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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Resting? Re-setting? Re-setting the world?


That would make for a fun plot actually. 

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I'm so tired I can't even type right.

Resetting the world

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Well I would imagine re-setting the whole world would be pretty exhausting yes. XD


So why do we still have Trump? And Covid? Surely you could have found a timeline without them? 

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My mother has been sitting in her work room for an hour now. Staring at her order book and shaking her head.

I don't know how to comfort her

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In moments like these there isn't really anything that can be said or done. Kind words and actions are nice but don't really take any of the pain away. She knows you are there if she needs you though. And I'm here if you need me. 

Edited by Fortune86

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It's just she lost two of her closest friend in just two months.

And she never shares with me her feelings which is causing me to worry.

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It's not good to bottle things up but we can't make people talk to us. It's frustrating I know. 

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She never even talked to me about my fathers death.

I only found out a few years ago how she felt.

I'm just afraid she might eat her feelings or drink her feelings. Which neither of is good.

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For now I'm kinda wanting some comfort food. Just something to plug a hole in this feeling

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*hugs Spirit*

I have brownies.

(Fortune, yours are on the plate over there. -----> )

*sends brownies to Spirit*

Please give Mamma Spirit my condolences. :(


Good morning, CPA!


*sets out coffee and toast*


Weird dreams last night, starting off with trying to find Spirit's apartment in South Africa and ending up trying to decide if I liked it better in Botswana where there were fewer people but everything seemed to be done outside and I had no money to do anything anyways.


Sunny and breezy this morning.

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Thank you and I will tell her!



That's an interesting dream Lagie. But you know you are always welcome to visit our house if you do ever have money :P

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Thanks! Will keep that in mind if we ever get to travel again. :)

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{{Hugs}} Spirit and to your mom, too.


Still no night skies....  

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38 minutes ago, Classycal said:

Still no night skies....  

I have two to send you in the morning!


It was hot and humid, and I ended up doing a 'not my job' task, sweeping outside and partly in the sun. I was soaked. My clothes, all the way to the skin, were soaked. Even my mask and its elastics were drenched. Blech.

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Hugs to Spirit and Spirit's Mom! That is a lot of loss for a short time. Sad that she can't share her feelings, but I'm sure that knowing you care will help comfort her a bit.


Hot and humid here again today with threats of severe thunderstorms, hail, and high winds for the next 6 hours or so. Typical summer afternoon around here.


Did you all vote in the current Photography contest? Voting closes at the end of the month.


Speaking of the end of the month, I am looking for some good Zombie fodder -- almost anything except plain Westerns, or wyverns. I try to use only CB dragons because I hate killing other people's babies. I like to fish them from the AP when possible in order to save time, but nobody much abandons the ones I want! I may end up using some of my own bred babies.

Edited by purplehaze

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44 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Hot and humid here again today with threats of severe thunderstorms, hail, and high winds for the next 6 hours or so. Typical summer afternoon around here.


Speaking of the end of the month, I am looking for some good Zombie fodder -- almost anything except plain Westerns, or wyverns. I try to use only CB dragons because I hate killing other people's babies. I like to fish them from the AP when possible in order to save time, but nobody much abandons the ones I want! I may end up using some of my own bred babies.

Anything in particular you're looking for?

Enjoy your summer storms!

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57 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Anything in particular you're looking for?

Just ones I don't already have! XD Eastern, Amphiptere, Sea Serpent, among others.

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