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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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1 hour ago, WaterScorpion said:

my energy during my trip (I was re-reading Mansfield Park) XP


*sigh* found out some people tested positive at the wedding I was at (which I ditched early cuz I wasn't feeling well). took a test the night of and got negative, but taking my follow-up test tonight. fingers crossed that it isn't positive.


Yes! I've almost finished my book too! Which is nice...


Let us know!


...Did not look for that wallet at all. Oops. xD But I did talk to mom for like an hour and a half. 

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17 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

...Did not look for that wallet at all. Oops. xD But I did talk to mom for like an hour and a half. 

i had something i needed to look for, and i did.

how is your mom doing? {{hugs}}

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I think she's about ready to throw her phone away from so many calls. 


She has a ton of support flowing in though, and she's okay. Just trying to take it one day at a time. She's at my little brother's house, so he's there for her. He lives right next door with his cat, so... they're both okay. He's playing online tonight with a good friend of his, which mom was happy about. 


I'm rambling. Help. 

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i mean... support is good, so that's good.


hang in there. {{hugs}}

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But yeah. It's going okay. For all of us, me, mom, brother, bestie (over 20 years now, so Dad knew them well). 


The cats are doing well too, so that helps! Daisy almost weighs two pounds now! She's getting chunky!

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yes, cats are good at helping out. 

if me or hubby is stressed, the other will say "pet a cat" :) 

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My brother's cat, Kiki, keeps sitting in his or mom's lap if they're upset. Mine and Bestie's cats mostly ignore us. lol. Good times with cats, I guess. lol

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yeah, cats can sense things sometimes.  we have two snuggle kitties.

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See, Emma snuggles Bestie. Not really me, although, yesterday morning she did lay on me for a few minutes, but then... perhaps she just liked my blanket. I have no idea. 


I'm just doing a bit of cross stitch before I finish my book in a little while. I think I'll just work on the black squares tonight, and I'll pick it back up tomorrow. That sounds good to me anyway, but it is coming along nicely~

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cats are weird *nods*

Arthur snuggles hubby, and some nights Aemon snuggles with me


I got my cross-stitch kit for older daughter's tote bag. I'll start it after I finish the hat for the cat sitter

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I can't wait to see this bag!


I finished my book a few minutes before midnight. Now on to the next one in the series... 11 out of 15... 

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny. Frack showed up this morning without Frick. I'm wondering if their people are away.



10 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

*sigh* found out some people tested positive at the wedding I was at (which I ditched early cuz I wasn't feeling well). took a test the night of and got negative, but taking my follow-up test tonight. fingers crossed that it isn't positive.

Eeps. Hope you stay negative!

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Posted (edited)

22 hours ago, sithdragon said:

I’m struggling with what happened to my friend.


Their family seems mad at me for my involvement. Like I took something from them by being the one who found them and got things ambulancing to hospital.


I heard second hand that if my friend shows no improvement by the end of this week they will not be going home but will be put into care.

*Hugs* That seems unfair when all you were doing was being a good friend. Sadly people often react badly to crisis. Hoping for the best for your friend.


22 hours ago, sithdragon said:

patting Puss helped.



@AsymDoll13 Glad your family is doing well and seems to have a lot of support. Getting lots of phone calls is both good and bad -- can be exhausting even when people mean well.


Yesterday was much cooler here than the weekend, which was brutal. Today is supposed to be about the same but then the heat and humidity will be back on Wednesday along with some strong storms!


Waiting for a phone call to let me know if I have to drive my son-in-law 35 miles for a medical procedure this morning. He has a friend lined up to do it, but friend is not too dependable, apparently, so I agreed to be backup. I hope I am not needed!

Edited by purplehaze

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11 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I can't wait to see this bag!

tote bag on the site i ordered i from..... :D


4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

aiting for a phone call to let me know if I have to drive my son-in-law 35 miles for a medical procedure this morning. He has a friend lined up to do it, but friend is not too dependable, apparently, so I agreed to be backup. I hope I am not needed!

eep.  hope it all works out well one way or the other.


4 hours ago, Lagie said:

Bright and sunny.


heat wave broke sunday.... but it's only june XD

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21 minutes ago, trystan said:

eep.  hope it all works out well one way or the other.

Well, I didn't get the call, so I guess his friend came through for him. I hope all went well.

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i have one of those not too dependable... friends.  of course, now he's on the other side of the state now XD

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Hi all. I'm sleepy today. Had to grab some hay and puppy treats for when we see mom and my bro on Thursday. The puppy needs to be spoiled (more than she already is). lol

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Always good to spoil puppies.

And kitties.

And piggies. XD


Lots of donations arrived today.

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just a little bit ago, I finished reading The Knife of Never Letting Go..... with the way that ended, it's a good thing I picked up The Ask and the Answer when I went to the library today! XD

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

just a little bit ago, I finished reading The Knife of Never Letting Go..... with the way that ended, it's a good thing I picked up The Ask and the Answer when I went to the library today! XD

Totally. It's best read back-to-back.


We finished the new Doctor Whos yesterday, Julian and I.


4 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I started a new book this afternoon~ 

Which one?

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1 minute ago, Lagie said:

Totally. It's best read back-to-back.

back to back to back.  the third book is at the branch i go to.  I'll put it on hold when i have the end of The Ask and the Answer in sight.


1 minute ago, Lagie said:

We finished the new Doctor Whos yesterday, Julian and I.

I've watched up to episode 4.

also, what does '73 Yards' remind me of????


6 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I started a new book this afternoon~ 

yay! which book?

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The Taming of the Queen by Philippa Gregory. It's about Henry VIII's last wife, Katherine Parr. It's book... 11 or 12 out of 15? 

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ah cool.  i've heard of Philippa Gregory, but haven't sought out any books by her.

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She's good if you like historical fiction like I do. lol. I love Tudor history too so...

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