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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Random thoughts, please go away. I'm supposed to be doing work not getting myself wound up over how terribly Frankenstein treated his child. 

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Cute dog, MP.

I fed the neighbour's cat today. It is far too skinny.

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Yeah I did.


But now I'm struggling with something else.


How are your children doing?

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Can I help?


I've forgotten which kid has which mother XD I have 25 now, though 10 have been 'set free' since you can only keep so many. 


It's a little like Persona. The max lvl of the child depends on the relationship between the parents, which gets stronger as you play the game. I had to release the lvl 10s to make way for the lvl 27s.


The goodbyes were horrible T-T

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What's the highest level they can go.


I don't think so.

It has to do that I have to do 15 Arial Assassinations from trees. I've done it several times but the trophy isn't popping up.

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I think the very highest lvl is 99, but apparently you can only have three of those at a time. I don't know that the other cap is yet. 


Ok, I found this online about a trophy called 'Tree Ninja':


1) I played Sequence 3, Mission 3, at the part with the carriage.

2) I used the HIDDEN BLADES (Also Assassin's outfit, but that's a given)

3) I attacked from a branch (not v-shaped) of a FULL tree (not a broken tree or fallen one). 

4) DOUBLE air assassination DOES NOT COUNT. Dunno why it just doesn't.

5) Once I assassinate one from a tree. I run around and go back to climb quickly to another branch on a full tree. When the red radar turns yellow (you don't have to wait for it to be completely gone), I find the right branch and then re-assassinate. Do it to as many guys as possible.

6) Kill them all to finish the memory, because restarting from checkpoint, even during the cutscene, resets the progress. Replay the memory again, 2 or 3 times overall.


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Me to. Will check when I get home.


How new is the game you are playing?

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I think it's a couple of years old, but it doesn't seem to have sold enough for many people to write up proper guides for it. I just want to know what specs I need to meet to make certain class children. There's different ones like Thief, Swordis (Fighter), Mage etc. I can probably make them all via just leveling up, but I'd like to know the exact criteria. 

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No... I have to delete the current one cause I don't have enough space. So that's why I have to finish this game first before moving on

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Better get to murdering? :o

What a line to come in on.


So much for my plan to stay offline today...

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Good morning everyone!


So what you guys think?




Edited by DragonSpirit009

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10 hours ago, Lagie said:

Better get to murdering? :o

What a line to come in on.


So much for my plan to stay offline today...


@Lagie You've not been here to supervise us. What did you think would happen? lol


1 hour ago, DragonSpirit009 said:

Good morning everyone!


So what you guys think?

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@DragonSpirit009 That is so pretty! I love the trees!


Morning peeps!

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Yeah I think it's beautiful. Very peaceful and warm, but also cool. Good feels. 

Edited by Fortune86

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