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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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That's a long time.

I knocked it half-out when I was seven, and had the half replaced maybe eight times over the next ten years? I was advised come 18 - 21 I should see the dentist and have a proper crown or something put in, but I've avoided it since then. Now I'm 28yrs and I need to have the whole thing hollowed out, and I may still end up losing it anyway...

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Hmm... I just finished watching a let's play of beginners guide... it was quite a confusing game but I can see why so many people like it... it was really sad towards the end and the guy I was watching play it had similarities to what was happening in the game and his sadness enhanced mine.

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*Quickly sneaks one brownie* Yoooo

Morning, Dor!


I didn't get caught for accidentally forgetting to do my homework today, I feel powerful.

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"Accidentally forgetting my homework" describes my entire high school education >~<


*Snatches brownie away* You don't get one, your homework isn't done. tongue.gif

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My homework is usually done in time, but... sometimes it just happens that it actually isn't.


Daaaaamn that's not fair, you just said you've forgotten your homework too, and seemingly even more times than me! u v u

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Ah, but you're missing a key point, Kat dearie. I am what you would call "Graduated".


I just read that in my mind in the dark one's voice

This pleases me

I need to watch less Once Upon A Time

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*Gives the brownie back* Do your homework or else I'll have to actually think of a threatening end to this sentence >:3


*Hides behind a couch and throws brownies at Fort*

Edited by Dorchadas

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I... don't know what you mean by hit them with quaters... could you explain?


Do it Narvix! Believe in your dreams!

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Well I just bought a dress and once again my mother does not approve! dry.gif

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Good morning Spirit, Fortune and CottonKatt...puts out some coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts for every one... biggrin.gif


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