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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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The dump smell has permeated the neighbourhood 'm staying in right now. I'm afraid to go outside and walk the dog for fear of both of us having to inhale the toxins in the air.


Eww :\


I got fed up of companions in the end - they just don't sneak and snipe as well as I do. Or they all run out in front the second before I make the head-shot, changing a simple sniper kill to a grinding firefight.

Yes! Yes! And Kestra to make sure we are hydrated and not pass out while we play!

I approve of this.

Edited by Kestra15

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I admit, I only really use them as pack mules o3o Once I have their perk I dump them and move on xd.png


The AI is kinda wonky though. They'll go charging off to fight an enemy in the distance, but won't warn me or do anything about the ghouls sneaking up behind me.


I hate those things. I got over the jump scares of them dropping in from the roof, but I still dislike how they keep giving me rads D:

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I loved how Ghouls made me jump when I played Fallout 3 biggrin.gif It's the thrill I miss when I reply now - I know I'm going to be jumped in tunnels etc. But now and again I still get a nice little startle.

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*dies slightly*

This freaking nail is going to be the death of me!!

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Ghouls are the scariest thing in the game for me. I can handle Deathclaws fine, but a mass of rampaging Ghouls? Nopes.

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*cuddles Spirit and sets out repairing nail*


I dunno, being in Sneak mode, being certain you're unseen, turning around to find a Deathclaw reaching down to claw your face off in one go...that's a scary moment.

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Can you put a bandage round it or something Spirit?


Yeah, that's happened a couple of times. But at least Deahclaws don't give me rads.


Were Vertibirds in Fallout 3 Kestra?

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I don't have any... I think!

*goes to look*

Nope got nothing!

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Can you put a bandage round it or something Spirit?


Yeah, that's happened a couple of times. But at least Deahclaws don't give me rads.


Were Vertibirds in Fallout 3 Kestra?

Rads don't worry me - I hoard a lot of stuff, so I can either RadAway there and then, or just pay a doctor. And Vertibirds are only cut-scene appearances or dropping off troops in the DLC - you don't get to fight them.

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I kind of have a hoarding thing in video games. I refuse to spend money or use items unless I really need to, because what if I need them later?


The Vertibirds in F4 are kinda...comical. I won't say why. I'm sure you'll figure it out for yourself when you get the game. xd.png

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I'm hoping I can cripple them in a comedic manner tongue.gif


Right, I am about to catch up with the Six Nations games. Chat later *snugs all*

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I'm having lots of fun palying starview valley, summer is looking really good for the future. I've got two chickens laying eggs everyday, a beehive giving me wild honey (cause theres wild flowers nearbye) every 3 days. And I got 9 melons, 9 hops and 6 corn growing! The hops and corn keep providing and corn lives into autum. I also have a apple tree growing thats set to give fruit every day come autum, and it should be full grown by the end of the summer biggrin.gif


I also am a damn good fisherman! And I tell you fishing is difficult in that game :/

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When it comes to fishing in video games, I am the master. THE MASTER!


Not only did I manange to get every single fish I wanted in P4/P4G, but I got all the rewards in Deadly Premonition.



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Look up what the fishing is like, its really tough. The fish moves up and down a meter and you control a small section and have to keep the fish in the section, holding the mouse button raises the area releasing drops it and if you drop it too much it will bounce and be uncontrollable, and you have to do this long enough for a meter to fill. Whats more a chest might appear and you have to hold the area over it to unlock it (which will drop the meter if the fish isn't there as well) and then you only get the extra item if you still catch the fish!


Of course you can just place crab pots to get random stuff every few days, and you also need to fish at specific places (rivers, lakes, ocean) at specific times with different fish at each place during the different seasons tongue.gif

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That sounds like most fishing games MP xd.png


I just remembered the fishing games in Okami. Damn that was a nightmare.

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I suck at fishing games... I suck at most catching games actually xd.png

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It's tough trust me, the fact that you can't just hold the button down sucks I have to rapidly click it, but I've always been pretty good at those things.


Theres also matchmaking and it's annoying that one of the girls you can get together with is so much easier then all the others (I mean easier in that the game mechanics make it easier for her to be befriended before any others).

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That fishing sounds a lot like in P4G... I hated it dry.gif Till this day I haven't caught the Guardian dry.gif

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The sea guardian is even worse. It took me an hour to catch that fu....dger...


I have to keep reminding myself that this is a family friendly board. Video games are the only topic that can make me swear xd.png

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Same here... wait! No, I'm lying!

People at work causes me to swear as well dry.gif

Like last week Wednesday... those freaking butt nuts!

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I'm australian... thats all I need to say on the swearing front.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Ah no... the wind is picking up and I have no allergy medication X.X

Tonight is going to be a hard night!

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