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Ban the person above you!

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Banned for being stingy with your cookies. And Syiren, ya really think a boy doesn't like seeing girls kiss?

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Banned because on mobile there is no 'sig below'.

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Banned for missing that in CPA.

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Banned because my mobile shows sigs. Maybe you have the option turned off?

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Banned because I'm sad the format for sigs won't show my random gifs and the music I post on one straight line.

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Banned for not stealing enough Easter candy. Are we really going to divvy up this? 

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Banned because I can't wield a scapel to evenly divide this one candy.

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Banned for lack of training with scalpels. Didn't you ever dissect a frog in biology class?

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Banned because that's a painful memory. I just assumed I was supposed to filet it.

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Banned for improperly prepping the frog legs for cooking.

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Banned for saying I'm froggy, because you're the froggy one here, and I can prove it!

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Baned because there are deerflies here. Double banned because there's at least a month before they take up guarding the mailbox (I hope).

(Red paper wasps have already tried tonest in the mailbox 3 times)

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