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My upside down mint dragon died ;_;

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I don't understand how it got so many views so fast, I didn't do anything with it after I got it. I got it in the morning, went to work for 8hrs, then came back to it and it was sick so I hid it and it died. Is there any way to revive it??? I've never had a mint dragon, and I was excited about getting this upside down one. I'm so bummed about it 😭


Edited by kylacraft123

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Oh no, I'm sorry that happened to your special Mint. Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to revive dead eggs (hatchlings and adult dragons that die can have a very small chance of being brought back using the Revive action). If you had a White dragon, you may have been able to stop it from dying by using the Ward BSA on it. Too late for that now, but you can keep it in mind for future reference.


As for how it happened: did you share a link to your egg anywhere, in these forums or elsewhere? Did you add it to any hatcheries? If so, it may have gotten too many views too quickly from that; eggs are very vulnerable to sickness in the first 24 hours, so it's best to wait a while before putting them anywhere they could get views. On the other hand, if you're quite sure you didn't do any of those things, it's unfortunately possible that you may have been a victim of viewbombing by a malicious actor. This is quite rare, but it regrettably does happen, and rare/special eggs can be the target. I want to stress though that this is not a common thing to happen usually, so I wouldn't jump to that conclusion unless you're sure it couldn't have been something else.


This thread is probably not the best suited for General Discussion by the way; it probably should go in the Site Discussion or Help section. The Help section is a good place to ask any questions you may have if you have any more problems in the future.


Once again, very sorry about your poor egg :( If it's any consolation though, there's probably about to be a little bit of a flood of Mint eggs in the AP soon, since people like to breed them on April Fool's day. Most of them won't be upside down, but some of their parents will be, so maybe you will be able to grab some. You'll also have shot at getting another upside-down Mint next year, so hang in there until then! Good luck, and I hope your eggs are healthy from now on.

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This looks like one that was probably put into a hatchery- the numbers support it. The post above me has all the info you need, sorry about the misfortune. Next year, the game will likely be available to play.  Also watch the AP a few days after the event, I saw quite a few shoot through.


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