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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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I'm in a meeting currently.

But I'm on mute so they can't hear me talking nonsense!

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Hey peeps! :D 

I would like to be able to respond to things with “gasps in British”, but unfortunately I’m not British. 🤔 

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Hey Swift!


Don't worry about. Being able to 'gasps in British' costs a fortune in cucumber sandwiches, tea and crumpets. 


At least it does in England. Not sure what rates the rest have to pay. Guinness and deep fried Mars bars maybe.   

Edited by Fortune86

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Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, crumpets, and toast with jam*


@trystan, I mostly liked Orphan 55. I'm trying to find Spirit's South African site for her.


It's going to be another hot and humid day.

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Good morning CPA!


Hurricane Laura hit the Gulf Coast.  

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I saw. :( As a really major storm, too. We were so lucky here to have hardly anything from it. All those people, and animals... :(

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Swears incoherently in australian.


Was this the hurricane that was like two merged together?

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Yes, although Marco fizzled out while Laura strengthened so it was all just Laura. Storm surge went in a really long way.

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morning all.  hot and yucky today, but then the weekend looks kinda nice.  it better, since i'm off from work XD  (it's my birfday on sunday :))


2 hours ago, Lagie said:

@trystan, I mostly liked Orphan 55. I'm trying to find Spirit's South African site for her.

i've seen enough scifi stuff that i should have known what Orphan 55 actually was... i'm pretty sure Spirit's episode was the Ghost Monument, actually. :)


i really need to watch the most recent episode of one of my shows, it aired on the 19th, for some reason my DVR didn't record it, so i need to see if it's still on the CW's website... but i keep not doing that.  i'm stuck in s4 of the Twilight Zone, because it's not on netflix, i watch it on my computer.  but then i end up doing other things on my computer, so i don't watch it!  (same with my CW show, too! LOL)


hubby and younger daughter are off to see about a car for her, they're taking a test drive after dinner.  hubby's found a car that has good mileage and a good price, but it's like a 1991 or something, and she says she doesn't want to drive a car that's older than mine and hubby's marriage! XD  (come to think of it, i don't think i'd want to drive one of those either.  we got married in 1994.)

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

morning all.  hot and yucky today, but then the weekend looks kinda nice.  it better, since i'm off from work XD  (it's my birfday on sunday :))


i've seen enough scifi stuff that i should have known what Orphan 55 actually was... i'm pretty sure Spirit's episode was the Ghost Monument, actually. :)

Nope. Watched that one last night, and it's not. I'm going to check the Battle of thingie av thingie tonight.


That's funny about the car. XD 1991 is old, though. Mine's a 1998 and it's ancient for this island (was originally bought here in 1998, one owner, low mileage - before I got it. :P).

One can no longer import cars that are more than ten years old here.

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oooohhhh... more toast!  *nom nom*


Afternoon CPAs!


It's another hot one here... I suppose I should do some laundry ... soon....


*snags a brownie*


Thanks Lagie! 

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You're welcome! :)


I'm making Covid signage for our shop next week.

One of our staff members has had a test, is awaiting the results. (Eeek.)

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in other news, i rescued and hatched some aqualis Z'eggs from the AP wall of aqualis, celestial, ash, and whatever else is on there! they're over on the Z project page for now....


1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Nope. Watched that one last night, and it's not. I'm going to check the Battle of thingie av thingie tonight.

huh, okay.  which was that one again?


1 hour ago, Lagie said:

That's funny about the car. XD 1991 is old, though. Mine's a 1998 and it's ancient for this island (was originally bought here in 1998, one owner, low mileage - before I got it. :P).

One can no longer import cars that are more than ten years old here.

well, yes, 1991 is old... but I'M OLD too!!

interesting about not importing cars more than 10 years old though.....


Edited by trystan
i'm trying to figure out why my forum notifs sometimes end up in my coupon filter.... weeeeeird

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22 minutes ago, trystan said:

huh, okay.  which was that one again?


I think last or second last of Jodie's first season. The telepath attached to the machine that reminded me of the Great Machine in B5, and I think the return and defeat of Tim Shaw.

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ah right... *googles* "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" - and it's actually "Tzim-Sha" according to wiki.  but yeah, i like Tim Shaw better XD


edit: remember Nine's companion Adam? the little sh*t who stole future tech for his own selfish gain? i'm thinking of a Mimic pygmy for him, hence the line in my sig that i'm looking for a Mimic XD


Edited by trystan

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hmmm... Sounds like an interesting show, one I've never heard of of, but not much of a surprise as I don't watch much tv

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5 hours ago, trystan said:

ah right... *googles* "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" - and it's actually "Tzim-Sha" according to wiki.  but yeah, i like Tim Shaw better XD


edit: remember Nine's companion Adam? the little sh*t who stole future tech for his own selfish gain? i'm thinking of a Mimic pygmy for him, hence the line in my sig that i'm looking for a Mimic XD


I always heard it as Tim Shaw so that's what I always think and say even though I know better. XD

Hmm. Will see about mimic hunting then. ;)


It's worth the watch, @a_god_s. And there's years of it to catch up on if you decide you like it!

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13 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I always heard it as Tim Shaw so that's what I always think and say even though I know better. XD

well, 13 also heard it as Tim Shaw, so that's what SHE calls him.  at least, that's what i heard anyway! XD 


13 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Hmm. Will see about mimic hunting then. ;)

messy and inbred is perfectly fine! XD 


14 minutes ago, Lagie said:

It's worth the watch, @a_god_s. And there's years of it to catch up on if you decide you like it!

i second this too, @a_god_s! :D 

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

well, 13 also heard it as Tim Shaw, so that's what SHE calls him.  at least, that's what i heard anyway! XD 

Yup. Me and Jodie, we'd be mates. ;)

(Bonus brownies if you recognize the modified quote!)


And it wasn't "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" after all. Now where do I look?

Edited by Lagie

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i don't recognize the quote... and i don't know where you should look either.  ask Spirit?

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Good morning everyone!

Man I'm totally confused on what day it was today O.O

Thought it was Saturday already

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