me.


and I’m on book 19 of a 26 book series.


the whole month has been a saga.


patting Puss helped.





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3 hours ago, Lagie said:

Project for @trystan! ;)

i literally LOL'd!!


1 hour ago, sithdragon said:

Their family seems mad at me for my involvement. Like I took something from them by being the one who found them and got things ambulancing to hospital.

I heard second hand that if my friend shows no improvement by the end of this week they will not be going home but will be put into care.

oh yikes! and {{hugs}}


1 hour ago, sithdragon said:

and I’m on book 19 of a 26 book series.

what series? 📚

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, sithdragon said:

Their family seems mad at me for my involvement. Like I took something from them by being the one who found them and got things ambulancing to hospital.

They are fortunate you were there.

People get weird when traumatic things happen, though.


2 hours ago, sithdragon said:

I heard second hand that if my friend shows no improvement by the end of this week they will not be going home but will be put into care.

*hugs* I'm sorry.

Glad you have Puss to keep you calm.




29 minutes ago, trystan said:

i literally LOL'd!!

So did I! XD


Errands run. Frick and Frack have definitely made themselves at home on my porch and defunct a/c unit.

Edited by Lagie

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3 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Frick and Frack

i have a Frick and Frack! XD .

they were two of my first four! :D

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2 hours ago, trystan said:

i have a Frick and Frack! XD .

they were two of my first four! :D


I'll try to get a pick of the kitty versions!

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46 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I'll try to get a pick of the kitty versions!

yes please :)

kitties are cute.... until they're rolling on my keyboard and cancelling my backup... XD

(nah, Aemon didn't do that this afternoon... XD)

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Hey all. I managed to get sleep until my phone rang and my "aunt" (family friend who insists on calling herself that) called to check up on me... I did not answer. Since I was still sleepy. lol. 


Mom and my brother seem to be doing alright, from what I've heard anyway. 


In better news, Daisy is feeling much better. She zoomie arounds the room every single day several times. It's adorable. She really wants to meet the other kitties, but until her issues are completely dealt with... I dunno. 



Thank you for the kind words, and I'm so sorry about your friend. I hope things get better. 

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1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Hey all. I managed to get sleep until my phone rang and my "aunt" (family friend who insists on calling herself that) called to check up on me... I did not answer. Since I was still sleepy. lol. 

Glad you got some sleep!


1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Mom and my brother seem to be doing alright, from what I've heard anyway



Yay for zoomie Daisy.


One of my aunt's dogs was put down today. She'd been unwell for a while so it's not a surprise. The other dog will be lonely, though. The two were puppies together.

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3 minutes ago, Lagie said:

One of my aunt's dogs was put down today. She'd been unwell for a while so it's not a surprise. The other dog will be lonely, though. The two were puppies together.


Oh no... The poor thing. 


I need to find my wallet.... *sits and reads book more* Maybe later. 

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4 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I need to find my wallet.... *sits and reads book more* Maybe later. 

my energy during my trip (I was re-reading Mansfield Park) XP


*sigh* found out some people tested positive at the wedding I was at (which I ditched early cuz I wasn't feeling well). took a test the night of and got negative, but taking my follow-up test tonight. fingers crossed that it isn't positive.

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4 hours ago, Lagie said:

One of my aunt's dogs was put down today. She'd been unwell for a while so it's not a surprise. The other dog will be lonely, though. The two were puppies together.

oh no.  that'll be rough (ruff?) for the other dog :( 


4 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I need to find my wallet.... *sits and reads book more* Maybe later. 



15 minutes ago, WaterScorpion said:

took a test the night of and got negative, but taking my follow-up test tonight. fingers crossed that it isn't positive.

good luck... hope it's negative 🤞

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