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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Ouch, it's my friends birthday tomorrow but she's just sprained her ankle.

She sent me a picture and it is swollen to the size of a golf ball, literally!


She's depressed she can't get drunk on her birthday cause of the medication.

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Well think positive... At least it's not broken. Only a sprain. It will heal quickly.

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She has to use crutches.

And trust me, it looked bad!


Also we're pharmacy students we know the importance of not drinking and taking drugs.

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I would believe so.

But still never stopped me from drinking XD

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It is dark and stormy outside. I had to shut my window cause the wind was making my blinds go crazy.

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I have to hold up a file to block the light but that means I can only type with one hand.

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We just need rain. Otherwise we won't survive the summer.

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Then you better send it quickly Fortune.

My car needs a wash!

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That is sad XD


I just bought a new purse. I hate myself T.T

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Nooo. Don't hate yourself. 


I am so confused. This morning's work has turned into a right mess. 

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I am hating myself cause I can't afford it right now. But I didn't want to pay for shipping fee. That's why I bought it!.


Why what happened?

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I have no idea. If I understood the problems I could work towards fixing them. 


One small example. I credited and re-billed a invoice end of October. I emailed both documents to the client. They just replied to that email asking for the credit note....which they already have? They are also asking about the original invoice, which has been credited as per their request. So why are they trying to pay it?

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