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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Hey Darien!


*runs off with all the doughnuts*


It's not like anyone else wanted one o3o

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It looks really nice Spirit! I love the pattern.


I wish I could wear dresses. I look terrible in all of them T-T

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I'm so upset! She never is happy with any of the stuff I buy!

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Yeah but because she doesn't like makes me feel that I made a bad buy

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Good morning Spirit, Fortune and CottonKatt...puts out some coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts for every one... biggrin.gif

Hi Darien! I might skip the doughnuts this time though, since I managed to eat too much cake and got a sick feeling. >u>;

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Wauw. You're totally serious when you say you can't tell when someone is messing with you, huh?


Usually I play video games, read, or do some Forum Mafia but I'm tired of the games I have, I've read all my books, and I got night killed last phase so I have to wait for the next game to start.

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*Sweats nervously* Yeah, I have no idea. oAo I knew that last thing wasn't all that serious, but yeah. No wonder people often call me slow, hehe.


Sometimes I play games and read books too, but I usually just cling to various forums and just internet in general.

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You're not slow, Kat. You just have trouble because this isn't your native language.

Might easily be the reason, though. u v u Still not the only reason, as I have problems at understanding quite many things even in Finnish.

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I need to memorise hànzì for tomorrow's quiz, but I am so far behind on everything I just want to flop in bed. n.n Chinese characters are difficult! I have no trouble with the vocabulary and grammar, just with remembering how to write the characters when they all look so similar! Some I cannot make any logical link between the radicals and the meaning of the word, too.

Edited by harlequinraven

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Kat, I think you think somewhat similar to me. It's not that you think slower or faster, you think different. For example, I'm amazing with tests, analyze constantly and am really smart in a factual way. However, socially I'm terrible. I misunderstand a lot, I can't focus, and I have to translate from how I think to how I speak because if I say it how I think it it doesn't make sense to other people.

It's not a bad thing at all, it's just how it is. *Shrug*

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Well it could be true since I'm not good at social stuff either. oAo I usually keep quiet because it's so easy for me to misunderstand the easiest of things, or not get them at all. One day I asked my friends "How do you talk to people?" and they laughed. And asked me how couldn't I know in a mockery tone.

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I have sat and thought about that question for hours before. I still don't quite understand it. Everyone seems to be able to do it like breathing and I'm just like how do I words

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It's a difficult question. oAo I have no idea how to words. Sometimes people criticize me for being so quiet, though, even if I think silence is the best option for me because how do I even words.

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*Purr purr* It doesn't even work like "Talk like you'd talk to your friends", so well. u o u ...That would just be quite inappropriate in my case

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