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17 minutes ago, Lagie said:


It is. :wacko:



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Well I feel like a dinosaur because I have no idea what you're talking about. Don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss.      64,024

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21 minutes ago, Rainn said:

Don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss. 

Not to worry. Nothing you really need to know. Just how I get my fancy numbers in my posts -- or don't, as the forum gods will it. XD



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47 minutes ago, trystan said:

i just copy the numbers from a post or two above me....

I tried that for a while, but find I prefer just typing them out (an exercise fraught with peril XD ).

Edited by Lagie

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48 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I tried that for a while, but find I prefer just typing them out (an exercise fraught with peril XD ).

i've done that on my work computer, because the keyboard has a number pad.  i'd really rather not do that on my laptop, which has the numbers above the letters. copy, paste... edit.  sometimes i forget the edit part XD 



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