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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Godammit, I decided to preorder Fire Emblem because I thought it'd be out soon, turns out their no release date for Australia yet! So I just wasted money!


It's probably gonna arrive when I'm in the middle of my semester and won't have the time to actually play it >_<

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I did. Maybe our pages are diffetent, but you posted, then I did, then cotton. Now I posted on a new page :/


If you saw it you could have acknowledged it.

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The first post I saw had you talking about anime pillows tongue.gif


If that girl is supposed to be Haruhi, they look hardly alike.

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She looks like a grown up haruhi and he looks like a grown up Kaoru or his twin whatever their names are. The animes have a different artstyle but theres definitly resemblence. Honestly I found the ranga looked more like the twin then Akane looks like haruhi but the resemblance is definitly there.

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Good for you! You snuggle those pillows spirit!


I still have stuffed toys smile.gif Alternate my Owl and my Boar each week cause they're the most snuggable smile.gif

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I have stuffed toys too and soon I'm getting more! My absolute favorites are my two big sharks. biggrin.gif The bigger one is 100cm long.

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If I were to be a hoarder it would be of stuffed toys, the only two I ever got rid of were 2 giant ones, an orca and a huskie... orca was old but I won the husky at a fair sad.gif


The rest are all in my closet, the only ones that are out (on my headboard) are my wombat (who acts as a glasses holder) my monkey, my tassie devil, my original teddie bear and the two I mentioned before.

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I have a box full of plushies.


My cat is annoying. When i want to play and pet him he is like meh, but when he wants to play and have my attention i don't want him around right now.

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16 missions, 33 kills, my magnificent sharpshooter in Xcom finally took his first injury of his career. Let's hope it's the last.


Also played a cool mission where my ship/base was shot down by a UFO and we had to hold the entrance while also working to take down the thing keeping the ship down. Got to use a full squad and all my injured soldiers and rookies joined the battle. The mission started well, hacked an enemy mech right off the bat biggrin.gif

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I dont have stuffed toys T.T

I have several.


user posted image

That was a card game they had some years ago now.

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21, by the looks of it!

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I am REALLY guilty of stuff like this, where I'll compulsively reply to anyone on the form. I'm also a general dragon addict! tongue.gif

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Just bought a new pair of thongs and I somehow manage to unconciously put them on while sitting at the computer :/

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