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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Good morning peeps.


Your situation there is a nightmare Spirit. I can't believe your government is messing up water. It's a basic human need and therefore should be a top priority. 

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That's the problem when a corrupt man is the president. All his minions are corrupt and they will do pretty much anything to stay in power cause the get a lot of money.

They don't really care about the people. There are a few in the ANC party that care but they have no power.

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*huggles Spirit*


If half the country collapses because of no water they're not going to have anything to have power over. 

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Well it's not half the country.

It's half the Western Province. The ANC is kinda against that province cause the DA (the opposing party) always win.

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The situation seems like something a stereotypical evil corporation would do in a tv show...




Onto something more positive, fortune I have begun my post grigori journey, I killed the wyvern outside gran soren in less than a minute and I had more trouble with the cold saurians then the evil eye or archydra I fought (though both were very annoying to fight, especially the hydra cause it kept regenerating).

Whats a good magic affinity to be rocking at the moment? I have someone with Fire Pact but it lasts so long and so many enemies post game are resistant to fire.





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They really couldn't care less. The more white people suffer the happier those idiots are.

But people are standing together and trying to make it work. I'm positive about that. I'm just not for of the idea of having to buy 5L of water everyday or to go stand in a line for water.

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Thanks. I'm hoping that too.


Also.... I keep wanting to eat.

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Eating is good.


It rained here, let's hope that goes over to you.


Hmm fort, I just tried to fight the wyvern on the road north of gran soren... it flew away and just started dropping into the ocean by the castle then flying up, then dropping again...

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I have food but I can't really eat chicken here. A bit messy.

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That Wyvern is a well known glitch MP.  Mighty Bend it to the face to force it to land, then run and grab the heart. If you whack hard enough and fast enough you can keep it down, because once it goes off it ain't coming back. 


We're having chicken tonight ^_^

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Yes please do send the rain MP!


I have left over braaivleis which will be tonight's dinner. But I have to go to the shop after work to buy food for the week..

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You have to try and lure it down a bit by standing in the sweet spot of it's flight path. It's incredibly glitchy and you'll fail a lot, but it's the only way to get that one. 


There's one in the Bluemon Tower, but takes 3 weeks to respawn. 

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Oh my goodness. I forgot there was a RP I have to reply to!

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I haven't even looked at it this morning XD


We may have someone new joining us though. 

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I shall wait a bit then. Will post something before I go home.

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Month end has started here so I'll probably be a bit more distracted than usual lol

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I have a lot of events going on this month so I'm permanently distracted.

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Oh someone new thats neat.


Fort, I just used bait meat to summon a cursed dragon in duskmoon tower. Killed it. Went into the room with the randomly spawning monster, was just two cyclopses. Came back out, and another cursed dragon had spawned!


Now the only gear of my pawns that isn't dragonforged is his longbow and his gauntlets.

I want to check if I can upgrade anything further but the dude wasn't at duskmoon or at that first checkpoint place...

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Kinda fun-ish.

On Thursday we are going to the city to look at art galleries. They will be staying open till midnight.

I think on the 10 there is a baby shower to attend.

Sometime after that it's star gazing at the Language monument.

And I think there is two more missing things but I'll figure that out later.

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