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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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That's cute! :)


I am watching Fantasia on videotape! Dancing hippos!


Hippo toppage, page 169! B)

Edited by Lagie

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On videotape, I know, right? I have never seen a DVD of it.


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out bacon and eggs*


Bright sunny day with a wee bit if a breeze. Laura looks like she's heading over Cuba which is a good thing for us (not so good for Cuba).

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retail job, and then younger daughter and i did some more shopping for stuff, so now i'm hemming her new curtains. XD 

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I had a quiet day, mostly reading. It was perfect sitting outside weather. Have fun hemming!

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Burrowing. Hemming. Bebopping. CPA people get up to all kinds of things on the weekends! XD

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7 minutes ago, Lagie said:


*raises hand* hemming curtains for younger daughter's "new" room - she swapped rooms with her sister's stuff. XD 

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2 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I guess it's better than hawing? :P

i'm good at that too! ;) 

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@Marcus Pheonix I'm still here! Haven't been posting much in this thread though, since I haven't had much energy these days.

I got Edelgard and Dimitri, but I'm not having any luck with Claude unfortunately. I need to get around to getting more orbs.

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ello peeps. everyone busy egg-hunting?

damn, it feels like a Sunday only cuz I had yesterday off......glad it's not though. extra day to veg.

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Its is Sunday... and its a good thing too!  I've spent sooo much time trying to snag the new release and after 3hrs I only got two!


Need sleep... then French Toast?

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Nope. Waffles! ;)


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream*


I managed one alpine eggy on the five minute drop. I'll see if I can do any better in the forest or coast next.

And lo, four blue eggies from the coast. :)

And the last three from the alpine and I am done for now. That was easy!

Edited by Lagie

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YAY!  Waffles good!! *nom nom*


Good day CPA!


The "sky" ones from the Alpine are tough to snag... going to try again at the top of the hour!


Happy Hunting!

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i have 2 of the plain blue eggs, i'm trying for the night sky ones now.


younger daughter and i have work at 3 p.m. eastern/cave time today. goodie.


Edited by trystan

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got two of the sky ones now.  so i have two of each, and they're influenced as a male/female pair.  i should try for another pair of one of them, and then when my Vremya egg hatches, i'll try for a pair of the other two....


but i gotta go to work in like 20 minutes, so hopefully after work tonight!

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YAY!!  Good on ya!!


Have  good day at work... or best that you can :D

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