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Ban the person above you!

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Banned for my sleep pattern being messed up and my aches and pains.

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Banned for repeating information instead of offering a cure.

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Banned for not knowing that dinosaurs had the exact pain as yours. Advil is the best pain relief.

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Banned because my roommate made me laugh.

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Banned because that's your roommate's job.

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Banned because it's not a job if you're not getting paid.

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Banned for disrespecting child-free people.

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Banned because one can't assume when and if one decides to have kids.. It's called freedom of choice.

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Banned because you think babies come from cows....ew

Edited by Rainn

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Banned for not giving the Beastmaster movie its rightful due.

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Banned for not properly studying fairy tales.

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