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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Hi everyone! I hope we are all having a good day ❤️


i had a math exam today and i think my brain had died, but i have to finish this script by tommorow. This is why we don't procrastinate by checking the forums.

@Gavvv24:[ sorry about your kitty

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36 minutes ago, SomeRandomCorviknight said:

i think my brain had died,


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18 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:



Oh we don't need all that. We just need those scientists who grew a lump of human brain and encouraged it to grow rudimentary eyes....

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2 hours ago, Fortune86 said:


Oh we don't need all that. We just need those scientists who grew a lump of human brain and encouraged it to grow rudimentary eyes....



Some days I feel like my brain died, too.


Hot already at 7:30 am. I don't really want summer to be over. I just want it to be a bit more moderate. I guess this is what climate change does to us.

We had tornado watches and warnings again yesterday, but none materialized, thankfully!

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2 hours ago, Fortune86 said:


Oh we don't need all that. We just need those scientists who grew a lump of human brain and encouraged it to grow rudimentary eyes....



Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


I'm starting to pack up my things. I wish I had a better idea of when these people get home ("late afternoon" is kind of vague) so I'd know how much time I have in the afternoon.

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Morning CPA! And yes @Long_Before_Sunrise, I, Gravy24 live on. 
Thanks Corvi. That means alot coming from my cats favorite food, birb.

Edited by Gavvv24

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4 hours ago, Fortune86 said:

Oh we don't need all that. We just need those scientists who grew a lump of human brain and encouraged it to grow rudimentary eyes....


1 hour ago, Lagie said:



Looks like @Docthings hired a new assistant. 


How much do secret underground bunkers cost?

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so without getting too technical, at my desk job some of the people i deal with are from mortgage companies.  we send them requests saying when "this investment" matures, reinvest this new amount in "this new investment."  i'm dealing with someone at a mortgage company who insisted on telling me that the treasury didn't mature on 8/12 when i said it did, but rather on 8/24... which was the date i got the information on last year! i left a voice mail saying treasuries always mature on thursdays and the date you said is a tuesday, but whatever.  i sent the form with all the new information on it for a new investment.

today, a week after the maturity, she sends me an email saying she got the funds (and i'm hoping she's not really surprised at this!), and asks if i want to reinvest all of it. no, i don't, i sent you the form last week with the amount i wanted. read the !@#$%^ form! i sent it to her again.  argh!!


.... i need to go get breakfast now.

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I'm home.

It's very quiet here.

May I go to bed now, please?

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Thanks! B)


*poofs in a cloud of cucumber slices*

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Good evening CPA! Fianally changed my display name and PfP. I was planning to but I forgot until today so yeah. It’s good to be back in school, and it’s also good to be back on this fourm. 

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Morning all. Another two days in paradise coming up (aka work). Have fun all!

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10 hours ago, HangeZoe said:

Good evening CPA! Fianally changed my display name and PfP. I was planning to but I forgot until today so yeah. It’s good to be back in school, and it’s also good to be back on this fourm. 

the breadcat will be missed :,[ the new user and pfp are looking snazzy though!

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11 hours ago, HangeZoe said:

Good evening CPA! Fianally changed my display name and PfP. I was planning to but I forgot until today so yeah. It’s good to be back in school, and it’s also good to be back on this fourm. 

Congrats on the change! ;)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


Now... go to work early, or hopefully have coffee with a friend...?


Please don't rain.

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Oh... By my place, it’s freaking pouring outside. Today, I’m definetly not riding my bike to school. 

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It's nice and sunny where I am today.


Also I have gotten my jab now. So far so good.

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32 minutes ago, HangeZoe said:

Oh... By my place, it’s freaking pouring outside. Today, I’m definetly not riding my bike to school. 

Nope. Not a good plan in the rain.


27 minutes ago, DragonSpirit009 said:

Also I have gotten my jab now. So far so good.

Yay! First or second? (Or is it the J&J one-shot?)


3 minutes ago, Fortune86 said:


@Kestra15 How worried should I be that I can be stabbed 5 times by 2 different nurses and not bleed?


 *hugs* Hello!

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42 minutes ago, HangeZoe said:

Oh... By my place, it’s freaking pouring outside. Today, I’m definetly not riding my bike to school. 

Yep! Don't know if we are close or not, but it is doing that here, too -- has been for at least the last 3 hours.


Good morning, CPA!


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4 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

I object to hot and sunny. Loudly.

How about hot and cloudy?


Stooopid rain.

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