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Ban the person above you!

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14 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Banned because Docthings had to be punished for making _Ro_ and Hangzoey disappear.

Banned for breaking the pinkie promise. You weren't supposed to tell.


3 hours ago, catstaff said:

Banned because you're secretly in the fan club but didn't offer to get me tickets on pre-sale.

And you're banned for setting fire to the fan club club house. You are no longer invited to join our weekly meetups.

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Banned for double-banning.

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Banned for improperly storing those fuel cans.

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Banned for... wait, we had a lock? I was using a window.

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Banned for discriminating against windows.

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Banned for leaving your shed roof in my yard.

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Banned to plastering it with cat nip.

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Banned for never watching Stephen King's Sleepwalkers. It's part of the security system.

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Banned because that dude writes scary stuff.

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Banned because Elphaba is my friend.

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@trystan Banned because you are ahead of me in this thread. Somewhere. So, technically...


Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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banned for trying to be logical 


(also, I swear there was a post by someone else that got hidden. eh *shrugs* now you see why my location is where it is...*

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Banned because Gravity enforces its own laws through magic.

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