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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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They might be rich but they still have to be smart enough to know how far they can go.


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Are you sure MP? Because I have evidence that says otherwise...






Edited by Fortune86

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No, I didn't double post.

Drop this now or I'll get annoyed.


You know your evidence shows that you're wrong because my "double post" is 4 minutes old yet after your post "just now".

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Really MP? You're getting annoyed when you attempted to pull the same on me just a few weeks ago?

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There could have been a minor glitch. Don't worry about it.

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Stuff like that happen when my pc is slow. It sometimes post twice cause my internet wasn't working right

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Yet you persisted one too many times too long.


I'm gonna get back to my bin chicken documentary.

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No offense MP but you do that sometimes to.

Everybody does it sometimes.

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Yeah but you never tell me to stop, usually.


Hmm the documentary was good but I think the musical is better.

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Um MP, you kept it up for several posts...I made three...


Double standards much?


(Not a pun!)


Edit: Window men are here! Byes!

Edited by Fortune86

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A person shouldn't have to tell you when to stop. This is where you should learn to use your own discretion.

Not sure if I used that word right. O.O That's usually what my manager tells me.


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Hello spirit.


Ahh I'm so annoyed, the convention I'm going to on the weekend has photo sessions and it lists all the prices on the website.

I was hoping I could get a photo with the husband and wife VAs who are coming down but as there was no price listed I didn't think they were doing one. Today I read the guide (which only came out recnetly) and it revealed that I could've gotten one with both of them but they're sold out!


And now I've found out that the photo session is during Stan lees panel which I wanna attend!

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I'm good.

A bit tired from not sleeping well but I'm still good.


How are you?

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Hey MP.


Her name is Fuuko. I picked up a new game called Conception 2 last night after beating DD for the fourth time. It's about sending small children (ok, spirits shaped like small children) into battle against evil monsters.


At least I think that's what it is about. Only played an hour so far XD

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