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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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Ow. My back spasmed today. I could not wait to get flat onto it after work. The dogs (I'm house sitting) are unimpressed but it's toooo hot to be outside. Triple digit heat warning again today.

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Ow. My back spasmed today.

Ouch! Hope it is feeling better.

And try to stay cool. Triple digit heat is no fun!

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10 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Ouch! Hope it is feeling better.

And try to stay cool. Triple digit heat is no fun!

It's not 100% but lying down definitely helped. And then Tylenol plus rest. Fingers crossed I'll be mostly mobile tomorrow.

*drinks more water*

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Ow. My back spasmed today. I could not wait to get flat onto it after work. The dogs (I'm house sitting) are unimpressed but it's toooo hot to be outside. Triple digit heat warning again today.


and stay cool!

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Emma's brother (or dad?) was caught today to be TNR'd! Yay!


Also Bestie and I just finished The Sword in the Stone for our Disney marathon/bingo games. I won, and I totally forgot how perfect that movie is. Wart is so cute!

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Puss is officially over this strange house.


I am officially over the smell at home.


We need to move back soon.



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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with marula jelly*


Bright and sunny. My back is still sore but a little better than yesterday. I will need to remember not to lift much today. That's tricky around my shop.


I hope you get to go home soon, @sithdragon!


Yay for TNR, @AsymDoll13!

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actually worked at work today :blink:

although Aemon was on my desk and keyboard for a lot of it XD

put names on my spreadsheets for my Eclipse Sonatas I bred yesterday.  need to put the names from my spreadsheet on my to my birthday dragons that have gendered.

got an Eclipse Sonata for my 20 Week Challenge egg - i was pretty certain it would have been a Gold Sonata, so YAY! :D


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The shop was quiet today. Glad you worked!

Thanks for the sonata reminder!

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that's a good thing though, right? let's you rest your back a bit more

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6 hours ago, Lagie said:

Thanks for the sonata reminder!

welcome! but the Eclipse Sonatas aren't exclusive anymore - both the Eclipse and Gold ones are in the market


i got my hatchies named :D 

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I grabbed a few eclipse sonatas..............


I really like them.


Think they should do a lavender/lilac purple variant..........................




Puss is being a pain.


Which means he's happy.


How I feel is completely irrelevent.


It's tough living in a cat world.


Some times I think of bringing home a puppy.......


Just to see the look on Puss's face.



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Posted (edited)

18 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

that's a good thing though, right? let's you rest your back a bit more

Yep. :)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


Bright and sunny. I'm sleepy this morning.


11 hours ago, sithdragon said:

How I feel is completely irrelevent

Makes sense, where cats are involved.

Any progress on the smell?



ETA: It's Zombie Day!











Edited by Lagie
Adding image

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Seriously? Not one post yesterday?

I'm revoking all your memberships. XD


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and bacon and eggs*


Bright and mostly sunny. I need for my back to stop hurting.

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Been at hospital.


Walked into a doozy at a friend's house.


Found them after they had a bad fall,


Luckily the front door was unlocked.


Blood, head injury and being talked through what to do by phone.


Talked to them, wrapped a blanket around them and had to run into the house to find two umbrellas so I could keep them dry because it started raining.


Moral support.


Sitting there feeling helpless.


Ambulance came, they were really good............... scared they would take ages to come but they scrambled when I described............. things.


Going in to visit again tomorrow.


Want to cry.


Just really sad.

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5 hours ago, sithdragon said:

Walked into a doozy at a friend's house.


Found them after they had a bad fall,

Lucky you showed up and did what needed to be done.

Hope your friend will be okay.

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5 hours ago, sithdragon said:

Going in to visit again tomorrow.


Want to cry.


Just really sad.


Sending good vibes to you and your friend. 

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6 hours ago, sithdragon said:

Walked into a doozy at a friend's house.


Found them after they had a bad fall,

I'm glad you could be there for them. Hope they're okay. (Cry if you need to! *sends tissues and hugs*)



I am officially on vacation now.

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

I am officially on vacation now.

Yay! Doing anything special?


Beautiful day here today. I took the opportunity to do some garden work, but got less than half of the needed work done. It got hot and I got tired. :(



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1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Yay! Doing anything special?

Not work. Is that special? XD

I'll be at this house sit until Tuesday, home until Thursday, then back to work the following Tuesday. I have a vintage Scooby Doo LEGO set to build and a bunch of jigsaws.



1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

It got hot and I got tired. :(

It's already a hot summer! Scary stuff.



Also scary - a broad daylight shooting on the street I travel when I'm going to my house from work.

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i worked yesterday 9 to 1.  and i could have sworn i posted something yesterday. huh.


sithdragon - {{hugs}}


lagie - yay for not working! :D 


purple - I am NOT a fan of summer.  the only good thing about summer is that fall comes after! XD 

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Watched Mary Poppins tonight. I can confirm that Dick Van Dyke is perfection himself. 

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Mary Poppins is a classic! :)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream*


Bright and mostly sunny, with a cooling breeze. I will be having lunch with my dad later but first I need to do my laundry so I have something clean to wear to it. I only counted out the clothes for the working days. :rolleyes:

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Friend not much better.


May take a few days to settle due to brain swelling. 


Family not reacting well to situation but they don't know much about head injuries.


Crash course for them. 


Keep wondering what would have happened if I had turned up 15 minutes earlier...........


Keep thinking if the train signal hadn't kept me waiting while two trains passed by, or that git in the blue car hadn't been so slow we missed a green light..........


Those crazy boffins driving 20km under the speed limit........


Maybe they don't like where they are going.


Slow disruptive driving can have consequences.


I dunno.


Curious sense of unreality, but grateful for so much good in my life.


Going again tomorrow.


Return date to finally go home in a couple of days............. 


I'm too tired to process any of it.


Functional, just tired.



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Ouch. Head injuries are complex, and can be a long recovery. Even without the train or the slow driver, you may still have been too late. Don't hurt your own head mulling over that possibilty. *hugs*

And yay for a home date, finally!

Go get some rest.

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