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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because people overreact to a little fire and mayhem.

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Banned for not paying your parking tickets.

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Banned for not providing free parking.

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Banned for selling out of parking spaces.

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Banned for telling me standing on a vehicle didn't count as parking.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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Ok. Somebody's gotta say it. Banned for getting run over at 3 mph in a parking lot. And getting a ticket.

Edited by Rainn

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Banned because having the right of way doesn't matter if you're squished under a car.

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Banned for not appreciating common sense.

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Banned because I wasn't squished. I was temporarily inconveniently compacted. 

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Banned for having a compactor without wheels.

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Banned for having a compactor WITH wheels because one could trip and be compacted.

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Banned for not getting out of the way of the wheels, being as you had high heels on and looked like Marylin Monroe from your free compacting.

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Banned for being overly complicated in banning someone.

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Banned because... well...  it's complicated. 

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Banned because there's a difference between complicated and overly complicated.

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Banned for having a lava lamp egg in your signature.

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