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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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I don't know the proper term, but they cover the lower half of the face (nose and mouth).

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You mean like the mask vets wear?

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Of course vets wear masks... well when they operate they do. tongue.gif

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I don't know the proper term, but they cover the lower half of the face (nose and mouth).

Surgical mask.

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Neither am I but when my mum was a photographer at a Veterinary University I could go in and watch xd.png

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Tape. Try tape on that nail, Spirit.

And the mask will help but only a bit.


Good morning, CPA! cool.gif


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with marula jelly*


I'm having a resting day with the dog, trying to unknot my shoulder muscles and rest the tennis elbow.

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*snuggles back*

Do I want to know? unsure.gifxd.png

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Kinda. I only glanced at it before I had to hide the page (people at work), so I thought you were putting your dogs in knots.

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*snugs Lagie*


I am booking up all the weekends with training. I would love to have time off, if I let myself...

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*snugs Mr Kestra* hello!

You ought to let yourself now and then. Time off is good for the brain!


Hehehe, Fortune. That sounds like the photo someone shared with me at Facebook.

(I'd link it but my internet's gone wonky and FB won't load. dry.gif )

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I would love to Lagie, I really would. But we've got a hell of an issue here with the Youth side of SJA.


In short:

- Almost half of SJA's members are under 18yrs, but we only receive a fraction of the budget.

- While Adult members in our District have some forty-plus support members, there are only three staff assigned to Youth. We don't even have a District Youth Lead to coordinate all efforts.

- Training courses are given out on a weekly basis to Adults, with the full support of the District Training Lead; Youth have no courses and seem to be actively opposed by the same Training Lead.

- With no District Lead to argue our case, Youth issues have to be dealt with by individuals who have the time, effort and contacts to do so.

- I am that individual, and everyone knows it.


So I'm being asked to put on a course every month to get all our Cadets trained - just me. Meanwhile the Adults have something like twenty-five or more Trainers to do only triple the workload, and the full support off the District Team. I'm instead making enemies of powerful people, and only reason I'm not in crap is because I have an equal number of powerful friends to stop me being completely shafted.

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Not deliberately. laugh.gif The dog seems to have curled itself up on the sofa.


The caption says: "AVOID DISASTERS LIKE THIS - When you buy a dog kit ... Please, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS before assembling."



That sounds stressful, Mr. Kestra. Couldn't you just sonic the meanies?

Edited by Lagie

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Good morning everyone!


Saw the new rep for the first time here at this office. He has a cute smile. happy.gif

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Morning peeps!


I am a terrible, awful person.


I was playing Fallout last night and I was grabbing repeatable quests so I could level up from 32 to 35 before I started the next story quest. One was an escort quest.


While out adventuring, my escortee got hit by a molatov and died. Instead of getting a mission failed notification, I was told to report back to the quest giver.


I wanted to see what he would say, so I didn't reload, but went to go and see him.


He gave me the reward exp and caps anyway.


Guess who spent the next half an hour accepting escort requests and then sniping the escortees from a safe distance? And if that wasn't bad enough, I even nipped over when I reached lvl35 to loot their corpses.






Is cute rep cute?

Edited by Fortune86

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At least it's a game.

If it was a real life situation then I might say you a flirting with the line of being an awful person xd.png


Yeah he is rather attractive. It's days like this that I regret not putting much effort in making my hair look nice. dry.gif

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I'd probably be arrested in real life xd.png


I know. You never look your best when you want to. The only time I feel I look half-way decent is when I don't leave the house and never see anyone.

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Same here... especially when I wake up in the mornings over weekends and my hair looks just awesome. But just as I want to go out then they decided "Nope, not today!"


Yes!! They are planning an Indiana Jones 5 movie!!

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I don't know... I wonder if he will lay his whip down or pass it on?

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